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Add affection to your messages with emojis or the <3 symbol
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This wikiHow teaches you how to create a heart on your iPhone or iPad using emoji or text symbols.

Quick Steps

  1. Open your keyboard.
  2. Tap the smiley face icon.
  3. Search heart in the search bar.
  4. Tap the heart you'd like to use.
Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Using Emoji

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  1. You can add an emoji heart in almost any text that allows typing, such as messaging and social media apps.
  2. This opens your keyboard.
  3. It's at the bottom-left corner of the keyboard. This opens the emoji keyboard. [1]
  4. It's in the row of icons at the bottom of the screen, almost all the way to the right. It's between the light bulb and the flag.
  5. You should see the heart appear in the typing area.
  6. The heart will now appear in the message or post. [2]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Using Symbols

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  1. You can make a heart from symbols in any text that allows typing, such as messaging and social media apps. [3]
  2. This opens your keyboard. [4]
  3. It's the key that says “123” at the bottom-left corner of the keyboard.
  4. It's the key that says “#+=” just above the number key.
  5. It's the less-than symbol.
  6. You should now see <3 in the typing area, which looks like a heart on its side.
  7. The heart will now appear in the message or post. Some apps may automatically replace your symbol heart with one that's colored or filled-in. [5]
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      • Download the Japanese keyboard to your phone and tap this symbol: ^_^. Then, choose this emojiâ•°(*´ï¸¶`*)╯♡ and delete the face, leaving just the ♡.
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      • Emoji hearts are the best option if you want to choose between a wide variety of styles and colors.

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