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Aquarius guys are known for their brilliant minds and independent spirits. Emotions, though? Not exactly their strong suit. If you're crushing on an Aquarius, you're probably trying to figure out how to get him hooked so he keeps coming back for more. Don't worry, we've got you! Check out our helpful list below for tips on wooing the Aquarius man of your dreams.


Build a strong friendship first.

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  1. Aquarius folks love community and group dynamics. Loyalty is very important to them and they want a partner who can also be a best friend. Instead of pushing for romance right away, work on building a strong friendship in the beginning. [1]
    • He'll want to get to know you and learn to trust you before he jumps into a serious relationship.
    • Focus on connecting with him instead of trying to impress him. He can tell if you're being inauthentic, and he may not be interested.
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Be a little mysterious.

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  1. It’s important to share things about yourself so he can get to know you, but don’t tell him everything! Be a little cryptic when you talk about what you’re up to, your past, and so on. Try to create a bit of intrigue around yourself and he'll keep coming back for more. [2] [3]
    • Don’t hide anything important or be disingenuous with him, though. Aquarius folks tend to be intuitive and they appreciate honesty. [4]

Show off your creative side.

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  1. Aquarius folks admire uniqueness and tend to dislike people who are super traditional. The more you can stand out from the conventional crowd with your ideas and suggestions, the better! [5] For example:
    • If he’s coming over to your house, make sure your favorite art is on display (and be ready to talk about it).
    • Suggest going to a contemporary art museum or gallery opening the next time you're making plans to hang out.
    • Surprise him with tickets to an art-house film or a local theater production.
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Impress him with your intelligence.

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  1. If your man is a typical Aquarius, he prizes brains over beauty any day of the week. Since this sign loves learning new things, bring plenty of ideas and knowledge to the table. He'll be particularly drawn to topics like science fiction, social activism, philosophy, and the arts. [6]
    • For example, gush about the science fiction novel you just read. He’ll be impressed if you name check writers like William Gibson, Neal Stephenson, and Phillip K. Dick.
    • Aquarius men love eccentric ideas. If you've got a weird theory about the paranormal or a wild view on the future of artificial intelligence, spill it!

Dress in classy, fashionable clothes.

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  1. Designer labels aren’t really his thing, but it's important to him that you look unconventional, cool, and arty. Try to put a little extra time and effort into your ensembles; he’ll be drawn to your unique style. [7]
    • When in doubt, lean toward sophisticated clothes over trends or revealing outfits. Aquarius men like to keep it classy!
    • Wear a hint of something wild with your outfits, like a bright scarf or brooch.
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Keep your emotions in check.

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  1. Aquarius folks aren’t sentimental; in fact, they’re known for being quite detached from their emotions. They dislike chaotic situations and will do almost anything to avoid drama. When you’re around him, take care to make decisions based on logic and reason. Avoid emotional outbursts and heated confrontations like the plague. [8]
    • You can still be warm and flirty with him; he’ll love that. But if you go overboard talking about your feelings, he'll probably shut down the conversation quickly.

Be fun-loving and adventurous.

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  1. This sign tends to be very social, so get pumped about hitting the town and be able to keep up with him at a party. He’ll also be intrigued by any spur of the moment plans you come up with. An Aquarius will be down to try anything once! [9]
    • If you prefer living a quiet life, it might be tough to make it work with this guy. That said, Aquarius folks do tend to be loners at heart, so you never know.
    • Don't be surprised if he loves a good party but spends half the time on the sidelines observing everyone. An Aquarius gets bored easily and if the people are dull, he’s more likely to make snarky commentary while he sips his drink. [10]
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  1. The last thing an Aquarius man wants is a shrinking violet! Always tell him what you think, even if you’re disagreeing with him. In fact, he’ll probably love it if you have a different opinion than him and want to hear all about it! Just be sure to share your opinions in a low-key, non-confrontational way. [11]
    • If the conversation gets emotional or heated, he’s likely to make a quick exit.

Be open-minded about new ideas.

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  1. Politics and humanitarian issues are important to Aquarius folks. They never judge others by their race, lifestyle, sexual orientation, or gender and they will quickly distance themselves from anyone who isn’t similarly open-minded. When you’re around him, make it a point to celebrate diversity and reject social injustice. [12]
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Pursue your own passions and goals.

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  1. Your man is probably very independent; this mentality is important to him. It’s essential that you have your own life and actively pursue your interests. Stay busy with your own projects (which he’ll want to hear all about). If he senses any clinginess or emotional neediness, he’ll run for the hills. [13]

Be patient and give him plenty of space.

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  1. Romantically, it can take a while for an Aquarius to warm up. He won’t jump into a serious relationship right away and if he feels pressured to do so, he won’t stick around. Give him time to get to know you and don’t rush him into anything. [14]
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Join the Discussion...

Hi all, I'm a 26F and I have a big crush on this guy, so naturally I tried to find out his sign as quickly as possible, lol. He's an Aquarius! I have never dated an Aquarius before and am curious about what it's like. Give me th good, the bad, and the ugly please!
Angel Eyedealism
Astrologer & Performance Artist
Aquarius is a sign that needs space for intellectual detachment. And don't get too personal too fast. Aquarians hate that, because they're about thoughts and concepts and intellectualism. So on a first date with an Aquarius, asking him something super, super personal is not cool. Instead, talk about ideas and concepts, and that will get him to relax a little bit so you can gain more intimacy. At the same time, since Aquarians are so in their head, you definitely need to let them know that you're physically and sexually interested in them, because otherwise it will just stay in their head as a thought or as a construct of an idea, as opposed to real physical or emotional intimacy. Tl;dr, breach physical or intimate emotionality with an Aquarius carefully!
I used to get really frustrated with how logical my Aquarius boyfriend is. When we would argue at the beginning of our relationship, I didn't feel like he was taking my emotions seriously. I had to adapt my communication to appeal to his rational side. It took a little trial and error to figure out how to explain the reasoning behind my emotions in a way that made sense to him, but now our communication is much smoother!

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        Jan 12, 2022

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