Q&A for How to Be a Hindu

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    Do I really have to change my name?
    Community Answer
    No, it doesn't matter because lots of diversity happens in Hindu temples and your name doesn't really matter to the Gods overall.
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    What should I do if I want to become a Hindu, but my mother will not allow it?
    Community Answer
    Try to talk to her and convince her why you want to become a Hindu. Unlike Abrahamic religions which are belief based, Indian religions are practice based. so it's the practices which will make you a good Hindu. If your mother doesn't allow it, then keep your previous religion officially and start practicing whatever you learn from Hinduism. No one, irrespective of religion, would have a problem with you if you decide to become a vegetarian or want to meditate daily, Start practicing the omnipresence of the divine by treating humans, animals, plants and Mother Earth with respect.
  • Question
    Is it OK to eat fish and chicken if I am Hindu?
    Community Answer
    Yes. There are no hard-and-fast rules in Hinduism. God guides you on the paths, but it is on us which to follow. You can visit a church or a mosque even if you are Hindu. There is no punishment if you don't worship the god in Hinduism.
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    Can I be both Hindu and Wiccan?
    Community Answer
    Yes, probably. Hinduism is a free thinking philosophy and liberal in its attitude. Hindus are questioners and truth-seekers and Hinduism has always promoted peaceful coexistence between different faiths.
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    Can I convert to Hinduism if I am under eighteen years old?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can.
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    What if I don't know any pastors?
    Community Answer
    If there is no temple in your home country, province or state, find a support group online.
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    How am I saved as a Hindu?
    Community Answer
    Hinduism doesn't have a concept of Satan as a counter force to God. Therefore everyone, everything contains God. So, believe in God and do good and you'll be happy with Hinduism.
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    How can I become a Hindu if I am a Muslim?
    Community Answer
    Refer to the article. The core of Hinduism makes everyone a Hindu. If you believe in the oneness of God, practising self-discipline through prayer and fasting, and being a good human being, then you are a Hindu. The question is what are you converting for? Is it to practice rituals? If so, invite a priest and request they help you through this. However, the core of ritual is belief and having faith. If you believe the rituals will help you, they will. If not, they won't.
  • Question
    Can I give myself a naming ceremony?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can do the ceremony at home, especially if you do not have a community in your area to go to.
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    What are the shastra to be followed?
    Community Answer
    Be a good person. Pray 3 times a day, and don't hurt anyone unless it is a situation where your supposed to defend yourself.
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    Can someone convert from Islam to Hinduism?
    Community Answer
    Yes, people can certainly do that.
  • Question
    Since pluralism is encouraged, can I still believe in Jesus?
    Community Answer
    Yes, of course you can! According the Christianity, you cannot worship idols or other gods, but as a Hindu, it's perfectly fine to believe in both if you truly want to.
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    Are there any activities that Hinduism prohibits specifically in regard to merry-making? I would like to try converting, but am unsure if it would have any consequences for my social life with friends and family.
    Community Answer
    Hinduism allows merry-making to its fullest as long as it gives you a soothing feeling, is good for your health, mind and spirit and doesn't hurt others. In fact, the Hindu deities Shiva and Saraswati are considered to have originated music and dance. Krishna, an incarnate of Vishnu, was an accomplished dancer and flutist. Promiscuity is definitely prohibited. Non-medicinal use of alcohol is prohibited but many Hindus consume moderately. Non-violence is the essence of Hinduism and vegetarianism is a virtue but many Hindus consume meat or fish occasionally. But the most important reason to accept Hinduism is its free-thinking and liberal view of its adherents.
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    Can I believe in Chakras and Karma but not be a Hindu?
    Community Answer
    I think many people are already in this mindset. It is perfectly fine to take what you like from Hinduism and not the rest! Hinduism has no strict adherence policies.
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    Is it OK if I don't do every single thing on this list (like yoga and praying)?
    Community Answer
    Yes, that is completely OK. Nothing is really compulsory in Hinduism.
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    What if there are no temples in my area?
    Community Answer
    You can call a priest over and make yourself a praying area for pujas in a small part of the house.
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    Do I have to get a letter from a mentor that indicates that I am converting to Hinduism in order to be a Hindu?
    Community Answer
    No, you do not require any such letter. Hinduism is not as much a religion to follow as a philosophy to be incorporated into our day to day life. There are no formalities in converting to Hindu.
  • Question
    I there a certain god I have to worship, or can I worship any god I want?
    Param A. Singh
    Community Answer
    Hinduism believes that God is one, but you see him differently. Like Shiva, the God of Gods, the destroyer. Vishnu, the nurturer, the father. Brahma, the creator. Durga, the goddess of war, valor. Choose any God you want, worship the one which makes feel connected to him/her or has the trait that you want in your life or in you. You can also worship two or three Gods at once if you feel connected to more than one.
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    'Ahimsa' in Hinduism means 'nonviolence'. Does that mean that if I am Hindu, I can't enjoy UFC and other combat sports?
    Community Answer
    No, you can still watch them. It just means that you can't engage in violent acts.
  • Question
    Is there any kind of particular clothing I must wear in order to practice Hinduism?
    Community Answer
    No, there is no special clothing that you have to wear. You can wear anything that doesn't make you naked or/and doesn't hide your identity and/or face.
  • Question
    If I'm a Hindu, can I still celebrate Christmas?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Festivals are not restricted in Hinduism, you can celebrate Christmas or pretty much anything else and still be Hindu.
  • Question
    Why are there so many converts to Hinduism?
    Community Answer
    Many people find peace of mind through Hinduism.
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    My boyfriend is Muslim and I am Hindu and we want to get married. I don't want to force him to convert, but I don't want to convert either. Is it possible to be both Muslim and Hindu?
    Param A. Singh
    Community Answer
    You are a Hindu, you should ask for your basic rights as a Hindu woman. Islam and Hinduism are totally different ideologies. A wife is your equal half in Hinduism and this doesn't apply in Islam. And because of Sharia law, there is always a possibility that a Muslim can divorce you without a court by just saying "Talaq" thrice. And that will be considering a legal divorce in Islam. I will advise you to really think this through, and get a legal binding agreement that he will neither try to force Islam on you nor will he practice Sharia law on you. And make sure you get the agreement right because it concerns your future.
  • Question
    Where can I find a Hindu guidebook?
    Shubham kumar
    Community Answer
    The Bhagvad Gita is the guide on how to live a Hindu life, just like Christians have the Bible. You can find the book on the internet or even in book stores in many countries.
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    Can I still practice and benefit from Hinduism's beliefs/philosophies and/or Puja if I still want to eat beef occasionally?
    Community Answer
    Yes, there is still much to be learned from Hindu beliefs and philosophies even if you eat beef occasionally. You shouldn't think of it as a hard and fast rule that not eating beef is a rule you need to follow to be a good Hindu. It is a conclusion you need to reach by yourself.
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    Can I be a Hindu if I am white?
    Community Answer
    Yes! Skin color is not important in Hinduism.
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    How, exactly, do I pray to a deity?
    Community Answer
    wikiHow has some articles on the topic, such as Pray to the Hindu God Ganesh , Do Hindu Prayer , and Pray in Hindu Temples . If you can visit a temple, many there would be happy to help you.
  • Question
    If you're a caucasian hindu, is it okay to wear the bindi on the forehead?
    Community Answer
    If you are married, then you should/ According to Vedas, it is symbol of the loyalty and purity of a married woman.
  • Question
    Can I be Hindu if I wasn't born into Hinduism, and I am black?
    Community Answer
    Of course. Anyone can convert to Hinduism, regardless of ethnicity, current religion, or skin color.
  • Question
    How does Hinduism give people peace of mind?
    Community Answer
    Being a Hindu can make some people as if their lives have a purpose or an ultimate goal. Other people like the comfort that an organized community of believers brings to them. The answer is different for everyone.
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