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Going to a concert is a lot of fun! It's a great way to enjoy your favorite music and spend time with friends. However, you might not be sure what to wear, especially if you aren't a regular concert goer. Putting together your base outfit, tailored for the event you’re attending, then adding accessories to finish the look will ensure you can enjoy your concert and look great doing it.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Picking the Perfect Outfit for the Occasion

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  1. No matter what kind of concert you’re going to, you will want to be comfortable. If your clothes are too tight, they'll be distracting and hard to dance in. Jeans can be great, but if they're skinny jeans make sure they have some stretch so you can move. Shirts or dresses that restrict your arm movement will make it difficult to dance or move through a crowd. When you try on an outfit, move around in it and see if it's too binding.
  2. If you’re going to an outdoor concert, layer to deal with different temperatures. Wear a light jacket or long sleeved shirt over a T-shirt or tank top so you won’t be cold before the concert starts, but can take it off once the show begins and things heat up. If you’ll be in an inside arena, don’t bother with layers, because overheating is going to your first concern. Keep it lightweight. [1]
  3. You don't want to look too polished or formal, so stick with jeans and a T-shirt. A tank top is a good choice too.To avoid looking inexperienced, don’t wear the band’s T-shirt. [2]
  4. Wear baggy pants with T-shirt. Add loose hoodie to complete the look, especially for guys. Girls who want something with a slimmer profile can wear a crop top and skinny jeans. [3]
  5. Guys can wear shorts and a bright printed T-shirt or casual button down. For girls, a lightweight dress or comfortable romper is a good choice. [4] Keep it light to stay cool, but bring some layers in case you get chilled. A long sleeved button down shirt can be tossed on top of most outfits.
  6. Girls can wear a white top or one with tassels. A floral or flowy dress is another good choice. [5] For guys, a plain T-shirt or plaid button down will work. [6] For everyone, denim is appropriate.
  7. For guys, wear a slim shirt, either a nice T-shirt or a button down shirt. Pair it with slim, dark jeans. For girls, jeans with a crop top or sheer blouse look sleek. This is the place to wear sequins. [7]
  8. There really are no rules. You have your own style and should follow that more than anyone else's look. Wear what makes you feel comfortable and confident, and enjoy your night.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Accessorizing to Complete Your Look

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  1. You’ll be on your feet a lot, and probably dancing. High heels will hurt after a while, and open toed shoes leave your feet vulnerable to being stepped on. Pick flat, sturdy shoes that will keep your feet safe and pain-free.
    • For a rock concert, choose boots, either flat ankle boots or lace-up combat style. Sneakers will also work. [8]
    • Wear athletic shoes for a hip hop concert. They're super comfortable and ideal for the look.
    • Pick shoes that can handle outdoor surfaces for a music festival. Wear sneakers or flat boots. [9]
    • Choose cowboy boots for country concerts. Just make sure they're flat and comfortable. Sneakers would work here also. [10]
    • For a pop concert, girls can complete their polished look by wearing sleek flats or ankle boots. Guys should wear lace-up shoes that are just a little more formal than sneakers.
  2. Chunky or heavy styles will be uncomfortable when you’re dancing in close quarters, and could even hurt people if you accidentally hit someone! Opt for smaller pieces, and softer materials, like cloth or leather. [11]
  3. If you usually carry a purse or a bag, leave it at home. You want your hands to be free, so keep a few essentials in a crossbody bag, or carry what you need in your pockets. All you really need is your I.D., a phone, and some money.
  4. If you're wearing makeup, make sure it can last. It can be fun to experiment with dramatic makeup, but choose waterproof. Concerts can get very hot and sweaty, so be sure your makeup can take the heat. [12]
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Should I be allowed to wear a short dress?
    Community Answer
    That depends on whether your parents feel it's appropriate. If so, make sure it's easy to move in. Avoid wearing very tight clothes at a concert, as you might become overheated or uncomfortable.
  • Question
    How do I get picked to go on stage at a concert?
    Community Answer
    Try to be front row, near the center so the lead singer can see you easily. People are picked to go onstage when they look like they're having a good time and they know all the words to the songs, so dance and sing along!
  • Question
    Why shouldn't I wear the band's T-shirt?
    Community Answer
    There is an older saying that "Fake fans wear band shirts to concerts", but it's more accepted now.
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      • Look after your friends. Pick a meeting place in case people get split up and don't rely on cell phones. They won't always have reception.
      • Stay hydrated! Drink plenty of water so you can enjoy the night.
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      • When driving home from a concert be careful, It's a good idea to have someone with you, and to avoid back roads. Have a charged phone in case of emergency.
      • Go to a concert with a friend and try to stay together. If you have a problem, talk to a security guard. They're there to help.

      Things You'll Need

      • crop top
      • Shorts/jeans
      • ankle high combat or dress boots
      • very little jewelry
      • waterproof make-up
      • some proof of identification
      • phone

      Expert Interview

      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about teen style, check out our in-depth interview with Joanne Gruber .

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      Going to a concert as a teenager is super fun, and with a little preparation, you can pick the perfect outfit. If you’re going to a rock concert, wear something low-key like a T-shirt and jeans. For a pop concert, you might dress up a little bit more with a button-down shirt or crop top. If you’re going to a music festival, try wearing a lightweight dress or romper. Or, you could wear shorts and a bright printed t-shirt. Complete your look with some comfortable shoes that you can stand in for a while, like boots or sneakers. If you want to bring a bag, bring something small, like a crossbody bag so you can keep your hands free. Just avoid backpacks, since many venues don't allow these. To learn how to accessorize your outfit, read on!

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