Should I cut someone toxic out of my life?

For a complete guide to this topic, read the wikiHow article Why Do I Cut People Off? 8 Potential Reasons & Benefits .
02/03/25 11:26am
I have someone in my life that I've determined is toxic and doesn't make me feel good. But it's so much more complicated than that – we have history, we've had good times together, and cutting them off completely feels like a big jump that I'm not sure I'm reaady for. If I cut them off, will I experience regret or negative blowback? What might go wrong if I do? Maybe I just need a pep talk...
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Expert Comments

02/14/25 10:17pm
There’s not necessarily a “right” or “wrong” answer to whether or not you should cease communication with someone you feel demonstrates toxic traits. There are ways of establishing some distance from someone without needing to make a cut-and-dry decision about it. However, if you are going to find peace by stepping back from a friendship, be true to what will make you feel best. Finally, remember that any decision you make doesn’t have to be permanent! Protect your energy, and remember to try and treat everyone who may be involved with respect.
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Reader Comments

02/03/25 10:08pm
I'm sorry that you have someone toxic in your life. Ultimately, it's best for you to cut them out of your life but I get that that can be stressful, especially if you have a long shared history or you're worried about the blowback. It's hard to say whether or not there will be blowback. Some toxic people are vengeful, and will try to turn your friends against you if you cut them out of your life. You can get ahead of this by talking to your friends about this toxic person. They may agree with you about this person's toxicity, and it will be nice to have their support as you cut the toxic person out of your life.
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02/06/25 7:35pm
One time I cut a toxic friend out of my life and they started getting threatening. They would text and call me constantly and harrass me. It helped to have a social support system. I talked to my good friends about the situation and they helped me feel safer. After ignoring the toxic friend for a while they started bothering me less and less, and now I don't hear from them. It sucked to go through the process of cutting them off but now I am so happier without them!
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Symphonie Traylor
02/11/25 5:47pm
Absolutely cut them off. As someone who has been the toxic friend before without even realizing it, cutting them off is the best thing that you can do for the both of you. It may seem sudden to them at first but this will prompt them to think about the way that they treat others and how that can be problematic. In the meantime, you get to enjoy your life without the weight of someone who doesn't bring value to your life.
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02/05/25 6:03pm
You got this!! I had a toxic person in my life that I cut out too. If you're scared about negative blowback you can try slowly drifting away from the person instead of just cutting them off. Start replying to them slower and be less available for things. If you can get them to believe that you stopped being friends because life got busy, it's less likely that they will get upset and try to make your life harder.
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Anonymous WikiCassowary
Anonymous WikiCassowary
02/21/25 8:33pm
if the person is a family member.set boundaries and be assertive,tell him or her that you won't appreciate what him or her is doing.if the person refuse to stop despite everything then cut the person off.but if the person is not a family member cut the person off from start and set boundaries but first be prepared for the person rage and anger but don't get into fight with the person.leave the place but watch your back and if the person is following you,get help immediately.the truth is the good times you and the person shared is just to get you hooked, it's like the calm before the storm and if you don't cut the person off it'll get worse and your mental health will be seriously affected.your mental health is important than any relationship.if the person threatens you call the police, deserve to live in deserve to be happy and free
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Anonymous WikiValley
Anonymous WikiValley
02/21/25 10:31pm
To me the sign of a deep friendship is the depth of sharing intimate/personal information. Gradually reduce the info you share, eventually the relationship shall die a natural death.
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Anonymous WikiFawn
Anonymous WikiFawn
02/22/25 8:19am
to not have regrets talk to them about what bothering you if they change their attitude then cut them out.
because that person won't get what you angry about unless you told him and if you will see him every day he will but the blame on you.
be honest kind and but your boundaries.
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Anonymous WikiTiger
Anonymous WikiTiger
02/22/25 4:05pm
Yes! Most definitely! Cut them off! The sooner you do! The much more better! you'll realize a lot! That you never realize before! Sometimes we tend to look over a lot of people's flaws! & Convince ourselves that it's just a faze or maybe their having one of those days..... Then you'll start to notice those "days" become more & more apparent and comes frequent! Especially on special days! Like let say you won an award or you're crush has finally asked you out! Or you suddenly accomplish something that you thought you weren't capable of! Those are the moments that toxic people love to dampen and bring out the worse in everything! Trust me! I went through it! The problem was it was too late for me to do anything about it.....
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Anonymous WikiSalamander
Anonymous WikiSalamander
02/22/25 9:32pm
Removing toxic people from your life is a difficult but necessary decision. Here are some steps you can take:

1. Set Boundaries – Clearly define what you can tolerate and recognize when someone crosses the line.

2. Acknowledge Your Feelings – If someone repeatedly hurts you, don’t ignore it; pay attention to your emotions.

3. Communicate Directly – If possible, speak openly and honestly with them about why you can no longer maintain the relationship.

4. Limit or Cut Off Contact – If they try to force their way back into your life, create distance.

5. Stay Firm in Your Decision – Toxic people often try to return, but if they haven’t changed, don’t put yourself through the same pain again.

6. Prioritize Your Emotional Well-being – After distancing yourself, focus on healing and spending time with positive people.

7. Seek Support from a Therapist or Trusted Friend – If it feels emotionally overwhelming, don’t hesitate to seek guidance.

Taking these steps isn’t easy, but it’s essential for your mental and emotional health.
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Anonymous WikiBird
Anonymous WikiBird
02/25/25 2:06am
Yes, absolutely. But, let me ask you: In what ways are they toxic? Do they talk about you behind your back, make fun of you, etcera? Let me know. If so, leave them.
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