A list of intriguing and silly questions to jazz up your game of “Put a Finger Down”
- General |
- Deep |
- Funny |
- Spicy |
- Teen Questions |
- For Couples |
- For Kids |
- For Adult (Ages 25 & Up) |
- Video
Want to have some fun with a friend, crush, or date playing the “Put a Finger Down” game? It’s an easy game to enjoy in-person or over a video call, and plays a lot like “Never Have I Ever” ; all you need to do is take turns asking “Put a finger down…” questions, and put your finger down if that question applies to you. If you want to play but aren’t sure what to ask, look no further! We’ve compiled a handy collection of funny, emotional, spicy, and flirty questions for you to use whenever you need them. [1] X Research source
Things You Should Know
- Put a Finger Down is a TikTok trend. Create a sound with you reading off the questions and record yourself putting a finger down when you've done something.
- Play with funny prompts that'll make for a super silly video. Or, go with general prompts to teach your audience more about you.
- Or, play with your partner to learn more about them. For this, you might want to go with deep, spicy, or romantic prompts. [2] X Research source
Section 1 of 8:
Put a finger down if you’re a picky eater.
2Put a finger down if you have a tattoo. [3] X Research sourceAdvertisement
3Put a finger down if you’ve ever run a marathon.
4Put a finger down if you’ve gone swimming in the Atlantic ocean.
5Put a finger down if you’re a big procrastinator.
6Put a finger down if you’ve had pancakes for dinner.
7Put a finger down if you’ve ever talked to yourself.
8Put a finger down if you’ve met a celebrity.
9Put a finger down if you’ve seen a ghost. [4] X Research source
Put a finger down if you cut your own hair.
11Put a finger down if you’ve been out of the country.
12Put a finger down if you can bake.
13Put a finger down if you know how to ride a bike.
14Put a finger down if you’ve ever grown your own vegetables.
15Put a finger down if you play soccer.
Section 2 of 8:
Put a finger down if you’ve had your heart broken.
2Put a finger down if you overthink everything. [5] X Research source
3Put a finger down if you feel insecure sometimes.
4Put a finger down if you tend to bottle up your emotions.
5Put a finger down if you have mood swings. [6] X Research source
Put a finger down if you have trust issues.
7Put a finger down if you’ve ever cried for no reason. [7] X Research source
8Put a finger down if you’ve fallen in love at first sight.
9Put a finger down if you’ve met “the one.”
10Put a finger down if you’ve ever felt alone. [8] X Research source
Section 3 of 8:
Put a finger down if you wear Crocs in public.
2Put a finger down if you’ve farted in an elevator and pretended it wasn’t you. [9] X Research source
3Put a finger down if you’ve ever been chased by a goose.
4Put a finger down if you’ve gone to work or school with your clothes inside out.
Put a finger down if you’ve woken someone up with your snoring.
6Put a finger down if you’ve ever laughed so hard you snorted liquid up your nose.
7Put a finger down if you’ve ever peed in the ocean.
8Put a finger down if you’ve said “You too” when a box office clerk tells you to enjoy the movie.
9Put a finger down if you’ve eaten whipped cream right out of the can.
Put a finger down if you’ve apologized to an object after bumping into it.
11Put a finger down if you say acronyms like “LOL” out loud. [10] X Research source
12Put a finger down if you’ve pretended to be sleep while someone talked to you.
13Put a finger down if you’ve ever tripped over your pet.
14Put a finger down if you’ve ever thought someone was waving at you (but they weren’t).
15Put a finger down if you scream during horror movies.
Section 4 of 8:
Put a finger down if you’ve gone skinny dipping.
2Put a finger down if you’ve made out in a public place.
3Put a finger down if you’ve ever dined and dashed.
4Put a finger down if you’ve kissed someone you just met. [11] X Research source
5Put a finger down if you’ve lied to someone in this room.
Put a finger down if you’ve stalked an ex on social media.
7Put a finger down if you’ve flirted to get something you wanted.
8Put a finger down if you’ve dated multiple people at the same time.
9Put a finger down if you’ve ever been hungover.
10Put a finger down if you’ve ever lied about your age.
Section 5 of 8:
Teen Questions
Put a finger down if you’ve been to a concert.
2Put a finger down if you’ve ever skipped school. [12] X Research source
3Put a finger down if you doodle on the back of your paper.
4Put a finger down if you’ve ever fought with your parents.
5Put a finger down if you’ve ever kissed someone.
Put a finger down if you have your own room.
7Put a finger down if you have a driver’s license.
8Put a finger down if you’ve been grounded.
9Put a finger down if you’ve gone on a date before.
10Put a finger down if you’ve ever pretended to be sick so you could stay home.
Put a finger down if you’ve been in a physical fight.
12Put a finger down if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend.
13Put a finger down if you want to go to college.
14Put a finger down if you still sleep with the lights on.
15Put a finger down if you’ve ever danced in front of the mirror with a hairbrush.
Section 6 of 8:
For Couples
Put a finger down if you’ve ever used a dating app.
2Put a finger down if you’ve sent a saucy text to the wrong person.
3Put a finger down if you know your significant other’s zodiac sign.
4Put a finger down if you’ve ever gotten a love letter.
5Put a finger down if you’ve ever gone on a blind date.
Put a finger down if you’ve tried to impress someone you had a crush on.
7Put a finger down if you’ve daydreamed about your wedding day.
8Put a finger down if you smile when you think about your significant other.
9Put a finger down if you stare at your partner (or crush) when they’re not looking.
10Put a finger down if your significant other makes you laugh.
Put a finger down if you’ve ever had a crush on a friend.
12Put a finger down if you’ve ever been cheated on.
13Put a finger down if you’ve ever been in an open relationship.
14Put a finger down if you’ve ever texted “On my way” while you’re still at work.
15Put a finger down if you have ever ended a relationship via text message.
Section 7 of 8:
For Kids
Put a finger down if you’re scared of heights.
2Put a finger down if you have a brother or sister.
3Put a finger down if you’ve ever been out of the country.
4Put a finger down if you sleep with stuffed animals.
5Put a finger down if you get sick on roller coasters.
Put a finger down if you can name 3 dinosaurs.
7Put a finger down if you have a bedtime.
8Put a finger down if you’re in a school club.
9Put a finger down if spiders scare you.
10Put a finger down if you’ve ever gotten lost in a store.
Section 8 of 8:
For Adult (Ages 25 & Up)
Put a finger down if you’ve gambled in a casino.
2Put a finger down if you have two or more jobs.
3Put a finger down if you’ve gotten a tattoo you regret.
4Put a finger down if you’ve ever pulled an all-nighter.
Put a finger down if you own your home.
6Put a finger down if you have a college degree.
7Put a finger down if you’ve ever forgotten how old you are.
8Put a finger down if you’ve gotten a reading from a psychic.
9Put a finger down if you’re going to school right now.
10Put a finger down if you’ve never lived alone.
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- ↑ https://parade.com/living/put-a-finger-down-questions
- ↑ https://parade.com/living/put-a-finger-down-questions
- ↑ https://parade.com/living/put-a-finger-down-questions
- ↑ https://parade.com/living/put-a-finger-down-questions
- ↑ https://games4esl.com/put-a-finger-down-questions/
- ↑ https://games4esl.com/put-a-finger-down-questions/
- ↑ https://games4esl.com/put-a-finger-down-questions/
- ↑ https://games4esl.com/put-a-finger-down-questions/
- ↑ https://www.teenvogue.com/story/never-have-i-ever-questions
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