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The green-eyed monster affects everyone now and again, but some people are definitely more jealous than others! In love, friendships, and work, certain signs struggle with envy on the daily. So in astrology, who's most likely to lose their cool? We'll walk you through everything you need to know. For a ranking of the most jealous signs of the zodiac, read on.

Most Jealous Zodiac Signs

  • In general, water signs are more jealous than the other elements of the zodiac.
  • Some signs are jealous (but not vengeful or manipulative), while other signs tend to cause trouble when they're feeling envy.
  • Depending on a person's birth chart, they may be more or less jealous than the average person with their sign; still, astrology can provide a great starting point!
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  1. Cancer sees themselves as the best partner and friend a person could ask for. They're truly dedicated to the people they're close to. So when you go to someone else for love and support, Cancer will take this personally. Then, they'll start to overthink: Um...why didn't they come to me for help? Jealousy is sure to follow!
    • Be careful with your words to keep Cancer cool. Call someone "a great listener" and Cancer may hear "a way better listener than you. "
    • Luckily, apologies work well with this water sign. If Cancer's jealous, tell them you’re sorry . Then, sweeten the deal with a compliment or two.
    • Cancer is likely to be passive aggressive when they're hurting—if they go quiet, ask them directly about what's bothering them.
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  1. This fire sign expects to be in the spotlight, 24/7. In love, friendships, and even work, Leo is all about being adored and taking center stage. When someone else steals their thunder, the green-eyed monster will rear its head for sure. This definitely makes them one of the most jealous signs in the zodiac! [1]
    • If Leo feels jealous, they’ll retaliate—but just by attempting to turn the focus back on themselves.
    • If Leo is talking about themselves and demanding attention (more than usual), then that’s a good sign that they’re feeling jealous.
    • Even though this is one of the most envious signs, Leo is unlikely to be angry or vengeful—so just wait for their jealousy to pass.
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  1. If their partner has wandering eyes, Scorpio will feel like they’ve lost depth in their relationship. When a Scorpio gets jealous, they're not usually about "rising above" it; they're more likely to get even. [2]
    • If you’re dating this water sign, keep your ex’s name out of your mouth. Scorpio won’t be able to handle their envy!
    • If you work with a Scorpio, keep them as a friend, not a foe. Make it clear that your wins are theirs too, and you’ll avoid their jealousy.
    • A jealous Scorpio might ghost you…but they're more likely to fight fire with fire. If a Scorpio is playing games, try to beat them .
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  1. To this Earth sign, life is about becoming the very best version of yourself. If a Virgo sees someone else with qualities or achievements they’re striving for themselves, they'll definitely feel jealous. In work and in life generally, Virgo is definitely one of the most envious signs in the zodiac.
    • Virgos can be a bit harsh at times—if they’re feeling jealous, they may end up saying something they don’t mean.
    • You can’t avoid Virgo’s envy (unless you pretend you’re bad at everything!) but most of the time, they cool off on their own anyway.
    • On the other hand, a Virgo in love with rarely get jealous. They’re more likely to walk away from an unappreciative partner than to get riled up.
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  1. Possessive and dedicated, Taurus will feel resentful if their partner shows an interest in someone else. [3] And in life, Taurus will be envious of anyone who has things they really want—a great kitchen, a hot tub, satin sheets, you name it. They’re definitely one of the most jealous signs in the zodiac.
    • A Taurus is all about big commitments in love—if they’re ready to get serious but you’re still playing the field, they’ll be jealous.
    • They’re not super likely to keep dating someone who’s making them feel envious, no matter the circumstance (so try to avoid this).
    • If you're trying to figure out if a Taurus is jealous of your stuff, know that they won't lash out. They'd be more likely to copy your style!
    • Reader Poll: We asked 1632 wikiHow readers who've dated a Taurus, and 76% of them agreed that when Taurus feels jealous, their most annoying reaction is to ignore texts and give you the cold shoulder. [Take Poll]
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  1. This fire sign is quick to anger and very competitive—if they feel like someone is threatening their relationship, their work, or their friendships, they could definitely feel a major burst of jealousy. But Aries’ temper doesn’t always last long, so they’re likely to cool down just as quickly. [4]
    • If Aries is jealous, they’ll tell you exactly how they feel (and they may even use a choice word or two) so you’ll never have to guess.
    • Luckily, an angry Aries is usually pretty easy to calm down . Just give them space, apologize, and explain yourself. All will be forgiven!
    • Making Aries jealous in love will do one of 2 things. It’ll either inspire them to put more effort into your relationship or make them want to bolt.

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