Gain a wealth of knowledge on these emojis related to money
Money and its influence is all around us—and it’s even made its mark on the emojis people use. When someone wants to talk about money, whether to say they’ve got a lot of it or are spending it on things they want, they might embellish their text messages and social media posts with some money-related emojis like the 💰 (money bag) emoji, the 💸 (money with wings) emoji, or the 🤑 (money-mouth) emoji. Read on to learn exactly what these emojis mean and how you can incorporate them into your next text.
Things You Should Know
- The 💰 (money bag) emoji can mean someone has a lot of money or that they’re earning more money than usual.
- Someone might send the 💸 (money with wings) emoji when they spend a lot of money or send money to a friend.
- The 🤑 (money-mouth) emoji can mean someone’s looking to buy something expensive or they’ve found a new way to make more money.
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