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Q&A for How to Be Jewish
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QuestionCan black people be Jewish?Yuval awesome_54Community AnswerOf course. I am black and I converted. There are also Jews who are born black (like my best friend).
QuestionI would like to convert to Judaism, but I'm old. Can I still be accepted?Community AnswerYes, you can convert regardless of your age!
QuestionWhat should I say to convince a rabbi that I am sincere in my desire to become Jewish?Community AnswerJust be honest! If you're actually sincere in wanting to convert, you'll come off as such.
QuestionIs it possible to learn how to be a Jew?Sam StanleyCommunity AnswerAbsolutely! Ask a rabbi, Google it, read a book, or talk to any Jew.
QuestionHow long will it take me to convert?Yuval awesome_54Community AnswerIt will take about approximately 1-2 years.
QuestionIf I committed a sin before being Jewish, will I still have to clear that sin?Community AnswerJudaism does not require the clearing of sins. Instead, it is expected that people will end up sinning, so the important thing to do is to repent and try to avoid sins in the future.
QuestionI need to become Jewish, but I cannot seem to quit smoking, what can I do?Community AnswerUnder Jewish law, smoking is prohibited due to it being self-harming. I recommend you try further to find healthy alternatives for both your own health and your religious pursuit. Don't give up on quitting! You can still convert as a smoker, but you are obligated to do everything in your power to try to quit.
QuestionIf I become a Jew following the rules of Judaism, will other Jews consider me equal?Sam StanleyCommunity AnswerYes. If you convert according to the rules of whatever sect you want to be a part of, as soon as you are done converting, you are as much a Jew as anyone else. Some people may be less accepting, but the stance of the religion is that everyone is equal.
QuestionMy parents are Methodist, but I kind of want to become Jewish. Are there any tips to discreetly practice Judaism without my parents finding out?Community AnswerSooner or later, your parents will find out, and you need to be honest with them. You shouldn't be hiding your religion; that indicates you think you're doing something wrong. There's nothing wrong with learning about a different religion.
QuestionHow can a woman convert?Community AnswerThe same way a man converts. Find a rabbi at a synagogue that you like and talk to them about it.
QuestionWhat can I do if I am a race that isn't usually Jewish, and I am worried it will be difficult to convert?Community AnswerThere are Jews of every race. I wouldn't worry about not being allowed to convert.
QuestionCan I become Jewish if my parents are not? If so, how do I contact a synagogue?Sam StanleyCommunity AnswerYou definitely can! If you Google it, you should be able to find a synagogue in your area, so feel free to give them a call, and they'll help get you started on the path to conversion.
QuestionI was brought up Jewish and went to synagogue every week with my dad and granddad. I miss it. What can I do?Community AnswerContact your local synagogue or temple, and speak with the rabbi about your situation.
QuestionAre Jews allowed to drink alcohol?Community AnswerYes, but not to the point of getting drunk! It can still happen, and someone else will need to drive.
QuestionI live in Morocco and I want to convert to Judaism. Where should I go to get help?Community AnswerGo to a local synagogue at talk to the rabbi. The rabbi is going to try to push you away from converting, but that's part of their job. Just keep saying you want to convert, and the rabbi will help you.
QuestionCan I convert to Judaism without asking a rabbi?Community AnswerIt's not impossible, but it also isn't ideal. Judaism is a communal religion, it's meant to be experienced with others, to share your Jewishness with other Jews. Hasidic and Orthodox Jews will not accept you as Jewish if you do not convert through traditional means, and Conservative and Reform Jews, whereas more lenient, still would like it if you went through a process (usually an Intro class to Judaism followed by a mikveh, sometimes with a full beth din). Reconstructionists have an easier process, but still require you to take classes, attend services, etc. Each Synagogue has its own process, and it is really up to you how you want to go about it.
QuestionI'm a former Catholic who has also explored the Baptist faith. Can I convert to Judaism?Community AnswerYou can, but you ideally need a rabbi to get started, and you need to ask G-d to bring you to Judaism.
QuestionI'm a teenager. What if my family won't allow me to convert or go to a synagogue?Community AnswerTalk to them about your feelings, your faith, and why you want to become Jewish - perhaps you can convince them to at least allow you to attend synagogue. If not, you might just have to wait until you're a little bit older.
QuestionIs there a day of atonement that covers the sins of the people?Community AnswerYom Kippur is called the Day of Atonement and it is the holiest day of the Jewish year. With true teshuvah (repentance), sins against G-d can be forgiven. If you sin against man, you must first ask that person for forgiveness and then G-d.
QuestionHow is a Jew saved from sin?Community AnswerBy adhering to the Halacha (Torah law) and doing teshuvah (repentance) for sins preformed. The Halacha can be found in the Shulchan Aruch (they have English additions). It would be best to learn with a Rabbi (such as Chabad).
QuestionCan Jewish women drink alcohol?Community AnswerYes, during Passover, all the people sitting around the table are required to have a few sips of wine.
QuestionWhat can I do to learn more about my Jewish heritage?Sam StanleyCommunity AnswerTalk to family members, perhaps speak to other older people who knew the family, or even learn about Jewish culture and history.
QuestionCan I convert to Judaism from another religion?Community AnswerContact your local synagogue and enquire about the possibility of converting. At the very least, they may encourage you to become a Noahide.
QuestionCan I convert to Judaism if I believe in Jesus?Community AnswerYou'll need to become as Messianic Jew to do that. "Regular" Jews see Jesus as a false prophet.
QuestionHow long does Giyur last?Community AnswerIt lasts as long as the person needs to learn how to become a full, observant member of the Jewish faith.
QuestionI live in Iran, where it is illegal for Muslims to convert. Am I still required to be baptized and go to a synagogue?Community AnswerJews are not baptized through conversion, although there is an immersion in the mikveh. However, the answer to your question is yes. A legitimate convert is only one that has done the entire process through the three rabbis of a kosher beis din, done brit milah (for a man), and immersed in the mikveh.
QuestionMy dad's side of the family survived the Holocaust, and I want to continue being a part of the Jewish community, but my mom isn't Jewish. Am I ethnically Jewish?Community AnswerAccording to (Orthodox) Jewish law, you are not Jewish if your maternal side isn't Jewish, but many conservative/reform/reconstructionist synagogues will still consider you a Jew. Depending on how religious your local Jewish community or synagogue is, you may or may not have to convert in the future. You can still practice Jewish traditions either way.
QuestionWhat is the difference between Judaism and Islam?Community AnswerBoth religions believe in one G-d. However, Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet of G-d and that Muhammad was the final prophet sent by G-d to guide the people. Jews do not believe in these prophets. Additionally, Jews and Muslims have different traditions and holidays. Muslims pray five times a day and fast for a month during Ramadan. Many make a pilgrimage or hajj to Mecca. Both Jews and Muslims may dress conservatively and both believe in the Old Testament, though the Jewish holy book is the Torah, while the Muslim one is the Quran. Jews fast one day a year during Yom Kippur, though some very religious Jews may fast more often. Many Jews also keep kosher.
QuestionIs there a way to do this free?Community AnswerYes, you can always practice religion at home on your own. The internet has tons of free resources on Judaism, access to Jewish texts, and you can learn a bit of Hebrew on the free app Duolingo. Additionally, joining a temple is usually free (though they may ask for donations, you are obviously not obligated to give them if you can't afford it). Religion is very personal, and you can easily form a relationship with G-d by just praying and talking with Him every day. If you want a group, try to find Jewish group chats online or find other Jewish people to hang out with in your neighborhood.
QuestionWhy can't I become a Jew if I'm LGBTQ and African-Jamacian-American-Swede?Community AnswerJudaism doesn't look for converts, but will gladly welcome anyone with a sincerity of heart. There are gay synagogues and black Jews, mostly from Ethiopia. Anyone who told you you can't become Jewish is very wrong!
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