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Learn how to start practicing hedge magic
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A hedge witch is a witch who practices their craft alone and bases their practice around natural and/or psychic abilities and spiritual communication. The term “hedge” refers to a boundary between a village and the surrounding forest and has been adopted by many hedge witches to refer to the boundary between the physical and spiritual worlds. Keep reading to learn all about hedge witches, their history and beliefs, and how to become one.

Hedge Witch Meaning

Hedge witches are solitary witches who either base their practice around nature and herbal magic or spirit work and psychic abilities. The term comes from medieval witches who lived along the boundary, or hedge, of their village, and has been adapted to refer to the boundary between the physical and spiritual realms.

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What is a hedge witch?

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  1. In modern practices, many hedge witches are similar to kitchen witches or green witches, in that their practice focuses on the hearth and home as the center of magical activity and they often use herbal magic. They may create herbal remedies or use aromatherapy, and they often imbue magical thoughts into everyday chores. [1]
  2. While many hedge witches focus on the natural aspect of their practices, some practitioners call themselves hedge witches because they focus on the boundary, or hedge, between the physical and spiritual realms. They may communicate with spirits , do divination, or perform astral travel as part of their practice. [2]
    • Astral travel refers to entering an altered state of consciousness in which your spirit and body function separately, allowing your spirit to travel through the astral plane.
    • While other witches like green witches may also practice things like divination and astral travel on occasion, these practices are not a core part of their craft. Green witches prioritize their bond with the natural world, while hedge witches may divide their time more evenly between herbal magic and exploring the spirit world.
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History of Hedge Witches

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  1. In medieval practices, solitary witches typically lived on the outskirts of a village along the hedge, which was the term for the physical boundary between a village and a forest. The people who lived on the hedge were believed to possess magic and wisdom and would often be called upon for help and healing, but were otherwise left alone. [3]
    • These witches spent a lot of their time gathering herbs and plants in the fields, forests, and hedges, and they typically learned the practice from older family members or mentors.
    • As Christianity became more popular in medieval Europe, the nature-based healing hedge witches performed was deemed evil, so many practitioners who lived along hedges were persecuted and accused of witchcraft.
    • The term “hedge rider” was a northern European synonym for witch. In Old English, they were called “Haegtessa” and in Old High German, hedge rider was pronounced “hagezusse;” these terms were then shortened to “hag” and “hexe” which were both associated with old women who lived near the hedge.
    • Some say hedge witches were the “original” witches from which our modern associations and stereotypes of witchcraft and the occult stem.
  2. When people began practicing neopaganism in the twentieth century, many practitioners who sought a deeper understanding of the natural world began calling themselves hedge witches. Similarly, those who wanted to work with the “hedge” between the spiritual and physical worlds began using the term, as well. [4]
    • While these practices may differ, they’re connected by the idea that the practitioners prefer to work alone rather than with a coven.
    • Many modern hedge witches call themselves such as an homage to the past.
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Hedge Witch Practices and Beliefs

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  1. The home is a place of protection, stability, and grounding, and it absorbs the energies of the people who live there. Because of this, the home is extremely important to hedge witches and their craft. This is where they do most of their magic and they need to protect it from negative energies. [5]
  2. Most hedge witches are very knowledgeable about the natural world. They may spend a lot of time researching and gathering plants, or they may have a garden dedicated to the herbs needed for various remedies. They know exactly which herbs and plants can be used for different spells and rituals and they use them accordingly. [6]
  3. Traditionally, the hearth is the center of all home life, and therefore is an integral part of hedge witchcraft. [7] Today, many hedge witches may call upon hearth goddesses, like the Greek goddess Hestia, to invoke peace and safety into the home.
    • Hedge witches may use a traditional fireplace as a hearth while performing magic, or they may use the kitchen. This is where they share similarities with kitchen witches.
    • Some other home or hearth deities hedge witches might work with include the Welsh goddess Cerridwen, the Irish goddess Brigid, or the Greek goddess Demeter.
  4. Because the home is sacred to hedge witches, they often imbue magic into daily upkeep. This is typically done by manifestation and setting intent into their actions. For example, when sweeping the floor, they may “sweep” away negativity, or they may say a prayer or spell while stirring soup for dinner. [8]
  5. Depending on their beliefs, many hedge witches prefer to focus their craft on the spiritual “hedge” rather than the physical. These witches believe hidden wisdom and energies can be found beyond the hedge and often use divination to call on the spirits of their ancestors as well as any other guardian spirits. [9]
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Signs You Might Be a Hedge Witch

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  1. If you find yourself drawn to nature and spend a lot of time outside, you may consider becoming a hedge witch. You may feel a natural connection to the rhythms and energies of the world around you, and you care deeply for plants and animals. [10]
    • For example, you might feel most at peace when you’re outside, either working in the garden or taking a stroll through the woods. Or, you feel most energized when you’re outside under the sun.
    • You may also instinctively know there’s more to the world than meets the eye. You may believe in nature spirits or the fae, and you want to work with them in your practice.
  2. Another sign you might be a hedge witch is if you already prefer to practice your craft alone. Perhaps you tried joining a coven but it didn’t work out, or you just naturally tend to spend time by yourself. You likely do your best work when you’re alone and can spend time with your inner thoughts. [11]
  3. Because many hedge witches connect with the spiritual realm, you may be one if you naturally possess psychic abilities . Perhaps you always seem to know what’s going to happen before it occurs, or you always seem to be right about a person’s character. These qualities can greatly benefit a hedge witch in their practice. [12]
    • You may also be fascinated by divination practices. In addition to using tarot cards, you may scry using a crystal ball or a candle flame to find answers you’ve been searching for on various spiritual topics.
  4. Even if you’ve never practiced witchcraft before, you’re probably interested in various mystical and spiritual topics. You want to know more about the world’s magical energies and how those energies can benefit you. You’re deeply curious about the things we don’t fully understand.
  5. Because hedge magic was originally passed down from older family members, many modern hedge witches prefer to honor this tradition. If you’re interested in exploring the spiritual world, you may also feel connected to the spirits of your ancestors and want to work with them in your practice. [13]
    • If any of your relatives were also witches, consider incorporating some of their practices into your own craft. This will help you feel more in touch with them spiritually.
  6. If you’re already involved with spirit work, it’s a good sign you’d do well as a hedge witch. Perhaps you call upon or pray to deities in your rituals, or you might ask guardian spirits for protection. Regardless, if you’re interested in working with spiritual entities of any kind, you may want to look into hedge magic. [14]
    • For example, you may be a medium who can communicate with the other side or you’ve had many supernatural experiences you can’t explain. This is a good sign you’d do well with spirit work, as those energies are already drawn to you.
  7. Historically, hedge witches used their craft to help villagers. While you likely won’t have a bunch of people knocking on your door for herbal remedies, you still view magic as beneficial. You’re willing to help those who ask for it while using your craft to explore your inner self and discover what you believe. [15]
    • While every witch is different, you probably choose to focus your magic on the positive rather than the negative, so you probably don’t do many—if any—hexes or curses. You choose to use your magic to support those around you.
    • For example, you may view magic as a tool to unlock power, confidence, and intuition you might not have known you had otherwise.
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How to Practice Hedge Magic

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  1. Before jumping into witchcraft, it’s important to understand the history and traditions of your practice. Read books and articles about hedge magic and join online communities to learn from experienced witches. If you happen to know a witch in real life, ask them for guidance, as well. The more you learn about the craft , the stronger your foundation will be. [16]
    • While every witch uses different tools and supplies (and some don’t use any!), there are a few things you might consider to help you get started. For example, if you don’t know much about plants, consider getting a book about different herbs and their uses.
    • If you’re interested in spirit work, start with a tarot deck or pendulum . It will likely be difficult for a new witch to do things like astral travel, so it’s best to start small while you’re still learning.
    • Some other common tools many witches use include candles, crystals, and an athame (ritual knife).
  2. If you don’t already, spend time outdoors and study the plants in your area. If you believe in nature spirits, try leaving them offerings or writing poems for them. Learn to fully appreciate the natural world around you. [17]
    • The best way to connect with nature is to spend time outside, away from technology. If you live near the woods, try taking a hike while admiring all the different plants you see.
    • Or, lay down in the grass in your yard or at a park and close your eyes. Try to feel the energy of the earth beneath you.
  3. If you’re interested in the psychic and spirit work side of hedge magic, start developing your abilities by practicing meditation , mindfulness, and other spiritual practices like astral projection and lucid dreaming. This way, you can begin to access your inner wisdom and see the hidden aspects of reality. [18]
    • It may be best to try forms of divination, like reading tarot cards . Ask the cards an open-ended question (for example, “What can I do to be successful?” and use the guidebook and your own intuition to interpret the answer.
    • Or, ask a yes or no question while holding a pendulum and determine your answer from the direction it swings.
  4. It may sound a bit silly at first, but your house is full of magical energy. It’s where you’ll be practicing most of your craft, after all. Connect with that energy by saying goodbye when you leave for the day and greeting it when you come home. By talking to your house, you’ll imbue it with your positive energy, which will in turn help your spells and rituals work properly.
    • Some houses may also have spirits residing in them, so try talking to them as well to build a positive relationship so you’ll have protection during your practices. [19]
    • Additionally, be respectful to the energy and spirits of the house. Avoid slamming doors, and try to keep your home neat and tidy to show you care.
  5. Of course, a big part of witchcraft is performing various spells and rituals. As a hedge witch, you’ll likely base your practice around nature and herbal magic, or potentially divination and spirit work. Here are a few practices you might consider as you begin learning hedge magic: [20]
    • Hedge riding: Hedge riding is a form of astral travel in which you enter an altered state of consciousness to explore the spiritual realm, seek guidance from spirits, and gain insight into hidden truths. This can usually be done through meditation.
    • Divination: Divination is a practice in which you seek answers from the universe via spiritual means. You may try reading tarot cards, scrying with mirrors or crystals, or casting runes.
    • Herbal magic: To perform herbal magic, learn the magical properties of herbs and plants and use them in spells, potions, and healing remedies. Many hedge witches start a garden filled with the herbs they use in their practice.
    • Spirit work: Some hedge witches work with their ancestors, nature spirits, deities, and other entities. Build respectful relationships with these spirits to receive guidance and protection throughout your spiritual journey.
    • Spellcasting: Craft spells for things like protection, healing, love, and abundance. It may be best to start simple and work your way up to more complicated spells as you gain experience.
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      • There isn’t a “right” way to be a hedge witch. Because hedge witches are solitary practitioners, every witch’s craft is unique to them. Do what feels right to you and don’t force yourself to practice something you aren’t interested in.
      • Every witch’s craft is unique to them, but the focus of their craft might depend on the type of witch they are. If you’re not sure if hedge witchcraft is for you, take some time to learn about the other types of witches to find what most aligns with your beliefs and practices.
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