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One great thing about brown eyes is that any color of eyeshadow can match them. Brown eyes are not limited to a particular color palette the way green and blue eyes are. [1] Additionally, while the smoky look is popular among people with all eye colors, it's easiest to pull off without looking overdone when paired with brown eyes. Just make sure to prepare your face properly before applying this bold look.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Getting Your Face Ready for Smoky Eyes

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Do a Smokey Eye for Brown Eyes
    Wash and dry your face. Before you apply your smoky eye makeup, you want your canvas to be perfect. Use either a cleansing cream or a mild soap. Keep the water lukewarm. Hot water can dry out and irritate your skin, while cold water doesn't cleanse as effectively.
    • At the end of the day, always remember to remove your makeup. Leaving makeup on overnight can clog your pores, causing acne. [2]
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Do a Smokey Eye for Brown Eyes
    Make sure you have a perfect canvas before you begin putting on your makeup.
    • Massage a dollop of moisturizer into your skin using your fingertips. Properly moisturized skin will help your makeup to adhere and stay looking great for longer.
    • After you've moisturized, massage in a pea-sized amount of makeup primer to your cheeks, nose, forehead, and chin.
    • Brush on a layer of eye primer to your upper eyelids. General makeup primer can also work, but specialty eye primers are more gentle and have better results. [3]
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Do a Smokey Eye for Brown Eyes
    Curl your eyelashes. Clamp a curling tool to the base of your lashes. Hold it there for five seconds. Curling your eyelashes makes eyes look more open and will especially enhance smoky makeup.
    • You may also choose to do this step after adding eyeliner. Just make sure to curl before applying mascara to prevent clumping and breakage.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Creating Dramatic Smoky Eyes

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Do a Smokey Eye for Brown Eyes
    Use your fingertip to apply a pin-sized amount makeup primer over each your eyelid. Then use a soft brush to sweep a neutral, skin-toned color of eyeshadow to set the primer. This will give you an even base for your smoky eyeshadow.
    • You can also apply some loose powder below the lid to catch any “fall out” from your smoky shadow application. Brush it off for a clean finish after you’ve applied your eyeshadow.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Do a Smokey Eye for Brown Eyes
    Pick an eyeshadow tone that complements brown eyes, such as purple, navy, gray, or green. [4] This eyeshadow should be a little lighter than the black eyeshadow you will apply in the next step. Brush it on starting at your crease and stopping about halfway down your eyelid.
    • Purple is great for bringing out brown eyes. If you don't want the look to be too bold, though, you can pair it with golden brown tones for a classier look. [5]
    • Yellow and orange tones can create a unique smoky look that makes brown eyes pop. [6]
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Do a Smokey Eye for Brown Eyes
    Use an eyeshadow brush to fill your upper eyelid crease with a black eyeshadow. Go over the area from your lash line to the crease of your eye in a modified V shape. When loading your brush with powder, don't forget to tap it over the container first. Removing excess eyeshadow will prevent "fallout" on your cheeks.
    • Use other dark colors besides black if you'd like. Navy blue, royal purple, and charcoal gray work well. Just make sure whatever you pick for the base is the darkest eyeshadow color you plan on using.
    • Cream eye shadows work best for this step.
    • You can also use an eyeliner pencil for the base instead. Outline your lid with the pencil and smudge it across your entire eyelid with a brush or smudging tool. [7]
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Do a Smokey Eye for Brown Eyes
    Blend your eyeshadows. Use a blending brush. These brushes have thinner bristles in comparison to eyeshadow brushes, and are designed to create an airbrushed effect. Using your wrist, make a small circular "buffing" motion with your brush.
    • Blend the two eyeshadows together at the lighter color's lower edge. This will make the transition between the already close colors completely seamless. Start from the edge furthest from your nose and work your way horizontally across your entire lid.
    • Blend the eyeshadow at your crease. With a fresh brush, make these same buffing motions at your eye's crease. Stop about halfway between your crease and your eyebrow.
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Do a Smokey Eye for Brown Eyes
    Pick a third very light eyeshadow to use as a highlight. This can be either a shimmery metallic or a nude. Sweep some of this eyeshadow into a small line along the outer lower edge of your eyebrow. You can also dab some shimmery shadow onto the inner corners of your eyes for a brightening effect. [8] . A splash of gold eyeshadow will especially make brown eyes pop.
    • Applying a dot of shimmery shadow onto the center of the eyelid, sometimes called harlequining the eye, can make your eyes look bigger and give your makeup more dimension.
  6. Watermark wikiHow to Do a Smokey Eye for Brown Eyes
    Apply eyeliner to both lash lines. Pick an eyeliner that is either black or a similar color to your first eyeshadow. A pencil liner will work best, as liquid liner is difficult to smudge.
    • Draw the eyeliner across your upper lash line, starting on the outer edge and thinning the line towards your nose.
    • Apply eyeliner to the outer third of your lower lash line. Connect the upper and lower lines at the outer corner of your eye.
    • Use a smudging tool to blend your eyeliner.
  7. Watermark wikiHow to Do a Smokey Eye for Brown Eyes
    Finish your eyes with mascara . Apply 2-3 coats of black mascara to your upper lashes. For a more dramatic look, add a coat of mascara to the outer half of your lower lashes as well. If you find your lashes clumping, separate them with a lash comb.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Completing Your Makeup

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Do a Smokey Eye for Brown Eyes
    The rest of makeup should be finished after you put on your eyeshadow, because some of the pigmented eyeshadow will likely fall on your cheeks when you do your eye makeup. After you finish your eyeshadow, brush away any fallout with a soft brush. Then, apply your foundation. Follow up with concealer, sealing both with a dusting of pressed powder. Apply blush and bronzer after. If you prefer not using all of these products, feel free to skip one or more. [9]
    • Wait until after you've finished your eye makeup before you put on any lip color.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Do a Smokey Eye for Brown Eyes
    Because your eyebrows will be framing your smoky eyes, you want to make sure that they're flawless. Bold, dark eyebrows pair well with smoky brown eyes.
    • Keep up with eyebrow shaping to get a dramatic arch, but try not to over-tweeze.
    • If your natural eyebrows are a little thin or light, consider filling in or drawing on your eyebrows. You may use eyebrow pencil or other makeup of your choice. Consider setting your eyebrows with tinted brow gel.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Do a Smokey Eye for Brown Eyes
    Once you've added the mascara, your eye makeup should be complete. Check for eyeshadow fallout on your cheeks. Do your best to brush off any stray eyeshadow powder you may find. If it leaves behind a stain, touch up the area with a little more foundation or concealer. Add lip color to complete your look.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do you do a smokey eye for beginners?
    Charina Redugerio
    Makeup Artist
    Charina Redugerio is a Makeup Artist based in New York City. With over 13 years of experience in the beauty industry, Charina has worked for Sephora, NARS Cosmetics, L'Oreal, Parfums Christian Dior, Natasha Denona Makeup, and is now a freelance makeup artist. She has conducted makeup for numerous fashion week shows, editorial shoots, and one-on-one client makeovers. She has worked and trained with several global celebrity makeup artists including Dior's Ricky Wilson.
    Makeup Artist
    Expert Answer
    Build up your eyeshadow in light layers. It's a lot easier to add more color than to take it away.
  • Question
    What color should I use for a smokey look on brown eyes?
    Charina Redugerio
    Makeup Artist
    Charina Redugerio is a Makeup Artist based in New York City. With over 13 years of experience in the beauty industry, Charina has worked for Sephora, NARS Cosmetics, L'Oreal, Parfums Christian Dior, Natasha Denona Makeup, and is now a freelance makeup artist. She has conducted makeup for numerous fashion week shows, editorial shoots, and one-on-one client makeovers. She has worked and trained with several global celebrity makeup artists including Dior's Ricky Wilson.
    Makeup Artist
    Expert Answer
    Purple really compliments and brings out brown eyes. That can intimidate some people, because they're picturing the brightest fuschia, but just use it as a focal color, and blend it in with gold, browns, and even a little bit of black.
  • Question
    How do I get the dark color in the Kris look?
    Community Answer
    Buy eye shadow that resembles that color, so then (if you can apply makeup) you should get the desired look.
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      • While all colors match brown eyes, deep purples complement them especially well. [10]
      • Pair a smoky eye with neutral lips. Try a clear gloss or lipstick in coral, peach, or light pink. Stick with colors that are similar to the color of your own lips to avoid looking overdone.
      • Always wash your hands before and after applying makeup.
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      Article Summary X

      To do a smoky eye for brown eyes, start by applying a neutral, skin-colored eye shadow over your lid. Then, put on a mid tone shade, like purple, grey, or green. Next, fill your upper eyelid crease with black cream eye shadow to create definition. Afterwards, blend the eye shadows by making small circular movements over your lid with a blending brush. Finally, apply black eyeliner to the upper lash line and the outer third of the lower lash line. For tips on how to apply makeup primer before creating a smoky eye look, keep reading!

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