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Great for small and large groups, 31 is easy and fun for all ages to play. Competition can be light and friendly or high-stakes, depending on the group. The game provides room for gambling, though gloating rights can prove just as satisfying. Make this flexible and addictive game your group’s new pastime by following the steps below!

Quick Tutorial for 31 Card Game

Deal 3 cards to each player facedown and place 3 cards faceup in the middle of the table. Starting to the left of the dealer, each player exchanges one card from their hand for one of the faceup cards. The goal is to be the first to collect a hand totaling 31 points.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Preparing for the Game

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  1. Playing groups are recommended at a range of 2 to 9 people, though you really can add as many players as you like.
    • Experts suggest 3 players to be the perfect amount, however this number is subject to your group’s preferences. Some people are all about the competition, while others focus on having a good time with good friends. [1]
  2. Throw out those Jokers and shuffle up the cards.
  3. Although a table is ideal for card games, all you really need is a comfortable space for people to sit around a central location. Cards will be placed in the center for the whole group to share, so be sure to choose a location where everyone will be able to reach and see these communal cards.
  4. Hands consist of 3 cards and totals are determined by adding together cards of the same suit. The objective of the game is to assemble a hand with a score of as close to 31 as possible.
  5. Card game rules can vary from group to group as rules are often spread by word of mouth, so be sure your group agrees. Official 31 rules state that an Ace equals 11 points, while Jacks, Queens, and Kings count as 10 and number cards are worth their face value. [2]
    • Cards can only be added together if they are from the same suit. For example, your hand may consist of a 3 of diamonds, an Ace of spades and a King of spades. The hand’s total would equal 21. The 3 of diamonds is not a spade. It cannot be added together with the King and Ace.
    • Any hand with 3-of-a-kind is worth 30 points. This means a hand of 3 fives, 3 deuces or 3 Kings are all worth 30 points and automatically trump any other hand of the same suit worth 30 points.
  6. Watermark wikiHow to Play 31
    Each player grabs a section of the deck of cards. Players then reveal the bottom card of their cut. Whoever has the card of the lowest value is the chosen dealer.
    • During each game, the person to the left of the previous dealer takes over their position.
  7. Although it is not necessary, some people prefer to play 31 with “lives”, represented by 3 chips, 3 pennies, or 3 of any marker the group chooses. At the end of each round, a loser is determined. That loser must place one of their lives in the middle.
    • After a player loses 3 lives, they cannot move on to the next round. The game continues until all but one player is eliminated.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Playing the Game

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Play 31
    After everyone has received 3 cards, each player may look at their hand. Under no circumstance should a player allow any other player to see their hand.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Play 31
    Players will be taking and replacing these 3 cards in turn throughout the game.
  3. Look at the 3 cards in your hand and the 3 cards in the window. Decide which cards, both in your hand and in the window, will push you closer to a hand totaling 31.
    • Don’t forget you can only add together cards of the same suit! Keep this in mind while strategizing.
  4. Although betting is not necessary, it can heighten the stakes. If you choose to bet, every player should place an equal amount of chips into the center before anyone takes a turn.
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Play 31
    This player has the option to exchange one of their own cards for one of the cards in the window. Players can switch out as many cards as they wish as long as it is their turn. [3]
    • If a player picks up a new card, they must place one of their old cards in a discard pile. Other players can draw new cards from the window or discard pile.
  6. Watermark wikiHow to Play 31
    Players continue to add value to their 3-card hands.
    • Always make sure you have 3 cards in your hand, no more or no less.
  7. Try to reach a hand of 31, but also keep an eye on your opponents. Determine if they seem pleased or agitated by gestures, facial expressions, and the tones in their voices.
    • Scoring exactly 31 can be a difficult task. Sometimes a player must decide they are as close as they will get. Use your knowledge of the other players to decide if your hand has a good chance of winning. Perhaps you only have a score of 23, but everyone seems disgruntled and the game has been lagging on. You may be the winner.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Winning the Game

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Play 31
    As soon as you have reached as close to 31 as you believe you can, knock on the table. All other players then have one final turn exchanging cards with the window. [4]
    • If your hand is exactly 31, knock and declare that you have 31. Players do not receive another turn and you show your cards to the group. Everyone else loses and forfeits a life. This can happen at any time, even after another player has already knocked to begin the final round.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Play 31
    The player with the cards of the same suit closest to totaling 31 wins the game.
    • In case of a tie, the player with the highest-ranking cards wins. For example, the combination Ace, Jack, and 4 equals 25, as does a King, Queen, and 5 combination. However, the Ace has a higher rank than the King. The Ace, Jack, 4 hand beats the King, Queen, 5 hand. [5]
    • If the tie continues, the second highest cards are compared (Jack and Queen in the case of the previous example), and so on until a winner is determined.
  3. The player with the lowest total loses and forfeits a life. [6] Once a player loses all 3 lives they are eliminated from the game and may not move on to the next hand.
    • In the event that one player knocks but another ends with the highest score in the final round, the knocker loses a life.
  4. Whether the prize is money, bragging rights, a personal favor, or a boost in self-esteem, winning is always fun.
    • Collect cards, reshuffle, switch dealer to the left and repeat the steps above until all but 1 have been eliminated.
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Play 31
    The number of rounds per game will change depending on how many people are playing. More players increase game length as there are more lives to be lost.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Is the deck not used?
    Community Answer
    It is. You have 3 cards, right? Then you pick up one card and put another card down.
  • Question
    What happens when you get two aces and a 10 (or equal value)?
    Jerred Abbadini
    Community Answer
    You can only make 31 if the cards are the same suit. Best possible hand is A-K-Q of one suit, not mixed - hence, the highest score being 31. This game uses a standard 52-card deck, which only has one card of each suit.
  • Question
    What happens if there's no deck cards left when playing 31?
    Community Answer
    The person who originally dealt the cards will shuffle the deck, leaving the last card face up on the table.
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      • If more than 1 player ties for lowest score, all the lowest-scoring players will lose a life. [7]
      • Sometimes collecting 3-of-a-kind is a better strategy than adding cards of the same suit. Be on the lookout for like cards.
      • 31 can only be achieved with 2 face cards and an Ace.
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      Things You'll Need

      • A standard 52 deck of cards
      • A flat surface or space to play

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      31 is a fun card game where players race to make the highest-scoring hand. To play the game, you'll need a standard deck of cards and 3 tokens, like poker chips, for each player. The game starts with the players cutting for the deal. Whoever has the lowest card deals first. The dealer deals 3 cards face-down to each player, then 3 cards face-up in the middle for the “window.” The player to the dealer’s left goes first. On a player’s turn, they can exchange one card from their hand with one of the cards from the window. Play continues clockwise until one player thinks their hand can beat all of the other players’ hands. Aces are worth 11 points, face cards are worth 10 points, and the rest of the cards are worth their face value. Only cards of the same suit can be added together. For example, if a player has an ace of diamonds, a king of diamonds, and a 3 of hearts, they have 21 points. If a player thinks they have the best hand, they knock on the table on their turn. Then the rest of the players get one more turn. Everyone reveals their cards and the player with the lowest score loses one of their tokens. If a player has 31 points at any time during the game, they can knock immediately and every other player loses a life. When a player loses all of their lives, they're out of the game. Whoever is the last player in the game wins! For tips on how to do the showdown, and determine the winner and loser, keep reading!

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