Q&A for How to Be a Less Boring Person

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    I have a negative image about myself and an inferiority complex. What can I do to overcome these?
    Community Answer
    Fake it until you make it. Just look at yourself in the mirror and focus on the good things you see, and improve yourself every day. Don't focus on the things you hate about yourself, and never compare yourself to other people. Everybody has flaws, and you don't have more flaws than other people! Focus on your hobbies, on what makes you feel good. Pretend to be confident until you become confident. It takes time and effort.
  • Question
    My crush said I was boring. Since I already do most of these tips, is there anything else I can do?
    Community Answer
    Your crush probably said you were boring since he or she is not interested in you. Pay attention to their message and do not show interest anymore in them. Don't pay attention to their comment, either, since it's unlikely that you're boring.
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    What are some popular hobbies I can invest in?
    Community Answer
    Don't worry about what is and isn't popular. Just try a variety of sports and hobbies and see what you like best. You will be a lot happier in an activity you love then being in a popular sport or hobby that you hate.
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    My girlfriend and I have been together for 2 years and it's getting boring for both of us. How can we spice things up outside of the bedroom?
    Community Answer
    Try finding new activities to do together. Every relationship needs a bit of variety in order keep from getting boring. Discuss new and exciting activities with your girlfriend and be open to her suggestions.
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    What should I talk about with other people?
    Community Answer
    Ask them about their hobbies or interests. You can also ask them about what their plans for the weekend are. Try to act interested in the conversation, and avoid looking at your phone every minute. Also, have your torso and feet pointed at them; this is subtle body language that shows interest.
  • Question
    How do I simply 'be myself'?
    Community Answer
    It sounds easier than it is, right? Start by figuring out what defines you: what do you enjoy? What are you good at? What relationships bring life to you? What makes you laugh? Cry? Journaling can be a great way of learning more about yourself.
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    Does watching funny videos help you become a humorous person?
    Community Answer
    It might help, but if you are only reusing material you've learned from watching videos, it will get old. You will need to be able to eventually come up with your own material.
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    How do I stop being a boring person on a date?
    Community Answer
    Crack jokes and puns, memorize thought-provoking quotations. Talk about the other person, talk about yourself, talk about common interests, talk about what's going on around you, talk about the news, ask each other questions.
  • Question
    How can I be funny?
    Community Answer
    Make relevant jokes, act klutzy, or just do what you can to make people laugh. Don't act fake though, it will show. And if you plan to crack a joke, make sure you're not hurting anyone in the process.
  • Question
    I have been called boring so many times. How can I stop being boring?
    Community Answer
    Be yourself. Explore and try new things that you actually enjoy. The right people will find you interesting.
  • Question
    My best mate just told me I've become boring. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Pick up a new hobby.
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    What if I'm too scared to do anything adventurous?
    Community Answer
    You can face your fears and step out of your comfort zone.
  • Question
    My boyfriend is boring, and so am I. Should I find someone more exciting or become the exciting person?
    Community Answer
    Become the exciting person, and soon enough your boyfriend will join you. Do things that scare you and make you uncomfortable -- challenge yourself to try new things.
  • Question
    How can I potentially stop being boring when I'm a little shy, and how can I be natural?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    A friend of mine just has a new girlfriend and he says she's gorgeous, but I think she's, well, not. You see, this is in my eyes, not in her face. It's the same with being boring. If people say you're boring, be with other people. And if you say you're boring, then use the tips in this article to change things up a little. Finally, it's okay to be boring. You like the things in your life, even if others find them boring. So keep living your life.
  • Question
    How can I stop a boring conversation with a guy over the phone?
    Community Answer
    You should just tell him that you have to go.
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    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
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    Do I have to not be boring in order for people to like me?
    Community Answer
    It really depends on the people you want to like you and what their definition of boring is. You should just be yourself and try to find friends who are interested in the same "boring" stuff you are!
  • Question
    What do I do so people start having conversations with me instead of vice versa?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    If you want to talk to Jack three times a week, but he, even though he really likes you, simply doesn't have the need to talk to you more than once a week, then you need to sweat it out for at least one week: no talking. You see, your first of three times this week satisfies his single time need, and you come back to him before his need has had a chance to grow. So have a lot of conversations, then stop for a while and hope they come to you because they miss the attention you were giving each other. Have fun, go on adventures, do interesting things that make people more interested in coming to you. If you want them to come to you, you have to have something they need.
  • Question
    How can I laugh more often?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Make a list of the things that make you laugh, and have more of those things in your life.
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    I have a friend who keeps ignoring me and not letting me join in on her conversation with my other friend. I feel left out. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    If you feel this issue can be resolved try talking it out with her privately so you can understand why this happens. If this doesn't help maybe you just don't mix well and that's okay, you live and you learn.
  • Question
    I have been close with my best friend for a year and a half now and sometimes we run out of things to talk about and it becomes quite awkward. Then she ends up leaving.
    Community Answer
    Try to keep the conversation going, no matter how boring it is. If your friend looks bored, then say something like "Hey, have you seen that new movie yet? It's so good!" or make a joke out of how awkward it's getting. Just don't say "Well this is awkward...".
  • Question
    I don't have a sense of humor. What to do?
    Community Answer
    You don't have to be funny to have fun! Just having a simple conversation is perfectly fine. If you really want to be funny, there's an article on wikiHow explaining How to Be Funny.
  • Question
    My bestie told me she hates my personality and wishes I was dead in a ditch on the side of the New Jersey Turnpike. What did I do?
    Community Answer
    Only your "bestie" knows for sure. Sounds like it's time for a new "bestie."
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