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Gain a wealth of knowledge on these emojis related to money
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Money and its influence is all around us—and it’s even made its mark on the emojis people use. When someone wants to talk about money, whether to say they’ve got a lot of it or are spending it on things they want, they might embellish their text messages and social media posts with some money-related emojis like the 💰 (money bag) emoji, the 💸 (money with wings) emoji, or the 🤑 (money-mouth) emoji. Read on to learn exactly what these emojis mean and how you can incorporate them into your next text.

Things You Should Know

  • The 💰 (money bag) emoji can mean someone has a lot of money or that they’re earning more money than usual.
  • Someone might send the 💸 (money with wings) emoji when they spend a lot of money or send money to a friend.
  • The 🤑 (money-mouth) emoji can mean someone’s looking to buy something expensive or they’ve found a new way to make more money.
Section 1 of 4:

💰 (Money Bag) Meanings & Uses

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  1. When someone wants to flaunt that they have a bit of extra cash or are simply swimming in riches, they might send 💰 to let others know. In many cases, people usually send this emoji as a joke and add a bit of sarcasm to their message to let the other person know they’re not actually bragging. [1]
    • “I found a $10 bill on the ground. I’m rich!!! 💰💰💰”
    • “Coffee’s on me today ☕️💰”
    • “Now that I’m working full time, I’ve got money to spare 💰💰😎”
    • The 💸 (money with wings) emoji and 🤑 (money-mouth) emoji can also mean someone has a lot of money.
  2. If someone’s business is doing well or they’ve received a nice bonus, they might send 💰 in a message to you to let you know about the good news. For example, a friend who’s just received a raise at work will likely want to let you know and add 💰 for a bit of flair.
    • “My boss just talked to me about a promotion!! 😆 You know what that means 💰💰👀”
    • “My company’s sales were super high this last month so looks like we’re all getting a bonus 📈💰🎉”
    • “I just sold a bunch of my art! 😁💰”
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💸 (Money with Wings) Emoji Meanings & Uses

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  1. Sending this emoji is like saying that you’re money is flying away from you. If someone just made a pretty hefty purchase or is simply sad about having to spend money, they might send you 💸 along with a text bemoaning their significantly lighter wallet. [2]
    • “Just bought tickets for the concert 💸💸 RIP my money 🙃”
    • “Why are groceries so expensive?? 😭💸”
    • “Just spent like $60 on gas 🤠💸”
  2. Think of 💸 as an emoji symbolizing money leaving your friend’s hand and coming your way. This is a particularly popular emoji to use when sending money via a money transfer app like Venmo or PayPal.
    • “Thanks for getting dinner! I’ll send you the money now 💸🥰”
    • “What’s your Venmo? I’ll transfer you the money 💸”
    • “I sent you $5 for the coffee 💸☕️”
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🤑 (Money-Mouth) Emoji Meanings & Uses

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  1. The dollar sign eyes and green tongue give this happy face a bit of a delirious and excited look. This is probably exactly how someone’s feeling when they see something they know will cost them but is just too nice to pass up. [3]
    • “Look at this Chanel bag 🤑😍 I want it 😭”
    • “Thinking about buying the new phone that just came out hehe 🤑🤑”
    • “Aren’t these shoes cute? They’re expensive but I think they’re worth it 🤑👀”
  2. Who doesn’t love adding a bit more to their monthly earnings? Someone texting you might send 🤑 as a way to let you know that they’ve just found a way to earn a little more money, whether it’s through a new job, starting their own small business, or making money through hobbies they enjoy.
    • “I just applied for a part-time job so I can make more money on the weekends 🤑🤑”
    • “Just opened my Etsy shop 🤑🎉 Tell all your friends lol.”
    • “Thinking about doing some freelance coding 🤑 What do you think?”
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Responding to the Money Emojis

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  1. Be sure to send them lots of happy smiley faces and celebratory confetti emojis to let them know how proud you are. They’ll definitely appreciate your lovely words.
    • “OMG that’s so awesome!!! 🤩 Proud of you! 😘”
    • “You definitely deserve it 🥳🎉”
    • “That’s awesome! We need to celebrate 😍🥳”
  2. Having to give up some of your money (even if it’s for things you need or really want) isn’t always the best feeling. If you get a text from someone who’s mourning the loss of some of their hard-earned dollars, be there to offer them a bit of sympathy and comfort.
    • “Ikr? Literally everything is so expensive 😢”
    • “Dinner was a bit expensive but it was totally worth it right? 😋”
    • “You’ll earn that money back in no time don’t worry! 💰💰”
  3. If your friend is coming to you gushing about something really amazing they want to buy that you know will take a considerable chunk out of their savings, do what you can to talk them out of the idea. Do they really need it? Or do they just want it?
    • “It’s cute but do you really need it? 🤨”
    • “I think you should wait. They might come out with something even better later.”
    • “If you buy that you’re not allowed to eat out for the next month 😇”
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