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Learn how to spot a fake vape cart with our complete guide
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FRYD Extracts are trendy new vapes and disposables that contain THC, but it’s up for debate whether it’s a real brand. Even though FRYD products look legit, there are some red flags that signal that these vapes are fake and dangerous to use. Keep reading, and we’ll cover if FRYD vapes are real and how to tell if one is a fake . We’ll also answer your questions about where to find real vapes that are safe to use.

FRYD Extract Carts: Real or Fake?

People claim FRYD carts and disposables are real, but others believe they’re fake because of multiple “official” websites and bad experiences using the products. To spot a fake vape, look for errors on the packaging, poor construction, harsh flavors, or lack of lab results on the box.

Section 1 of 5:

Are FRYD carts real or fake?

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  1. FRYD extracts and vapes are easy to find and buy online, but many people online are concerned the products are fake. Users on the r/fakecartridges subreddit suggest some FRYD vapes are authentic while others say that anything labeled with the FRYD brand is fake.
    • Users claim if a FRYD extracts cart has a Kseal sticker on the bottom, then it’s a real product, but other people are still worried about them being fake.
  2. On many Reddit posts, users claim that hitting FRYD disposables and carts have an unpleasant flavor. Others claim that the vapor hurts their throat or gives them headaches after a few hits.
  3. Multiple sites use the FRYD name and logo, but it’s unclear which one (if any) are the actual product page. The websites all have shops where you can buy vapes, but they don’t have a lot of other information about what’s used in their products or the company.
    • All of the following claim to be the “official” FRYD site:
      • frydofficial.com
      • frydofficialstore.com
      • frydcarts.com
      • frydextracts.store
      • thcfrydextracts.com
      • frydbrand.co
    • Each of these sites also has their own authentication link where you can scan a product QR code or enter a serial number to verify if a vape is real or fake. Because the sites all claim to be official, the authentication may also be inaccurate.
    • FRYD also doesn’t have any public social media pages while many other real vape brands will post regularly.
  4. If you search for “FRYD empty” online, many results appear where you can buy empty FRYD cartridges in bulk. Because anyone can purchase the empties, it’s hard to know for sure if there are authentic FRYD products on the market.
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Section 2 of 5:

How to Spot Fake Vape Cartridges

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  1. Reputable vape brands have correct spelling, no printing errors, and information about the product printed on the packaging. If you notice that images look blurry, words are misspelled, or the printing looks uneven or spotty, then you’re most likely dealing with a counterfeit vape. [1]
  2. Real vapes are tested by labs to make sure they’re high-quality and safe to use, and to check THC levels. These results and the name of the lab are usually listed somewhere on the outside of the package. If you don’t see any of this information, then you have a fake. [2]
  3. Real vape cartridges or disposables have clean manufacturing without any defects or problems with the components. Inspect the vape once it’s opened. If it has rough edges, misaligned or crooked labels, damage, or loose components, then it’s probably a fake. [3]
  4. Real vapes typically have oil that’s clear or amber in color and has a thick consistency. If you notice that your vape oil has a different color, changes colors as you use it, or has a looser consistency, then there’s a good chance you have a fake product. [4]
    • Do the “bubble test” when you get a new vape. Flip your vape cartridge upside-down and watch the bubbles inside the oil chamber. If the bubbles move quickly, then the oil is probably cut with another product.
  5. Authentic vapes have rich flavors and create consistent vapor clouds when you use them. If you have a fake vape, the oil may have a burnt or chemical taste from the additional products added to the cart. Fakes may also have inconsistencies with how much vapor they produce between hits. [5]
    • If you notice that your vape has a harsh or chemical flavor, avoid hitting it again because it may contain harmful ingredients. Many fake vapes have tested positive for vitamin E acetate or pesticides that can cause respiratory illness. [6]
  6. Compare the prices to similar vape sizes from a dispensary or reputable seller. If the cart has a significantly lower price than its competitors, chances are that the oil inside is lower quality and potentially unsafe to vape. [7]
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Section 3 of 5:

Are fake vapes safe to hit?

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  1. Fake disposables and cartridges don’t go through the same safety standards and lab testing as official brands. There’s no way to know for sure what’s inside a fake vape cart, and the oils may be mixed with other products that aren’t safe to consume. [8]
    • Many fake vapes also test positive for pesticides, which can cause chest pain, difficulty breathing, nausea, or vomiting.
    • Vitamin E acetate is a synthetic compound found in some fake vapes that can cause shortness of breath, cough, or chest pain. [9]
Section 4 of 5:

How to Get Real Vapes

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  1. Licensed dispensaries have to follow set standards and ensure all their products are properly tested and authentic. Check the dispensaries near you to see what vape carts and disposables they have in stock. If you want to verify they’re licensed, just ask! They shouldn’t have any problems answering your questions. [10]
    • If the employees have trouble answering questions about their license or products, then it’s probably best to shop at a different dispensary.
    • Real dispensaries are also required to check IDs and have security systems. If a dispensary doesn’t have either of these, avoid buying products from them. [11]
    • Many states have an official government site listing all the registered dispensaries in the area. Search for “registered dispensaries in” followed by your state and look for a site ending in .gov.
  2. After vapes are lab-tested, they’re given a COA that ensures they’re free from contaminants and are safe to use. The COA information is always printed on the packaging or has a QR code so you can look at the lab results and verify your vape is legitimate. [12]
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Section 5 of 5:

Fake Vape FAQ

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  1. 1
    Do FRYD disposables have nicotine? It’s unclear if FRYD extracts contain nicotine because they aren’t lab-tested. Some Reddit users claim counterfeit sellers may add e-liquid that contains nicotine to fill FRYD cartridges instead of only using oil.
  2. 2
    Do dispensaries sell fake carts? Licensed dispensaries only sell products that have been lab-tested and pass safety standards. If you want to ensure that you get a real vape cart that’s safe to use, then always buy from a reputable seller. [13]
  3. 3
    What are the safest carts to vape? The safest carts are the ones that have been tested and are sold by a reputable dispensary. Because these vapes have to pass several safety standards before they’re sold, they’re not going to have the harmful contaminants that are in fake or black market vapes. [14]
    • Keep in mind that even though vaping is safer than smoking, it’s still not completely safe. Vaping still exposes your lungs to chemicals that could lead to long-term lung and heart issues. [15]
  4. 4
    What should you do if you get a fake vape? If you suspect that your vape is fake, don’t take a hit from it because it could contain harmful contaminants. If you think your vape is a counterfeit of a reputable brand, contact the manufacturer and let them know where you bought it and what codes were listed on the packaging. [16]
    • Alternatively, contact your local law enforcement and let them know where you purchased the vape.
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      • Counterfeit vapes may be contaminated with harmful products, such heavy metals, pesticides, or vitamin E acetate, that can cause lung and heart issues.
      • Only vape THC if cannabis is legal in your area and you’re over the legal smoking age.

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