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Learn how to contact Instagram (Meta) for account support and help
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Currently, there's no reliable phone number to contact Instagram directly for account issues. However, you can still use the Help Center, report inappropriate posts and comments within the app, and troubleshoot common errors.

Things You Should Know

  • There's currently no reliable way to contact Instagram support by phone or email. You'll receive automated responses.
  • Instagram's Help Center is the best way to fix account issues and get answers to your problems.
  • To report a post or user, tap "•••" in the top-right corner and tap "Report".
Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Using the Help Center

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  1. Go to https://help.instagram.com/ in a web browser. Since there's no reliable phone number to contact Instagram directly, you'll need to use Instagram's Help Center. Luckily, there are plenty of troubleshooting articles for common issues.
    • You can also access the Help Center within the app. Do the following:
      • Open the Instagram app.
      • Tap the profile tab in the bottom-right corner.
      • Tap ☰ at the top-right corner.
      • Tap Settings and privacy .
      • Scroll down and tap Help .
      • Tap Help Center .
  2. Enter keywords into the search bar at the top. Relevant articles will load as you type.
    • For example, you can enter "I can't log in" and Instagram will list articles for this issue.
  3. Choose the article with the title that best matches your issue.
    • For example, if you can't log in because you think you've been hacked, select Hacked Instagram Account .
  4. These articles will show you how to fix your issue with step-by-step instructions and links to other resources. In some cases, you may be required to fill out and submit a form.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Submitting a Report

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  1. Go to https://help.instagram.com/ in your preferred browser. This is the website you can use to read Instagram's policies and community guidelines or get help with a specific issue.
  2. This is in the left panel of the Help Center.
  3. You'll see a list of articles with common reporting situations.
  4. Read each option to find the one that most closely resembles your situation.
  5. Not every situation has a form that you can fill out. If you see blue text that says "report it," "report this person to us," "fill out this form," or something similar, click it. Below are some of the forms you can submit to Instagram:
  6. The form will be different depending on the form you selected. Answer the questions with the best information you have.
  7. When you are finished filling out the form, click the blue button that says Send at the bottom to submit the report. You may or may not hear back from Instagram, but they will try to resolve the issue within a week.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Reporting a Post

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  1. If you aren't already logged in, do so now.
  2. You can also report someone through their profile; just navigate to their profile.
  3. This will be at the top-right corner of the post. If you're reporting a user, this will be next to their username.
  4. If you're reporting a user, select the type of account you want to report.
  5. You may be asked to categorize the content if it violates Instagram's Community Guidelines.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:


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  1. Block abusive or troublesome users. If you're constantly bothered by someone on Instagram, the easiest way to prevent them from harassing you is by blocking them. [1]
    • You can also report the person from the Instagram Help Center if the person in question is illegally harassing or threatening users.
  2. frequently. To avoid having your account hacked or compromised, change your password at least every six months. [2]
    • You can also reset an unknown Instagram password if you have forgotten your password or it no longer works.
  3. You can make your Instagram account private—meaning that people who aren't currently following you can't view your content until you accept their follow request—from within the mobile app's settings: [3]
    • Open Instagram
    • Tap the profile icon in the lower-right corner.
    • Tap ☰ in the top-right corner.
    • Tap Settings and privacy .
    • Tap Account privacy .
    • Toggle on Private account .
    • Tap Yes if prompted.
  4. If your account was disabled or deactivated, you can try to submit an appeal. To do so, open the Instagram app on your mobile phone and log in. You will be informed that your account is disabled. Follow the on-screen instructions to submit an appeal.
  5. If you receive a notification that a post you made was taken down for copyright or trademark violations and you feel this is a mistake, you can submit an appeal.
  6. Disable your Instagram account for a while. If there's controversy or undesirable behavior surrounding your account, it may be best to deactivate your Instagram account temporarily. You can reactivate the account at any time by signing back into it. [4]
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I delete a photo I don't want posted by someone I follow?
    Community Answer
    Unfortunately, you cannot delete someone else's photos. You can report the photo if it is inappropriate, but unless it is against Instagram guidelines, it will not be removed. The only way you can get the unwanted picture deleted is by asking the poster to delete it.
  • Question
    What is Instagram's help email?
    Community Answer
    They used to have a support email, but it is no longer functioning. The only way to contact Instagram now is through the Instagram Help Center.
  • Question
    Do I need to send jpg pictures to Instagram to reset a password?
    Community Answer
    No, you do not. Go into your Settings; you should be able to find a password setting in there. You do not need to send in any jpg pictures, it would be unnecessary. They may ask for your email, or phone number, but that's about it.
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      • Instagram does not have a customer support phone number. If you see a listing claiming to have a Facebook or Instagram phone number, then it is a scam.

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      1. Go to https://help.instagram.com/ in a web browser.
      2. Click Privacy and Safety Center .
      3. Click Report Something .
      4. Click a category in sidebar to the left.
      5. Answer any questions or fill out a form.

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      • Ally M.

        Jun 17, 2016

        "I had to email Instagram to tell them about a problem and this was very helpful!"
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