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Thinking about playing a kissing game at your next party? Kissing games are great ways to liven up a party and maybe even kiss someone you like. Just make sure not to pressure anyone into playing! If all of your guests are on board, try one of these fun kissing game variations at your next party.

Method 1
Method 1 of 5:

Playing Spin the Bottle

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  1. No chairs are required, just have everyone sit on the ground. Try to arrange everyone in a boy-girl-boy-girl pattern.
  2. Lay the bottle on its side. If the circle is large, players might need to get up and go to the middle of the circle to spin the bottle. If it isn’t too big then you should be able to just lean forward and spin it.
  3. Grabbing the bottle around the middle with your thumb and index finger, rotate your wrist sharply and then release to give the bottle a spin.
  4. Whoever is closest to where the bottle is pointing when it stops spinning is the person that the bottle spinner has to kiss.
  5. Whoever is seated to the right of the last bottle spinner goes next. Keep playing until everyone in the circle has had a chance to spin the bottle.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 5:

Playing Suck and Blow

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  1. You can also use a piece of construction paper or cardstock as long as you trim it down to the size of a playing card. Just remember that the card needs to be large enough to completely cover your mouth. [1]
  2. Arrange everyone in a boy-girl-boy-girl pattern. The circle should be fairly tight, since a card will be passed from mouth to mouth in this game.
  3. The person with the card must suck gently on the card to keep it on his or her lips. While sucking, the card holder must attempt to pass it to the next person using only his or her mouth. No hands are allowed in this game! [2]
  4. Press the card against the lips of the person next to you and keep sucking. Keep the paper in place until the next person makes contact with it. Then blow gently on the paper to release it to the next person. If the paper falls, those two have to kiss. [3]
  5. Every time the card drops, the girls must rotate one space to the left so that they are standing next to one new boy. This rotation will keep the game exciting by constantly changing the person next to the players. Keep playing until the card has made a full rotation around the circle or until everyone has kissed someone. [4]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 5:

Playing Seven Minutes in Heaven

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  1. Fold them up so that the names are hidden, but keep the boys’ names separate from the girls names. [5]
  2. Put all of the girls’ names into one hat and all of the boys’ names into another hat. [6]
  3. Mix up the names before you draw a name from each hat. As you pull out each name, read it aloud to your guests. [7]
  4. If you don’t have a large enough closet, you can send them into a small dark room, like a bathroom or laundry room. Just make sure that the lighting is dim and they are in somewhat close quarters. [8]
  5. Use a stopwatch or just watch the clock for seven minutes. Let them out when the timer is up. [9]
  6. Keep the game going by drawing new names. Place the names that you have already drawn to the side so that all of your guests have a turn.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 5:

Playing Post Office

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  1. Make sure the room has a door that the “postman” can knock on and enter through.
  2. You can choose the person who has to leave the room and knock on the door to reenter at random or ask for volunteers.
  3. Again, you can choose the person at random or ask for volunteers. Someone may want to volunteer if they like the person who has left the room and want to kiss him or her.
  4. When the door is opened, the two people standing on either side of it have to kiss.
  5. Start a new round by selecting a new postman and door opener. Keep playing until everyone has had a chance.
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Method 5
Method 5 of 5:

Playing Kissing Cards

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  1. After you have separated the cards into two decks, shuffle each deck separately.
  2. Give a card from the black deck to each of the boys and give a card form the red deck to each of the girls. Don’t look at cards as you hand them out. Hand them out at random. [10]
  3. Have everyone hold their cards in front of them so that everyone can see the card’s number or face. [11]
  4. Ask everyone to look for the person whose card number or face matches theirs. Matching numbers hand faces have to kiss. For example, if a boy has a black seven of spades and a girl has a red seven of hearts, those two have to kiss. [12]
  5. After all of the players with matching cards have kissed, collect their cards (keeping black and red cards separate) then shuffle the cards and play again. Keep playing until everyone has gotten a couple of kisses from different people.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    What if you're too uncomfortable to kiss someone playing?
    Community Answer
    You're free not to play the game if you're uncomfortable. If you do agree to play, it should be with awareness and acceptance of the other people who are participating and the fact that that you may have to kiss any one of them - you don't get to choose who you kiss, and you don't get to discriminate against a specific person.
  • Question
    What if a boy has to kiss a boy in the game?
    Community Answer
    If the boy who has been chosen to kiss another doesn't feel comfortable about the situation, he certainly doesn't have to, but if the group you are playing with is very serious about the game, then rules are rules. This game is a silly game only for amusement, and if you don't feel comfortable playing it, then don't!
  • Question
    How do I ask a girl out in high school?
    Community Answer
    Have a date already in mind, either a restaurant, movie, or fun event, so you can ask her with a specific time and day. Walk up to her and ask her to this date. Be nice, smile, and be open and willing to change the date if she can't make it that day.
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      • These games work best with groups of 10 or more people, so you are better off using these games at parties than at casual hangouts.
      • Wait to start a kissing game until the party is in full swing and people are more relaxed. About 2 hours into the party is a good time to start a kissing game. That way it won’t be as big of a deal if any awkwardness results from these games, since your guests will probably be heading out soon.
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      • Never force someone to play a kissing game! Before you start a game, you should be considerate of your guests and tell them to let you know if they don’t want to play. Forcing someone to play a kissing game who does not want to play could have a very negative effect on that person.

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To play the kissing game Spin the Bottle, start by asking everyone to sit in a circle on the ground. Next, put a bottle in the middle of the circle and lay it on its side. When you’re ready to begin, have the first person grab the bottle and spin. Once the bottle stops, the spinner should kiss whomever the bottle is pointing to. Make sure to take turns going around the circle until everyone has had a chance to spin. To learn how to play other kissing games, like Seven Minutes in Heaven, read on!

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