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Displaying the American Flag vertically is a great option if you're hanging it on something different than a traditional flagpole. According to the U.S. Flag Code, displaying an American flag vertically is completely acceptable, as long as you do it respectfully and follow a few basic rules.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Following Flag Etiquette

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  1. Regardless of where you’re hanging the flag vertically, the union (the stars of the flag) should always be at the top. Flying an American flag with the union at the bottom is actually a sign of distress. [1]
  2. According to the flag code, the union should always be at the top of the flag and to the observer’s left when it’s being displayed on a wall. [2]
  3. If you’re hanging the flag parallel to a street, have the union point north if the street runs north to south, or east if the street runs east to west. If you’re hanging the flag over the street so the flag and street are perpendicular to each other, have the union point east if the street runs north to south, or north if it runs east to west. [3]
  4. If you’re hanging the flag vertically from a flagpole coming off a building, the union should be in the top corner that’s furthest from the building. [4]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Putting up Your Flag

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  1. Hold the flag where you want it on the wall and push a tack through the grommets on the flag’s top corners. The grommets are the small metal rings used to fly the flag on a flagpole.
    • If you’re hanging a large, heavy flag, use nails instead so it’s more secure.
  2. Run the rope through the 2 grommets on the flag and then tie the ends of the rope to 2 neighboring street lights or tall objects. Make sure the rope is tied high enough that the flag isn’t touching the ground. [5]
  3. Mount the flagpole off the building so it makes a 90-degree angle with the side of the building. The flagpole needs to be parallel with the ground so the flag hangs vertically on it. [6]
    • Make sure the flagpole you use is long enough to keep the edge of the flag from brushing against the side of the building.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    When viewed from the street, should the U.S. flag be on the right and the U.S. Marine flag on the left of the garage?
    Community Answer
    No, the U.S. flag should be on the left, and the U.S. Marine flag should be on the right.
  • Question
    How do you accommodate flying a vertical flag when protocol calls for half staff?
    Community Answer
    Look for the vertical flag pole that they have now. This will allow the flag to hang.
  • Question
    Why is it important to note compass directions when hanging a flag over a street? What is the significance of the North/East directions?
    Community Answer
    Observers will approach the flag from different directions, from one with the union on the left, from the reverse with the union on the right. Hence, the standard North/East directional instruction.
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      Things You’ll Need

      • Tacks
      • Rope
      • Flagpole

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      The best way to hang an American flag vertically is with the union at the top. If you're hanging the flag on a wall, hang it so the union is in the top left corner. If you're hanging the flag over a street, point the union north or east depending on the direction of the street. To hang an American flag vertically off a building, make sure the union is in the top corner that's furthest away from the building. For tips on what tools to use to hang an American flag vertically, scroll down!

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      • Ronnie and Linda Campin

        May 25, 2020

        "We were hanging the American flag vertically, and knew the union was suppose to be at the top, but we didn't ..." more
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