The mobile game series Angry Birds has taken the world by storm and has spawned animated series, two movies, and loads of merchandise. Here you can learn how to draw some characters from Angry Birds ! Let's begin!
Start with the head. Draw a circle, but do not finish drawing the top of it.
Draw a rounded edge triangle for the top-half of the beak.Advertisement
Draw a little hill under the top-half of the beak.
Draw a small upside-down triangle on the bottom of the top of the hill, and then another on the top of the hill.
Draw two half ovals for the eyes and then another pair of half squares, but color them this time.
Draw two bulky mean eyebrows, the tail feathers and a head feather to complete your angry bird.
Color him in as you like. Enjoy!
Draw a triangular shape with rounded edges for the body.
Draw slanted rectangles for the eyebrows.
Draw a couple of circles with smaller circles inside each one for the eyes.
Draw a diamond shape with rounded edges; draw a zigzag inside to complete the beak.
Draw a series of pointed curves for the hair.
Based on the outline, draw the details of the Angry Bird.
Erase the unnecessary outlines.
Color your Angry Bird!
Community Q&A
QuestionHow would I draw the blue ones?Community AnswerThe same way you would draw the other ones. Follow the steps in the article.
QuestionHow do I draw the bomb one?The SquidinatorCommunity AnswerDraw a black circle, and draw a dark gray semicircle underneath for his belly. Draw two oval eyes slightly set apart, each with gray rings and thick red eyebrows. His beak is orange, and the lower beak is a bit thicker than the upper one. Finally, draw the feather fuse on his head, and don't forget the orange tip!
QuestionHow do you draw the white angry bird?The SquidinatorCommunity AnswerMatilda (the white angry bird) has two major designs, but aside from a few details they are quite similar. For Matilda's classic appearance (roughly 2009 to 2012), draw an egg shape with a light yellow semicircle underneath for the belly. She has three black rectangle feathers on her head and tail. Her eyes are spaced apart and have thick eyebrows. Her beak is large and yellow, and her cheeks have large, light-yellow spots. From Angry Birds Toons onward, Matilda's eyes are closer together and have three eyelashes each. Her head and tail feathers are rounded and have pink tips. She has only two tail feathers instead of three, and her cheeks are pink instead of light yellow.
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Things You'll Need
- A pencil
- Paper
- Coloring materials
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