This quiz says I should date a Sagittarius!
This quiz says that I'm most compatible with Sagittarius. Apparently they are "fun-loving and kind", and I can get behind that. What sign did you get?
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No they aren't. Im Gemini and my Pisces is cool. And many other Pisces I know aren't as sensitive as stereotypes are. My cousin is Aquarius and extra emotional and sensitive way more than Pisces I know.
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I got pisces too, so my dad is pisces and my last relationship he was pisces....both of them are very different...the partner was narcissistic and putting me down, always letting me down dad is nothing like him.
So I'm confused 😕
Plus I dont always agree with some of gemini traits,,, being creative one of them, I'm far from being creative xx
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So I'm confused 😕
Plus I dont always agree with some of gemini traits,,, being creative one of them, I'm far from being creative xx
I took this quiz while racking up the courage to ask out my crush, and they turned out to be a Capricorn - exactly who the quiz said I should date! It's insane how accurate some of these zodiac quizzes can be.
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I'm a Leo and got Cancer for my Compatibility Quiz Results. I eve asked 'The Oracle' about it, as I've never gotten why a water sign, and fire sign could go together, but after it answered my question, I realized that opposites were sometimes better than anything.
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I got a Taurus, and I am an Aries, I think mine might go pretty well if you ask me, I have never been in a relationship before, but I am excited to see where this takes me.
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I am a Pisces and the quiz said i should date a Aries. But my crush is a Capricorn. PLS HELP!!!!!
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I'm a cancer and it says that I should date a cancer lol. The current zodiac sign I am with right now though is a Scorpio
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I’m a Capricorn and it said I should date a Taurus. My crush is a Scorpio and I like him just fine we are in a situationship
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Mine said I should date an Aries, and I'm a Sagittarius, BUT, I just barely broke up with an Aries...soo....idk what to do lol. I also like a Taurus so..HELP PLSSS
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Mine said I should date an Aries, and I'm a Sagittarius, BUT, I just barely broke up with an Aries...soo....idk what to do lol
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I got Sagittarius but I am a sag?? was kinda hoping to get Libra bc that's what usually is compatible to sags
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This quiz is so on point. My results say I should be with a Cancer. Cancer is my 7th house! So, it's on to something! Lol
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I got that I should date a Scorpio, but I am I Pisces, and I like a Libra. I don't know if my other crush is a Scorpio, but he doesn't really seem like one. Actually, he's really quiet and sweet, (for a boy.)
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Mine says that I should date a Gemini, which is funny because I'm a Gemini myself. (And because I know a boy that's a Gemini at school.)
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i am an aries. i took it 2 times. the first time it said sagittarius and the second time it said aries.
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Bro! Not a Cancer. My Capricorn is perfect, thank you.. internet says we are the worst match. Aries and Capricorn are bad?? It's not my fault his personality the exact opposite of his sign!
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I got Scorpio. (Which only 11% get apparently).
Interestingly, based purely on my zodiac / sun sign, we are not meant to be compatible 😅 butttt I have a lot of earth and water placements in my chart. Including Scorpio.
So bring the devotion and intensity - I'm ready to dive into the depths of the underworld baby 😉
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Interestingly, based purely on my zodiac / sun sign, we are not meant to be compatible 😅 butttt I have a lot of earth and water placements in my chart. Including Scorpio.
So bring the devotion and intensity - I'm ready to dive into the depths of the underworld baby 😉
Sagittarius works with Cancer or yes a water sign is good except when both water signs are being moody how do you get out of your moodiness?
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Pisces is too independent for Leo and they don’t fake compliments and Leo needs lots of praise plus someone that will never leave them.
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Funny I got Taurus and I’m starting to date a Taurus. I’m completely head over heels.
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I should date an Aries wow, it's not my first time, yeah and it is so fun and a perfect match cause I'm also a fire sign lol Sagittarius ♐
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I got Leo it says they will shower me with thoughtful gifts as long as I worship the ground they walk on btw if anyone cares I’m a Taurus
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I got Scorpio, though I’ve read before that Aries and Scorpio aren’t super compatible…
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