Are font sizes just too big? Want to make your essay seem shorter? Well, you've come to the right page! This wikiHow shows how to change the font size in a Microsoft Word document.
1Go to the top of the page to see the font size dropdown. It's at top-right of Fonts section in Home tab. It is usually set to 12.
2Click the down arrow next to the font size dropdown. You should see a list of numbers.Advertisement
3Select a number less than twelve. This make the font smaller as you type.
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- You can also click on the twelve and type in a number less than twelve.Thanks
- You can use these tips to make the font larger too!Thanks
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- This will make your essay seem shorter than it already is!Thanks
- It may be difficult for the reader to see if the font is too small. Make sure everybody can see your beautiful essay!Thanks
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