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Learn how your subconscious communicates through rain dreams
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Rain is usually a good sign, including in your dreams. It can cleanse you, allow you to bring unregistered emotions to the surface, and even be a tiding of blessings to come. Some of the most common interpretations of rain dreams are good fortune, joy, and release. If you’ve been trying to interpret your rain dreams, look no further! This article will go over the symbolism and interpretation of several different dream scenarios, as well as give you tips on how to remember your dreams and use them to better your waking life.

This article is based on an interview with our international intuitive counselor and happiness coach, Kari Samuels. Check out the full interview here.

Things You Should Know

  • Dreams about gentle rain symbolize fertility, life, abundance, and good fortune.
  • Dreams about heavy rain symbolize cleansing, healing, and change.
  • Dreams about flooding and torrential storms represent loneliness, anxiety, and confusion.
Section 1 of 5:

Common Interpretations of Dreaming About Rain

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  1. Since rain gives life to crops, animals, bodies of water—basically everything on earth—it represents the luscious fertility of the soil. Dreaming about rain can signal a period filled with blessings and luck. [1]
  2. Rain pours over the land and then dissipates into the air. It is nourishing or destructive, but ultimately impermanent. Whatever is going on in your life is only temporary and, whether you enjoy the rain or not, you can look forward to the pleasure of sunny skies. [2]
  3. Water is the representation of emotion in many cultures and practices. Your subconscious communicates through your dreams, so a heavy rain can be its way of letting you know there’s something within you yet to be addressed. Connect with your body to figure out what message it’s trying to send you.
    • Close your eyes and focus on the movement of your breath in your solar plexus. Say something true to yourself, like “My name is ___.” Notice how your body feels, then say something false. Keep saying truths and lies while paying attention to your solar plexus, then begin to ask your body yes no questions. Through this method, you can uncover unconscious feelings.
  4. Raindrops form around dust in the air before falling from the clouds. Just like rain in waking life, droplets in your dreams can be pulling pollutants out of you. Especially if the rain is refreshing, this dream can be a sign of emotional cleansing and healing.
    • If you’ve been in a conflict with someone close to you, or giving mental bandwidth to a person you don’t like, this dream can be a sign to forgive those around you and let go.
  5. Dreams are all about symbolism, so if it’s raining so hard you can’t see a foot ahead of you, it could be a reflection of confusion or obstruction you feel in the waking world. Maybe you feel you can’t get through to someone, or that you’re invisible to others.
    • This dream is a reminder that speaking your mind directly is the best way to be understood and that good interpersonal skills can strengthen the relationships around you.
    • If you’re consistently having rain dreams where you feel stressed or scared, consider talking to a therapist or mental health professional about both your dreams and waking life.
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Different Contexts of Rain in Dreams

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  1. A heavy rain washes everything away, it clears the air, it cools things down. If you’re dreaming about heavy rain, it may mean that you’re undergoing some major spiritual growth. A new time is dawning in your life, and it’s ready to be taken hold of.
    • This dream may even be telling you that you need to cleanse yourself. Take a moment to meditate on your emotions, and express them.
  2. The rain is close to you…but you’re not exactly in it yet. If you’ve been dreaming about rain streaking your windows, it’s a sign that something positive is on the horizon. Be on the lookout for new opportunities, including potential romantic connections. [3]
  3. Thunderstorms represent some of the most intense weather out there, and so they represent serious change in dreams. The crash and splash of thunder and lightning can translate to your waking life through sudden changes and shocking realizations. Get ready for a new era.
    • Thunder and lighting are caused by rapid pressure and temperature changes. Thinking with that logic, you should look out for possible upcoming hardships while keeping in mind that they will pass as fast as they come.
  4. When your home and community is blessed with rain, the whole area flourishes. If you hear rain pitter pattering on your roof (or the roofs of your whole town) it can mean blessings and abundance are about to fall right into your lap. [4]
  5. Houses in dreams represent your sense of self; they’re the expression of the boundaries of your waking life. [5] Leaks and water damage start to break down those barriers, for better or for worse. Depending on the effect of the water, it could be a positive or negative sign.
    • If you’re uncomfortable in the dream, it’s probably about being uncomfortable in waking life. If a leaky ceiling is dripping on your head you could be anxiously anticipating something, or if the water stain grows mold you could be unhappy with your waking living situation.
    • If the water is clear and doesn’t stain, it’s been thought to be a sign of illicit pleasures entering your waking life. [6]
  6. Being caught in a storm is an intense experience that can go a few different ways. You could be in a light summer shower or a typhoon. When you’re dreaming out in the pouring rain it could mean that you’re overrun by your emotions, possibly ones that haven’t come to the surface yet.
    • When you dream about being stuck in the rain, it’s time to take a look at your emotional health. This dream can be a sign of repression, so check in with your intuition to see how you’re doing. Ask yourself yes/no questions about your situation while paying attention to the feelings in your solar plexus.
    • If you ended the dream feeling good, it could be a sign that you went through a spiritual cleanse. You’re still in the midst of overwhelming emotion, but you’re not letting it get you down.
  7. Wind is a powerful, invisible force…just like your subconscious! When rain and wind come together in a dream, it means you have strong feelings that are being pushed up to the surface. Since wind (air) is associated with intellect and communication, this dream can be about finally being able to express yourself. [7]
    • Wind can also be a sign of major changes that suddenly dissipate. Wind is powerful, but fleeting.
  8. When the rain cuts you off from everyone else in your dream it can feel like you’re the only person in the world. This lonely scene can be an indication that you need to reach out to the people around you and invest in your community .
    • If you’re afraid of drowning in the dream, however, it could mean you’re troubled by your person-to-person interactions. When you’re in conflict with other people, look within yourself to try and find the lesson you’re being taught.
      • If you have a friend who’s constantly blowing you off, for example, it could be a lesson about valuing other people’s (and your own!) time.
  9. While rain represents change, hurtling down a slick road can represent difficulty with moving forward. When things become too much and happen too quickly, you can only control yourself. Slow down, reevaluate your goals, and learn how to interact with your new environment.
    • To change your circumstances, start slow and small. Set small, achievable goals, like applying to one job a week, and work up to big changes, like moving into your own home.
  10. Running in the rain, with few exceptions, is a good sign in dreams. The cool water refreshing your skin, your body shooting through the droplets—every part of this dream speaks to good fortune and the ability to overcome challenges.
    • The exception here comes from context. If there’s something chasing you, if your body hurts, if you’re experiencing fear and discomfort, etc., then the rain becomes an obstacle, or expression of your anxiety.
  11. If you’re able to get inside before it really starts raining, that’s a good sign! Accomplishments in dreams often mean that you’re able to achieve your goals in waking life. If you’re getting out of the rain in the nick of time, it could mean your plans are coming together, and quickly! [8]
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Spiritual Meanings of Dreaming About Rain

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  1. In Hinduism, rain is a sign of prosperity and a good omen. Indra, a storm god, liberates towns from rain-withholding demons, and breaks open clouds with thunder and lightning in his hands. [9] Because of that, seeing thunder and lightning in a rain dream is considered a sign of forward progress.
  2. In the Quran, rain is seen as a reminder of Allah’s presence, as well as divine provision from him. It’s sent down from the heavens in the Quran to give life to the land. [10] Dreams about rain can mean you’re about to experience a fresh start or renewal in your life.
  3. In the Bible, rain is associated with both abundance and prosperity, as well as punishment and destruction. Rain that is associated with God’s love relieves draughts and waters crops, while rain associated with judgment—like the flood in Genesis 7-8—wreaks havoc. [11] The meaning depends on the specific circumstances of the dream.
    • Dreaming about soft, gentle rain can indicate the presence of God in your life. If it’s watering plants or you’re enjoying standing in the rain, it can mean you’ll be blessed with abundance soon.
    • If you’re afraid of the rain or it’s flooding, this dream can be a sign to seek help and forgiveness from God. The rain could be a manifestation of something you haven’t yet accepted about yourself.
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Gaining Insight From Dreams About Rain

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  1. Dreaming is the expression of intuitive knowledge that you have not yet become conscious of. To gain the full insight of your dreams, write them down when you wake up in the morning. Try to remember where the dream took place, how you felt in the dream, and what other objects and people were in the dream.
    • Starting a dream journal can be tough (especially if you’re groggy in the morning), but you can make it easier by leaving your journal open by your bed with a pen. This way everything is set up for you to write when you wake up.
    • Once you form a habit around dream journaling, it’ll be easier to interpret your dreams and see what your body is telling you. To start the habit, start small and focus on getting words on the paper every day. You don’t have to write an essay—you can just record major incidents with bullet points.
      • For example, you could say:
        Dreamt about rain
        Streets were flooded
        Mom was there
  2. Sometimes the meaning behind a dream isn’t readily apparent. When that’s the case, meditate on what happened in the dream. Clear your mind and play the dream back in your head. Notice how your body reacts to the dream as it unfolds. Once you’re done, ask yourself: “Did I miss anything?” [12]
    • Meditation is a skill that requires practice. If you’re having trouble visualizing your dreams the first few times, just stick with it. Once you get into the routine of dream interpretation it becomes much easier.
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Section 5 of 5:

Expert Opinions on Rain Dreams

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  1. Water is the basis of all life on planet Earth—without it the world would be barren. Psychoanalyst Carl Jung believed that dreams are the unconscious communicating through symbols. In this case, the symbolic message is one of fruitfulness and abundance. [13]
    • Since dreams are highly symbolic, their meanings can only be parsed when viewed as a whole. The more you interpret your dreams, the more you’ll begin to intuitively understand what different symbols mean to you.

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