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A fun hand game to play by yourself or with a friend!

  1. Boom!
  2. Snap!
  3. Clap!
  4. Ba-boom!
  5. Snap!
  6. Clap!
  7. Snap!
  8. Boom!
  9. Snap!
  10. Clap!
  11. Ba-boom!
  12. Snap!
  13. Shh!
  14. "Boom, snap, clap. Ba-boom, snap, clap, snap. Boom, snap, clap. Ba-boom, snap, shh!" Then repeat. If you don't get it, try asking someone to teach you or just keep practicing!
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  • Question
    Is it hard to start the boom snap clap hand game?
    Community Answer
    It shouldn't be, but if you find it difficult, you'll get better with a little bit of practice.
  • Question
    Do I clench my fist or not?
    Community Answer
    You do. That is the most important step.
  • Question
    How do I do the cup song?
    Community Answer
    The article Do the Cup Song should help.
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      • Start out slow at first and then get faster.
      • It's easier if you break it down piece by piece to learn the whole section.
      • To shake things up a bit, you can replace the "Shh!" the second time round with waving your hands in the air, while shouting, "Yay!", or making guns with both your hands and saying, "Check it!". You can be as creative as you want with this. Make it your own!
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      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • Say the motion you're supposed to do when you start. For example, if you want to snap, say "Snap" while you snap. As you get better, stop saying the word when you do the action.
      • You can add your legs at the end when you get really good at it. Just keep practicing and you'll get the hang of it!
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