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Long-distance relationships can be very difficult, especially if you're used to being together often, and then suddenly have to be apart for long periods of time. It may not be an ideal situation for you and your partner, but with the proper planning and attitude, long-distance relationships can be just as good as geographically close ones.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Doing the Practical Stuff

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  1. All relationships — long-distance or not — benefit from open communication. Before committing to be long-distance, you and your partner should have a serious discussion about how the relationship will work.
    • What are your hopes and expectations for the relationship? What are your fears?
    • How often do you expect to check in with each other? Do you expect to communicate with each other in some way every day?
    • How often will you visit each other in person? What's realistic given your budget and responsibilities (i.e. school/work schedule)?
    • Will you see other people while you're apart, or will you be monogamous? How will you satisfy your physical needs/desires from afar?
  2. You can do this by talking about your relationship but also through daily actions. One great way to do this is to keep your partner updated on your everyday life, including the people you interact with.
    • Keeping your partner updated on your daily life will help them feel more involved in your world and your daily life. This will help them feel more secure in the important role they play in your life. [1]
    • Consider your partner's feelings when making choices. For example, going out for late-night drinks with a cute member of the opposite sex or an ex when your partner is halfway across the world might make even a secure partner a bit nervous.
  3. Chances are that you ultimately hope to be in the same place as your partner. Being clear about your end goals will help keep you and your partner committed to the relationship.
    • Discussing the end game of your relationship will also help ensure that you and your partner are on the same page. Maybe you're hoping to get married in a few years if all goes well.
    • If you're both just enjoying an international fling, that's okay too. It's just important that you both know that, otherwise you might have one person pining over the other while the other is happily dating around, which isn't fair.
  4. Even if these plans don't go ahead, talk about your future. Where would you like to visit with your partner and what would you like to do when you're there?
    • Talking about the future can break the distance and make you feel more positive that the relationship is heading somewhere.
    • Planning a trip together can be a lot of fun. Make a shared Google doc or a Pinterest page detailing the things you'd like to do on your trip. You might even put together an Itinerary together.
  5. People in long-distance relationships are no longer limited to snail mail and pricey telephone calls. Here are some apps that make keeping in touch easier and more affordable: [2]
    • WhatsApp, Viber, and Skype allow you to send messages and files, and call each other from anywhere in the world as long as you have an Internet connection.
    • Couple, Avocado, and Kahnoodle also allow you to chat and send pictures and videos, but their focus on romance sets them apart from other apps. You can “thumb kiss” your partner with Couple, send virtual hugs and kisses with Avocado, and “fill your partner's love tank” with affectionate acts on Kahnoodle.
    • HeyDay allows you to keep a journal as you go about your day. You can take photos and add captions, and can even track where you've been through the day, then share your day with your partner to help them feel more like they were there with you.
  6. Things will be different for each relationship, but this advice seems to be unanimous: at the very least, say good morning and good night to your partner each day. [3]
    • It doesn't have to be long chats — just a simple “Good morning beautiful!” or “Night night!” is perfect. It's just important to schedule some time each day to be virtually close with each other, no matter how long that time is. [4]
    • Reader Poll: We asked 1222 wikiHow readers how they’re most likely to get to know their long-distance partner, and only 9% said by imagining being my partner . [Take Poll] So instead, schedule time each day to check in with your partner.
  7. Research has found that spending too much time together online or on the phone when you're in a long-distance relationship can actually be damaging to the relationship. Keep this in mind while discussing your expectations. [5]
  8. Talk to the people you're close to, namely your friends and family. Let them know about your situation, and tell them how you feel about it.
    • Maintaining a good support network will help you stay strong when you're feeling sad and lonely, and missing your partner. You can even talk out some of your insecurities with your closest friend or family member when you're feeling low.
    • It's okay to talk to your partner about your insecurities too, but try to avoid it unless they've done something to make you feel insecure. This will help keep things lighter and more positive when you talk to your partner, which is important since you have limited time with each other.
  9. As helpful as your friends and family might be, they might not be able to fully understand what you're going through. There are a lot of great forums online, including a popular one on Reddit. [6]
    • Forum-goers talk about their problems, their fears, and their joys. They also share tips and tricks for keeping the relationship fresh and healthy.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Having the Right Attitude

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  1. Long-distance relationships may not be ideal, but research suggests that they can actually be just as good as geographically close ones. Here are some keys attributes of high-quality, stable long-distance relationships: [7]
    • The people in them have a positive attitude towards long-distance relationships and do not feel that their relationship is automatically doomed just because of the distance.
    • People in them worry less and focus on the positive.
    • People in them feel more certain about their relationships.
    • Greater distances seem to result in higher long-distance satisfaction, too.
    • Each partner idealizes his/her partner to some extent.
  2. Whether your partner has to move away due to work or it's a new relationship that has formed via the Internet, you need to realize that you are separated by distance, for now. Take some time to reflect upon this.
    • The most difficult thing to deal with is the fact you can't see or touch your partner whenever you want to. It might hurt, but you need to come to terms with it, otherwise you'll just be unhappy all the time, making for an unhappy relationship.
  3. If you love your partner just be thankful at the fact that you have them, even if they aren't physically with you right now.
    • Find things to be grateful for, rather than focusing on the negative (namely, the distance). For example, maybe you're building stronger communications with your partner, and getting to know them on a deeper level.
    • By focusing on the positive things about your partner and your relationship, you'll feel more in love with them and more positive about the relationship, meaning you'll boost your chances of staying together despite the distance. [8]
    • Let the security of your relationship help you focus on other areas of your life, such as work, school, or personal goals. A long distance relationship can give you more time to focus on building up other aspects of your life, while your relationship continues to grow as well.
  4. Of course it's sad that you can't be together, but focusing on this might make it difficult to see the good in your relationship.
    • Being positive means keeping things light when you talk to your partner — talking about the little things that happened throughout your day, for example. [9]
    • It's okay to talk to your partner about any real concerns you have. You should be positive, but you shouldn't pretend things are okay when they aren't. If your partner does something to hurt your feelings, it's important that you let them know so that you both can work out a plan to avoid that happening in the future.
    • Be positive about yourself, too. Studies show that people feel happier and more satisfied in relationships where their partners keep their doubts about themselves and the relationship to themselves. [10] Don't be totally uncommunicative, but be mindful about what you talk about. Don't call yourself fat or stupid, for instance.
  5. While it's important to be positive, it's also important to be realistic. Being realistic about what you can and can't do in the relationship will keep things healthier in the long run. [11]
    • As an example, if you know you can't afford to see each other more than twice a year, be honest and upfront about this, otherwise it might become a problem later in the relationship.
    • Being realistic also means accepting that there will be times you'll miss your partner, or times when you won't be able to talk to them when you really need to. Being realistic will help you feel less helpless in such situations. This is where having a good support network will come in handy.
  6. [12] Knowing your attachment style can help you figure out what's real and what's not when you're having doubts about the relationship — whether it's just you or it's something your partner is doing. [13]
    • Studies of “adult attachment style” show that if you feel secure in your relationship, you are more likely to feel comfortable in a long-distance relationship whereas if you feel insecure, you'll be more vulnerable to the negative effects of distance. [14]
    • If you're always around your partner, you might not even realize you're insecure in your relationship until they go away. If you're not securely attached, you'll feel so anxious and depressed when your partner is not around, that you may even find it difficult to go about your daily tasks. [15]
  7. This is one of the most important things you need to have in order for your relationship to be successful, regardless of whether it's long-distance or geographically close. [16]
    • If your distrust your partner and they have done nothing to deserve that distrust, chances are you have trust issues and need to work on them yourself. See a counsellor. Don't make your trust issues your partner's problem.
  8. When the feeling arises that maybe your partner doesn't care as much as you do, write about it in a journal or discuss it openly with them in a non-accusatory way, rather than internalizing it and turning it into a power game.
  9. A lot of people might not understand why you would want to be in a long-distance relationship. Many of them might tell you the relationship won't work. You're best off ignoring them. Only you know your relationship, and if you're happy, then that's all that matters.
    • Don't be put off by what other people say, do what you feel is right. If it makes you and your partner happy talking every night on Skype then do it. Don't let other people spoil it for you!
  10. You have to have your own life even if you miss your partner dearly. Having your own life will give you more to talk about with your partner, and will make you feel more fulfilled and happy.
    • Keeping busy will also help you dwell less on what your partner is doing/how you aren't together.
    • Being in a long distance relationship can improve the overall relationship over time because it helps both partners learn how to live independently while also being in a relationship. Even after you're in the same place, both of you will know how to be an individual who happens to also be in a partnership.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Having Fun Together

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  1. There's no point being in an unhappy relationship. You can't change the distance, but it doesn't mean that you can't have fun together. Watch movies, play games, take up hobbies together — find things that allow you to bond despite the distance.
  2. A lot of people in long-distance relationships dedicate one night a week to have a special, extended hangout with their significant other. Maybe you'll have a romantic video chat, or maybe you'll make dinner together. Do whatever appeals to you!
  3. There are countless online games that you can play together. Scrabble and Minecraft are popular choices. [17]
  4. Co-write a funny story in a shared Google doc. Draw something together on FlockDraw. [18]
  5. There are countless apps that allow you to share a virtual room with your partner and watch videos or listen to music. Google+, Rabbit and Gaze are popular apps for watching videos together.
    • TogetherTube lets you enjoy music and videos that appear on YouTube, Vimeo, and SoundCloud together while chatting. [19]
    • Web plugins (for example, ShowGoers for Google Chrome) also exist that can help you sync up your Netflix accounts, making the struggle of starting a movie or show at the same time much easier. [20]
  6. Send your partner a book you think they'd like, along with their favourite cookies. Or maybe send some silly underwear for them to wear the next time you meet up. Get creative!
  7. Pick up a few books on the subject, read some examples, and then make it a contest to see who can write the most ridiculous love letter. Some more ideas to spice up your love letters:
    • Spritz the letters with perfume or cologne.
    • Include dried flower petals in the envelope.
    • Kiss the pages with lipstick on/seal the envelope with a kiss.
    • Write on fancy stationery and use fancy sealing wax and a stamp to seal the envelope.
  8. Visiting each other as much as possible makes the whole situation better. Being able to spend some quality time in person with your partner is one of the best things in a long distance relationship.
    • Just think, you can look forward to seeing them and it makes the time when you're together more special. Make sure that when you see each other you go out and visit places, and do things together!
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    Do long distance relationships last long?
    Klare Heston, LCSW
    Licensed Social Worker
    Klare Heston is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker based in Cleveland, Ohio. With experience in academic counseling and clinical supervision, Klare received her Master of Social Work from the Virginia Commonwealth University in 1983. She also holds a 2-Year Post-Graduate Certificate from the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland, as well as certification in Family Therapy, Supervision, Mediation, and Trauma Recovery and Treatment (EMDR).
    Licensed Social Worker
    Expert Answer
    The length of time varies. It all depends on how clearly the couple delineates the rules/boundaries of their relationship and on the openness and quality of their communication.
  • Question
    What are the statistics on long-distance relationships?
    Klare Heston, LCSW
    Licensed Social Worker
    Klare Heston is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker based in Cleveland, Ohio. With experience in academic counseling and clinical supervision, Klare received her Master of Social Work from the Virginia Commonwealth University in 1983. She also holds a 2-Year Post-Graduate Certificate from the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland, as well as certification in Family Therapy, Supervision, Mediation, and Trauma Recovery and Treatment (EMDR).
    Licensed Social Worker
    Expert Answer
    Not sure anyone keeps stats on this! Ask around in your friendship circle about who has had long distance relationships. Also, do an internet search and see what you can learn from others' experience.
  • Question
    Can long distance relationships work?
    Klare Heston, LCSW
    Licensed Social Worker
    Klare Heston is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker based in Cleveland, Ohio. With experience in academic counseling and clinical supervision, Klare received her Master of Social Work from the Virginia Commonwealth University in 1983. She also holds a 2-Year Post-Graduate Certificate from the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland, as well as certification in Family Therapy, Supervision, Mediation, and Trauma Recovery and Treatment (EMDR).
    Licensed Social Worker
    Expert Answer
    Yes, long distance relationships can work. Usually, these circumstances are time-limited. On a permanent basis, they would be difficult to maintain. But nothing is impossible where there is determination and good communication.
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      • If you're meeting your partner for the first time be sure to take a friend or a member of your family, just in case your partner isn't who they say they are.
      • Avoid the urge to spend hours upon hours together online each day, sacrificing your regular lives/social lives/work etc. just to be together. The key is quality of time spent, not quantity.

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      You can deal with a long-distance relationship by having an open discussion with your partner about how things will work, like how often you expect to visit each other and how often you want to communicate. For example, you may agree to check in with each other every morning by sending a “Good morning” text. You should also try to keep your partner updated on what you do and who you meet in your daily life, which will show them that they’re part of your life even though they’re far away. If you’re frustrated about being separated from your partner, try to think about the positive aspects of your relationship, such as how it’s improving your communication with each other or helping you get to know them more deeply. Additionally, set aside one night a week as a date night, when you can have an extended video chat or cook dinner together. For tips from our Relationship co-author on how to plan a visit with your long-distance partner, keep reading!

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