Q&A for How to Avoid Becoming a Weeaboo

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  • Question
    If I cook Japanese food, am I a weeaboo?
    Community Answer
    Of course not. You're only considered a weaboo if you're obsessed with Japan. You're allowed to appreciate Japanese culture and eat Japanese food.
  • Question
    Would studying Japanese and going abroad make me a weeaboo?
    NY Blossom
    Top Answerer
    No. Liking the culture doesn't make you a weeaboo. Obsessing over the culture does.
  • Question
    Is it okay for me to be offended if a weeaboo comes up to me and assumes I'm Japanese without asking my ethnicity?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is. Assuming someone's ethnicity is rude. In the future, I would just politely tell them that you aren't Japanese and that you don't like it when people assume your ethnicity.
  • Question
    Why is using "Baka" and "Sugoi" thought of as weeaboo behavior? Do Japanese not use these terms by themselves or at all?
    Not Suki
    Community Answer
    They do sometimes, but if you say them in an English conversation irrelevantly it's generally considered weeaboo behavior.
  • Question
    What if I use desu ironically?
    Community Answer
    Irony is perfectly acceptable, as it is humor. Just make sure that you use the irony with people who will understand it to avoid being called a weeaboo.
  • Question
    Why are people afraid to be a weeaboo? Embrace the true fan within, do not be bordered by social classes and the norm.
    NY Blossom
    Top Answerer
    Being a weeaboo isn't just being a fan, it means you are obsessive and try to be Japanese, which many find to be disrespectful.
  • Question
    Does learning Japanese make you a weeaboo?
    Community Answer
    No, there isn't anything wrong with learning Japanese or any foreign language. Just make sure that you don't speak it incorrectly or use it in conversation with people who don't understand Japanese. That would make you a weeaboo.
  • Question
    Can I still become a weeaboo if I'm Japanese?
    NY Blossom
    Top Answerer
    Technically not, since weeaboos are people who consider themselves Japanese when they are not.
  • Question
    Am I a weeaboo for wanting to learn Japanese? I like the language in general, as well as the convenience of watching Japanese anime and reading Japanese manga.
    Community Answer
    No, it sounds like you just have a passion for the language and culture, there's nothing wrong with that!
  • Question
    Is someone considered weeaboo if they like anime, manga, etc.?
    Community Answer
    No, you are not a weeaboo if you simply enjoy anime and manga and are interested in the Japanese culture. A weeaboo is a person who attempts to act Japanese, disrespects the culture and loves everything that comes from Japan.
  • Question
    If I'm going to Japan, should I learn Japanese or just say I'm English?
    Community Answer
    If you do not intend to communicate with locals very much, then you wouldn't need to learn Japanese. However, it's always a good idea to learn the language of a country you intend to visit, provided you have the time.
  • Question
    What if I think anime girls are attractive and love them, but I hate real people?
    Community Answer
    This is a problem. You are danger of becoming obsessed with anime and unable to have normal relationships because "real" people will never live up to your expectations. You should take a break from anime for a while and remind yourself that these anime girls are fictional. It's fine to admire them, it's even fine to think they're attractive, but if they're affecting the way you think about real people, you need a break.
  • Question
    Would I be considered Weeaboo if I sing Japanese songs?
    Garrett Hill
    Community Answer
    No, not at all. Enjoying Japanese and singing Japanese songs just means you like the song and the cultural music.
  • Question
    Does it make me a weeaboo if I simply like anime and I am learning Japanese because I'm interested in the culture?
    NY Blossom
    Top Answerer
    No. Liking Japanese culture is perfectly fine and many people even find it flattering. Ignore anyone calling you a weeaboo.
  • Question
    What if I'm Japanese?
    NY Blossom
    Top Answerer
    People often use the term "weeaboo" to describe someone who is obsessed with Japanese culture and wants to be Japanese. Just don't obsess over anime and manga, and you should be fine.
  • Question
    Am I a weeaboo if I like Japanese food and snacks?
    Top Answerer
    It's fine to like various aspects of Japanese culture. Provided you're not trying to be Japanese, you're fine.
  • Question
    Where can I find a good "clump" of weeaboos? The comic book store perhaps?
    NY Blossom
    Top Answerer
    You really can't assume that people who like comics are weeaboos, chances are, they're not. Try finding a "weeaboo community" online.
  • Question
    What do I do when my friends call me a weeaboo when I'm completely not one?
    Community Answer
    Kindly ask them to stop calling you a weeaboo. If they don't stop, be firmer in your request. If they are trying to make you feel bad, then they aren't your friends. If they don't stop, it's bullying and you should find adult help.
  • Question
    I'm debating whether to wear a kimono next week since I'm having a culture day at my school. Would I be considered a "weeabo" if I wore one? I just enjoy putting effort into my clothes instead of turning up in jeans and a shirt like the other students do.
    NY Blossom
    Top Answerer
    No, but since a kimono is related to the culture, some people may call you a weeaboo. Ignore them.
  • Question
    Does wearing an anime T-shirt make you a weeaboo?
    NY Blossom
    Top Answerer
    No, of course not. You can like anime and respect Japanese culture and not try to be Japanese. That's what a weeaboo is.
  • Question
    Would being and dressing cute make me a weeb? I want to change my wardrobe to cuter outfits, but don't want to risk being called a weeb.
    Community Answer
    Being and dressing cute doesn't make you a weeb, just don't be overly obsessed with your outfit. If anyone calls you a weeb, just ignore it.
  • Question
    Am I considered a weaboo if I like Japanese fashion and wear clothes that look similar to some typical Japanese clothes?
    Community Answer
    No! If you love Japanese fashion and admire it for what it is, you are not a weeaboo.
  • Question
    Why do people hate weeaboos?
    NY Blossom
    Top Answerer
    Most people don't hate weeaboos, they just don't agree with their mindset. Many weeaboos are disrespectful of the culture and are obsessive, so it creates a negative image.
  • Question
    Does naming myself after an anime character on social media make me a weeaboo?
    Moonlightpetal Cherry
    Community Answer
    Nope! Being an anime fan does not make you a weeaboo. Pretending that you are Japanese and acting on the stereotypes of their culture makes you one.
  • Question
    Does enjoying anime and manga, finding the culture interesting and talking about it with best friend who also like this stuff make me a weeaboo?
    Not Suki
    Community Answer
    No, there are many anime and manga fans who are not weeaboos, as long as it's not obsessive and you still have other hobbies/interests that are not purely anime.
  • Question
    If I want to learn the Japanese language, is considered being weeaboo? I do like anime, manga, etc. but learning it has nothing to do with them; I just want to catch up with my friends from another school.
    Not Suki
    Community Answer
    Of course not, it just means you want to learn the language. The fact that your interest in it has little to do with your interest in anime is a clear sign of that. A weeaboo is someone who obsesses over anime and Japanese things.
  • Question
    If I want to study abroad in Japan as an exchange student in high school for reasons like learning the language and studying Japanese car culture, would I be considered a weeaboo?
    Not Suki
    Community Answer
    No, you would just be interested in the culture. A weeaboo is mainly someone who tries to act like an anime character or a Japanese stereotype and obsesses over all things Japanese. As long as you're not obsessive, you should be fine.
  • Question
    How does using the Japanese faces make someone a weaboo? It's not like American emojis (like the cringe-worthy poop one) are any better.
    NY Blossom
    Top Answerer
    It doesn't, but it's best to not use them as it just comes off as weird and irrelevant, and it can appear as if you're a weeaboo.
  • Question
    Am I a weeaboo if I really like anime and want to decorate my whole room with anime?
    Community Answer
    No. Being a weeaboo requires you to be obsessed with the culture as a whole. Liking anime does not make you a weeaboo.
  • Question
    If I like anime, manga and Japanese food and talk about it to my (interested) friends, would that make me a weeaboo?
    Community Answer
    If you're not overly obsessive then yes of course! You have the freedom of speech to talk about whatever you want and like whatever you'd like. Take that advice to heart, but keep in mind that society might not react the way you want it to depending on what you enjoy.
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