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The Ebony Blade is a long, two-handed katana weapon that can be obtained during the “Whispering Door” quest after reaching level 20 in Skyrim. After completing the “Dragon Rising” quest, you can find the Ebony Blade in the lower level of Dragonsreach in Whiterun Hold.

  1. Wooden plates serve as skeleton keys that allow you to enter locked or hidden gates and rooms in Skyrim.
    • If you lack wooden plates, navigate to Riverwood and enter the second house on the right. The table upstairs has wooden plates available that can be used for this mission.
  2. This house is located north of Whiterun Hold in the Cloud District, and can also be accessed by foot or carriage. [1]
  3. This prevents other characters in Dragonsreach from seeing your character and disturbing your quest.
  4. You may need to double-jump to get stuck in the corner between the wall and sacks of grain. The goal is to get your character directly against the wall so you can access the hidden room on the other side of the wall.
  5. The wooden plate acts as a portal so you can access the secret room on the other side of the wall. After entering the room, you’ll see the Ebony Blade lying on a table.
  6. The blade will now be added to your inventory. [2]
  7. The Ebony Blade is now in your possession and you can continue on with your quest.
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  • Question
    Can I use a bucket instead of a plate?
    Community Answer
    I believe buckets are mostly used on stone walls, but it may still work the same way.
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      • Do not attempt to procure the Ebony Blade unless you have two wooden plates. This will prevent you from getting stuck in the secret room with the Ebony Blade without an exit.

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