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Learn the different ways a feline friend can appear in your life and what it means for you
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Whether you share your life with a furry feline friend, a stray has followed you home, or you’ve had an unexpected dream about cats, you may be wondering what these graceful and mysterious animals symbolize. Keep reading for an in-depth guide to the spiritual significance of the cat, including symbolism, cultural importance, cat color significance, and more, with help from psychic medium Jason Zuk.

Cat Spiritual Significance

Cats often symbolize curiosity, magic, transformation, luck, protection, and independence. Seeing a cat may signify that change or prosperity is coming your way, and a cat that hangs around your home may be a spiritual protector against dark energy.

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Cat Spiritual Symbolism

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  1. The saying “curiosity killed the cat” contains some truth: cats are notoriously curious and like to get into trouble! Cats may therefore symbolize an adventurous and mischievous spirit.
  2. Many people associate cats with feminine grace, womanhood, female intuition, and fertility, as well as the "crazy cat lady" trope. Cats may also represent cleanliness and domesticity, traits historically linked to women, as well as witchcraft and mystery—descriptors also often associated with women. [1]
  3. Cats are famously lithe, flexible, and elegant—as the saying goes, a cat always lands on its feet. "Cats are known for their agility and grace, symbolizing balance and the ability to adapt to different situations," says Zuk. "They remind us to remain flexible and find harmony in our lives."
  4. Cats can be quite affectionate and form bonds with people and other animals, but as Zuk points out, they’re also famous for their independence—any cat owner knows these animals do what they want when they want! "Cats...[invite] us to embrace our true selves and navigate life with grace and awareness." Seeing a cat may be a clue that you need to forge your own path and defy convention, even if nobody understands.
    • Cats won’t beat around the bush when they need alone time to recharge and enjoy their own company—they’ll let you know! Seeing a cat may also be a reminder to unapologetically take time for yourself now and again.
  5. You’ve heard of catlike reflexes? The phrase doesn’t come from nowhere! Cats are masters of both inner and outer knowing, so if you see a cat, it could be a reminder to trust yourself, embrace your instincts, and hone your spiritual awareness.
  6. Cats are believed to bring good luck to those whom it encounters, so next time a cat crosses your path, take heart! Good things may be headed your way.
    • Some people hold superstitious beliefs about cats as harbingers of bad luck, but these claims are unfounded—and they give innocent cats a bad reputation! [2]
  7. Cats have long been associated with witches and the occult, and for good reason—they symbolize the underbelly of life. Seeing a cat may be a hint from the universe that you need to look beneath the surface of things to see what’s really there….
    • Cats may also be a reminder to explore new spiritual practices, even if they seem odd or unconventional. There’s a reason cats are the iconic witch familiars!
  8. Many cultures believe cats have the ability to ward off negative or evil energies. If you see a cat wandering around your house or following you home, it could be protecting you from dark forces.
    • Keeping a cat in your household may also shield you from evil, so if you’re thinking of getting a pet, a cat may be the way to go! And if you already have a cat, express your gratitude by spoiling them with treats and ear scratches.
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Cat Cultural & Mythological Significance

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  1. Cats in Ancient Egypt were considered sacred. They were associated with Bastet, the goddess of home, protection, and fertility, and it was believed a cat brought good fortune and shielded the home from dark spirits. Harming a cat was considered a grave offense. Cats appear on countless pieces of Egyptian jewelry and art from this time period. [3]
  2. The Greeks associated black cats with Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft, magic, the moon, and sorcery. While the association was innocuous at the time, over the centuries, it contributed to the association of black cats with Satan. [4]
  3. In Japan, cats are associated with good fortune and prosperity. This is exemplified by the famous "Maneki Neko," or waving cat, which is said to bring financial success and positive energy. [5]
  4. In Norse mythology, cats symbolize fertility, independence, and mystery, and are associated with Freja, goddess of love, magic, and fertility. Cats were revered by Freja as sacred animals—she even had a chariot pulled by two large cats!
  5. It was in Medieval Europe that the myth of black cats bringing bad luck seems to have originated, as paintings and illuminated manuscripts from the Middle Ages link cats with witchcraft, Satan, and dark magic. [6] However, in many other cultures, black cats are considered good luck.
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Cat Meaning by Color

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  1. Black cats are often associated with mystery, magic, and transformation. If you cross paths with a black cat, don’t worry—while some people believe black cats harbor bad luck, this is untrue. [7] Instead, seeing a black cat may simply mean change is on the horizon—and that, perhaps, a little magic is afoot….
  2. Gray cats typically represent neutrality and balance, as gray is a blend of black and white. A gray cat may appear to you when you need peace or clarity in a chaotic situation.
  3. Orange and ginger cats symbolize playfulness, creativity, warmth, and happiness. If you see an orange or ginger cat, it’s a sign to cultivate your creative and whimsical side, practice self-expression, and embrace anything that brings you joy.
  4. Brown cats represent groundedness, warmth, fertility, and domesticity. They may symbolize that good news is heading your way. [8]
    • Tabby cats in particular may bring spiritual enlightenment and protection, as some people believe the “M” design on their foreheads stands for the Virgin Mary. [9]
  5. White cats are frequently linked to purity, healing, and positive energy. Seeing a white cat may indicate you’re entering a period of harmony and renewal, or that you are in need of spiritual growth or aura cleansing.
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Cat Symbolism by Number

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  1. Seeing a lone cat may indicate you need to engage in some self-reflection and connect with your spiritual intuition. Now may be a time for meditation , journaling , or simply spending time on your own in quiet contemplation.
  2. If you see two cats, it may be an indication that some sort of decision must be made. Maybe you’ve been waffling between two choices for some time and the universe is pushing you to decide—or perhaps the cats are a sign you will need to make a difficult decision in the near future, so be prepared, trust yourself, and stay as grounded as you can.
  3. Three or more cats together may indicate that you will experience prosperity in the near future. It may also be a sign that you need to cultivate your personal or spiritual growth, perhaps via spiritual contemplation, meditation, reading, or prayer.
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Signs the Cat Is Your Spirit Animal

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  1. Do cats seem to follow you everywhere? Do you find yourself equally drawn to them? If you said “yes,” it’s likely the cat is your spiritual guide.
  2. If you embrace solitude and self-reliance, you’re a natural fit for the cat, one of the animal kingdom’s most independent and self-reliant creatures.
  3. Cats possess a great sense of both inner and outer knowing. They’re very spiritually in-tune, but they also seem to observe—or just know —everything going on around them in the physical realm as well. If this sounds like you as well, it’s likely the cat is your animal familiar.
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What does it mean to dream about a cat?

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  1. You can interpret a dream about cats based on the type of cat you dream about and what it’s doing in the dream. Here are a few common types of cat dreams and what they may indicate:
    • A dream about a kitten may mean you are feeling weak and vulnerable.
    • A dream about a healthy cat suggests you're listening to your intuition and trust your instincts.
    • A dream about a sick cat could be a sign you are out of touch with your authentic self. [10]
    • A dream about two cats could be a sign you're having trouble balancing your needs and the needs of others.
    • A dream about a black cat could indicate you are afraid of something and need to face your fears.
    • A dream about a dead black cat may be a sign of good luck, but it could also indicate you feel lonely and helpless.
    • A dream about a white cat could suggest tough times are ahead.
    • A dream about a frisky cat may indicate you need to embrace your playful side.
    • A dream about a cat attack may predict you may be taken advantage of in the near future.
    • A dream about cats in your house may indicate you're not being totally honest with yourself and are living in a dream world.
    • If you’re a woman, a cat in a dream may reflect how you see yourself physically, intellectually, and spiritually, as cats may symbolize femininity and womanhood.
    • If you’re a man, a cat in a dream may reflect how you see women or how you believe women perceive you.
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  1. If your cat regularly nestles above your head for the night to sleep, it probably means your cat sees you as safe and they may want to show you affection by cuddling with you. They could also do this for practical reasons, as it's probably a very warm spot for them to sleep!
  2. If your cat cuddles up on your chest to sleep, it's a sign they're comfortable with you and want to shower you with love and affection. They could also be trying to mark you as "their territory" because they love you and want to protect you.
    • If your cat doesn't typically sleep on your chest, it could be a sign they're feeling stressed out or anxious and in need of some love and affection from you.
    • You may also find that your cat is likely to cuddle on your chest after you've been away for a while. This could be their way of saying they missed you and are glad you're back!
  3. Cats are often revered as spiritual guardians and messengers, so a cat following you home or hanging out around your house may indicate that the cat has a spiritual message for you or that you or your home is in need of some extra protection.
    • But cats are also drawn towards good energy, so it could also indicate that you or your household emits a positive, peaceful glow.
  4. While some people take a cat crossing your path (especially a black cat) as a bad omen, encountering a stray cat may just be a sign from the universe to notice what’s happening around you. There may be something in your life that requires your attention.
  5. When people say "A cat chooses you," they mean that cats know people and gravitate towards the ones they want to bond with. You can't force a cat to bond with you, but once it does, you've got a loyal friend for life!
    • Though cats are independent, they also make excellent companions for those lucky folks with whom they choose to bond: "As beloved pets," Zuk says, "cats represent solid companionship and emotional support. They remind us of the importance of nurturing relationships and the comfort that comes from connection."
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