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Tomatoes get their red color from lycopene, a naturally occurring chemical compound that also happens to adhere to and stain plastic. Luckily, simple household products like dish soap, white vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice can clean tomato-based stains from plastic containers and other items. We spoke with green cleaning expert Susan Stocker to find out how to remove pesky tomato stains and prevent them from forming in the first place. Read on to learn more!

Getting Tomato Stains Out of Plastic

Fill plastic containers with water, dish soap, and a paper towel. Then, shake the container. Alternatively, soak the container in white vinegar and water for 12 to 24 hours. Or, scrub the plastic with baking soda and water.

Section 1 of 4:

Ways to Remove Tomato Stains from Plastic

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  1. If you’re dealing with fresh tomato stains in a plastic container, fill it with enough warm water to cover the bottom. Add in a few squeezes of dish soap and a folded paper towel. Then, put on the lid and shake the container for about 1 minute. [1]
    • Remove the paper towel and rinse out the container after you’re done shaking. If the tomato stains aren’t gone, try one of the other methods below.
  2. To remove light tomato stains, pour 1 cup (237 ml) of hot water and 1 tbsp (15 ml) of white vinegar into your plastic container. Then, let the container soak for 12 to 24 hours. Simply rinse and wash the container with dish soap to remove the stains and vinegary smell. [2]
    • Soak plastic spatulas and other plastic kitchen items in a mixture of 1 part white vinegar and 1 part water.
    • Vinegar is acidic, which helps it break down and dissolve stains. [3]
    • This method also works well for other colored food stains on plastic containers.
  3. Direct sunlight can bleach and remove stubborn tomato stains on plastic containers and other items. Simply place the plastic in a spot where it gets bright, intense light. Then, leave it there for several hours. [4]
    • Repeat this method over several days until the stain is gone.
    • This method works best in the summer when the sun’s rays are more intense.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Clean Tomato Stains from Plastic
    Add 1 to 2 tbsp (17-34 g) of baking soda to your plastic container. Then, mix in enough water to form a thick paste and rub it into the stain. Let the baking soda sit for 30 minutes before rinsing and washing the plastic. [5]
    • Stocker says to “press hard so that you get the paste inside the little ‘pores’ of the plastic.” [6]
    • Baking soda is mildly abrasive and a natural deodorizer, making it perfect for cleaning lingering tomato stains. [7]
    • If the stain is especially old or pungent, leave the baking soda paste on the plastic for 1 day or longer. The longer the baking soda sits, the more efficient the stain removal will be.
  5. Cut a fresh lemon in half widthwise. Then, grab one of the halves and rub the cut side into the tomato-stained areas. Squeeze the lemon gently as you scrub to release more juice. Then, place the plastic in direct sunlight to dry and remove the stains. [8]
    • Wear rubber gloves if you don’t want your fingers to smell like lemon or you have any cuts on your hands, as the lemon juice can sting.
    • Rubbing plastic with lemon can help remove oily tomato residue as well, as lemon juice is good at fighting grease.
  6. Watermark wikiHow to Clean Tomato Stains from Plastic
    Put on some rubber gloves and pour 1 to 2 tsp (4-8 g) of baking soda over the stained plastic. Then, pour 0.5 to 1 cup (120-240 mL) of white vinegar on top of the baking soda; the mixture will foam up and expand. Simply scrub the container with a stiff-bristled brush or sponge until the stain disappears. [9]
    • Rinse and wash the plastic off once you’re done scrubbing.
    • Baking soda and vinegar create a lot of bubbles and fizz when combined, so clean the plastic in your sink to avoid making a mess.
  7. Watermark wikiHow to Clean Tomato Stains from Plastic
    If the tomato stains won’t disappear, get out a large glass or bowl and set your plastic item inside. Then, fill the glass or bowl with hydrogen peroxide until the plastic is completely submerged. Let the plastic soak for 6 to 24 hours, depending on how tough the stain is. Then, rinse and wash the plastic item with dish soap at least 2 to 3 times. [10]

    Warning: It’s extremely important that you wash the plastic item thoroughly if you use hydrogen peroxide. Accidentally ingesting hydrogen peroxide can lead to vomiting or gastrointestinal problems. [11] Do not use hydrogen peroxide if you recently used vinegar to clean your plastic and haven’t thoroughly washed the item. Vinegar and hydrogen peroxide can create a dangerous gas. [12]

  8. Watermark wikiHow to Clean Tomato Stains from Plastic
    If the stains still aren’t coming out, Stocker recommends filling the plastic container with ½ non-chlorine bleach and ½ water. Let the container sit for 1 day and rinse it out. Then, leave it in the sun for 2 days. Stocker says this helps “with the smell of the bleach and also help[s] the sun remove some of the stains.” [13]
    • Wear gloves, eye protection, and a respirator mask when cleaning with bleach. Make sure to work in a well-ventilated area to reduce fumes, too. [14]
    • Warning : Do not mix bleach with any other cleaners, such as hydrogen peroxide or vinegar. The mixture can create a dangerous gas.
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Cleaning Oily Tomato Residue

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Clean Tomato Stains from Plastic
    If you’re using this method on a plastic item that isn’t a container, place your item inside a clean plastic container. If you’re cleaning a container, pour the sugar directly into the center. The sugar helps soak up the grease and oily tomato residue. [15]
    • The measurements given in this method are designed for a standard 5 by 5 in (13 by 13 cm) food storage container. If your item is really big, double or triple each of the ingredients listed in this method.
    • Use regular granulated sugar. Do not use brown or confectioner sugar.

    Tip: This method is a great choice if you’ve already tried some of the other methods and you still have tomato stains with an oily residue. This process uses sugar to absorb the oils from the tomato and is much more efficient than standard cleaning procedures when it comes to removing slicker stains.

  2. Watermark wikiHow to Clean Tomato Stains from Plastic
    Use any standard dish soap. Then, simply squeeze a small amount on top of the sugar. [16]
  3. The ice cubes help separate the tomato and oil, which makes it easier for the sugar to soak the oil up. Simply pour cool water into the container until the stains are covered. [17]
    • If you only have access to crushed ice or your ice cubes are really small, simply pour a handful in instead.
    • Watch as the water, ice, soap, and sugar begin to bubble up. This is a sign that the process is working.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Clean Tomato Stains from Plastic
    Give the sugar and soap some time to settle into the plastic and eat away the grease and oil. After about 1 hour, pour out the ingredients. Then, rinse and wash the plastic to remove the stains and any leftover sugary residue. [18]
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Preventing Plastic from Getting Tomato Stains

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  1. When tomatoes and other foods are heated in plastic, they can penetrate the material. Stocker says “once a stain has penetrated into the plastic, it’s really hard to get out.” [19] So, put tomato-based foods into a glass or ceramic dish before heating them up. [20]
    • Use metal utensils instead of plastic ones when mixing hot, tomato-based foods to help prevent stains, too.
    • Avoid storing hot tomato-based foods and sauces in plastic containers to also prevent stains. Wait for the sauce to cool down before pouring it into a container.
  2. Spray the sides and bottom of your plastic food storage containers with cooking spray or rub them with butter before adding food made with tomatoes. Cooking spray and butter act as a barrier against the molecules in tomatoes that cause them to stain plastic. [21]
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Clean Tomato Stains from Plastic
    Plastic wrap also acts as a barrier to prevent tomato-based foods from staining plastic. Simply layer the plastic over the bottom and sides of the container before pouring in sauces and other foods.
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Section 4 of 4:

Why do tomatoes stain plastic?

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  1. Tomatoes get their bright red color from the pigment lycopene. Like plastic, lycopene is hydrophobic, meaning it repels water. When these 2 substances meet, they cling together to avoid water, which results in stains. [22]
    • Lycopene is found in a variety of other fruits, like papayas, pink grapefruit, red cabbage, and beets. So, use the same cleaning methods above to get rid of stains!

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      • To avoid tomato stains altogether, store foods made with tomatoes in glass or ceramic storage containers.
      • If the stains refuse to come out, designate the plastic for storing or stirring tomato-based foods and sauces.
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      • Wash your plastic item thoroughly with soap before using hydrogen peroxide to remove tomato stains, especially if you’ve cleaned it with vinegar. Mixing hydrogen peroxide with other cleaners can create a harmful gas. [23]
      • Wash your plastic item thoroughly at least 2 to 3 times if you use hydrogen peroxide to clean it. Ingesting hydrogen peroxide can lead to vomiting or upset your stomach. [24]

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