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Have you ever kissed someone and forgotten to breathe? Although a kiss might feel breathtaking at the moment, you should still be able to easily get some air even if you’re making out or French kissing. If you’re having trouble catching your breath or need some advice on how to kiss, read on to find answers to some of your most common questions!

Question 1 of 7:

How do I breathe through my nose while kissing?

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  1. If you can’t breathe through your nose, you might be pressing your nose into your partner’s face. Tilt your head to the side so it’s at an opposite angle as your partner. That way, you won’t block each other’s noses and you should be able to breathe easily. [1]
    • The two of you should fit together like a puzzle when you're kissing—if you're uncomfortable or you can't breathe, you need to adjust your position. [2]
    • Don’t hold your breath! This is actually a pretty common problem. Just try to remind yourself to breathe normally, inhaling and exhaling through your nose.
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Question 2 of 7:

How do I catch my breath while kissing?

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  1. Whenever you’re having trouble breathing, just briefly pull away from your partner and take a few breaths. If you were in an uncomfortable position, move around until you feel relaxed so you can lean in for another kiss. [3]
    • If you had trouble breathing, your partner probably needs to catch their breath too. Give them a moment before going in for the next kiss.
    • Sitting close together and holding each other between kisses also helps you bond with the other person more. [4]
Question 3 of 7:

How long should a kiss last?

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  1. While you can kiss for a shorter or longer time, most people feel the most satisfied after a few seconds. If you feel like the kiss has been going on for longer, don’t feel bad if you want to pull away to breathe or reposition yourself.
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Question 4 of 7:

How do I hide bad breath when I’m kissing?

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  1. Gum and mint candies help you make more saliva and mask your bad breath. [5] Keep some in your pocket and pop a piece in your mouth right before you kiss someone so your breath tastes fresh.
    • Mints and gum only work temporarily.
  2. You can usually buy a small bottle of mouthwash or spray that fits in your pocket or purse. Swish the mouthwash or spritz the spray in your mouth to immediately freshen your breath for a short time. [6]
    • Opt for mouthwash and spray that doesn’t contain alcohol, or else it could dry out your mouth faster and lead to bad breath.
  3. Brush your teeth for 2 minutes at least twice a day, usually in the morning or night. If you want to, you can brush after every meal for even more freshness. Use dental floss to clean between your teeth once a day to get rid of stuck foods that could be causing bad breath. [7]
    • If you have the time, brush your teeth before you see the person you’re kissing, especially if you just ate. You can also use a tongue scraper on the top of your tongue to help eliminate and prevent bad breath.
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Question 5 of 7:

How do I not make noise while kissing?

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  1. You make a lip-smacking sound when you make too much suction while you’re kissing. It’s normal for there to be a little bit of sound while you’re kissing, but take it slow with each kiss so you don’t get too loud. [8]
    • Kissing too loudly can be a distraction and annoy other people around you, so do your best to keep it as quiet as you can.
Question 6 of 7:

How do I become a good kisser?

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  1. We know that it can be pretty nerve-wracking going in for a kiss, but you’ll feel a lot less stressed if you just go with the flow. Do your best to stay connected with the other person and avoid getting caught up in your thoughts. [9]
    • Getting caught up in your thoughts can affect your kissing, so your partner can usually tell when you’re in your head.
  2. Take turns taking the lead for each kiss so you can try out different things. If you’re not sure what to do, make a note of what your partner’s doing and try to copy them. Mirroring your partner’s movements can help you bond even more. [10]
  3. Make sure you communicate openly with your partner about how you felt about the kiss. See if there’s anything your partner did or didn’t like and ask them to kindly explain if there’s anything you could change for the next time. That way, you can figure out each other’s kissing styles so you can adapt to them. [11]
    • Make sure you talk about what sorts of things you want from a kiss too.
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Question 7 of 7:

How can I practice kissing by myself?

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  1. Press your thumb tightly against the side of your index finger so it resembles a pair of lips. Press your lips against your fingers and give them a few kisses whenever you’re in private. Try out a few different kissing styles whenever so you can keep improving. [12]

Join the Discussion...

I've only kissed a handful of girls and some of them have actually told me I'm a bad kisser. I feel like this is holding me back from getting more physical. And I'm getting really in my head about it. Any advice on how to improve?
Eddy Baller
Dating Coach
A lot of people are bad at kissing when they start out, and that's okay. To get better at kissing, practice! Practice makes perfect. A basic rule for good kissing: match your partner. Whatever their movements are, mirror them, like yin and yang, the way they fit together nicely. You don't want to be doing anything that is physically uncomfortable or anything where you're not locked together in a comfortable way.

If it's uncomfortable or awkward, that's not good. Look at it like puzzle pieces. You want to fit together like a puzzle, so it's comfortable and there’s a lock; you just fit together. It should feel good. Fitting together is the basic rule for kissing well. Bad kisses will usually involve bumping into each other or your lips not locking together, just doing their own things. Try to avoid that.
Imad Jbara
Dating Coach
I think you should at least be a little patient. I kiss some people and I think, "Damn, you were so perfect and then you gave me this awful kiss!"

When you tell them, do it in a way where you're not hurting their feelings. What I do is I use my dating coach status to teach them, when I can get away with it. Before I tell people how they can improve their kissing, I say, "I'm a dating coach. We have very different ways of kissing and we definitely need to get on the same board." For those of you who aren't dating coaches, you can still ask them, "How do you kiss?"

And then you can make a joke and you could put your mouth on their mouth and then you can make noises like, "Oh, you don't like that? Not slobbery? Alright, cool." You can teach them by making jokes, being all cute and cuddly and all that stuff. Granted, this is not a first kiss thing. This is something you might do when you've kissed a couple of times and now you want to confront the situation and feel more comfortable. First date, first kiss, just suck it up. That's it. Don't question it. It's a first kiss, get over it. But a second and third kiss, when you're getting more serious, that's when it's time to make an effort to get on the same page as the other person. Just do it in a jokey way so it doesn't hurt their feelings.

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      • Going too hard too fast could be a turn-off to someone, so always start with gentle kisses and build your way up to getting more passionate. [14]
      • Using too much tongue while you’re kissing could make the other person uncomfortable. [15]

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