Q&A for How to Be the Best Student in Your Class

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    What should I do if I'm behind on my homework?
    Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.
    Educational Consultant
    Alexander Ruiz is an Educational Consultant and the Educational Director of Link Educational Institute, a tutoring business based in Claremont, California that provides customizable educational plans, subject and test prep tutoring, and college application consulting. With over a decade and a half of experience in the education industry, Alexander coaches students to increase their self-awareness and emotional intelligence while achieving skills and the goal of achieving skills and higher education. He holds a BA in Psychology from Florida International University and an MA in Education from Georgia Southern University.
    Educational Consultant
    Expert Answer
    I would take a weekend and turn it into a “homework retreat”. Schedule out an entire weekend to get all school and homework assignments completed until you're caught up. When scheduling your weekend, do not forget to schedule breaks, snacks, rewards, and energizers to help you stay motivated.
  • Question
    What if I have a hard time paying attention in class?
    Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.
    Educational Consultant
    Alexander Ruiz is an Educational Consultant and the Educational Director of Link Educational Institute, a tutoring business based in Claremont, California that provides customizable educational plans, subject and test prep tutoring, and college application consulting. With over a decade and a half of experience in the education industry, Alexander coaches students to increase their self-awareness and emotional intelligence while achieving skills and the goal of achieving skills and higher education. He holds a BA in Psychology from Florida International University and an MA in Education from Georgia Southern University.
    Educational Consultant
    Expert Answer
    So one big piece of advice would be to take a recording device to class. You'll need your teacher's permission of course. By recording your classes, you don't have to worry about missing anything when you're taking notes. You can just go back and listen to the recordings when it's time to study for your exams or fill in your notes.
  • Question
    I feel shy asking questions, so what can I do?
    Community Answer
    Try not to pay attention to what other people think of you. Understand that asking questions is a good thing, it helps you to better understand something crucial in class. Your teacher will like it that you are asking questions. If you are shy about asking questions, meet with your teacher privately after class or ask a friend. Teachers also love it when you ask for different ways to solve a problem.
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    How can I improve my concentration?
    Community Answer
    By keeping quite in class and reminding yourself to focus. Take down notes as this can improve your concentration and understanding. Don't chat to friends. Answer class questions readily.
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    How can I be more helpful and kind to other students?
    Community Answer
    You can help your classmates if they need help understanding a specific subject. Also, do not spread rumors--or participate in rumors--and do not talk about people behind their back.
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    What do I do if I feel like everyone else is better than me?
    Community Answer
    Don't compare yourself to others. Everyone has different abilities. You are your own unique person, you may be really good at something else that few others can do. If you're talking about within a particular class, maybe approach someone you are friendly with about tutoring you.
  • Question
    How do I become proficient in math?
    Community Answer
    Practice topics daily in which you problem solve different types of questions in one topic at a time. Get a good tutor if you can afford one. See further: How to Be Good at Mathematics .
  • Question
    I am shy. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    It's okay. Just slowly push yourself in class and make sure that you are comfortable doing it. Don't push yourself too much -- that would be a bad thing. You are putting yourself in an uncomfortable position. Every day in class just raise your hand once and then build up from that.
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    What if you try all this and you're still not the best one of the class?
    Community Answer
    Then accept that there is more to life ahead you than being best in class. If it is bothering you too much, sit down in one corner of your room and review whatever you did for becoming the best student. Did you go too far and simply let being the best take over your life? Scale back a bit, and settle down on the reputation that is the best in class but comfortable for you, too. Did you not reach the perfect level and stayed on average? Work harder, try again. Your goals are worth a few more shots. Take a deep breath and remember that you are strong enough to do this.
  • Question
    If I get bad marks in a subject, does that mean the teacher hates me?
    Community Answer
    No, of course not. By giving you bad marks your teach is helping you know where are in the subject so you can try to improve.
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    How can I get higher test scores?
    Community Answer
    Form a study session with your peers. This helps you and the other people you are studying with. Try to take some time out of your life, which may include you having to skip times with friends or that new video game that you just got, to study more and more. Have a goal in mind, including an immediate reward for higher scores and a longer-term goal of a career or start-up that you'd like to pursue.
  • Question
    Should I help friends cheat on an exam?
    Community Answer
    No, you're not doing them a favor and you're not doing yourself one either. Do not help someone cheat. Cheating is against the rules and can get you into trouble. You might think it's nice of you because they could get a higher grade, but it isn't their grade. It isn't what they learned, and it will do the opposite of helping.
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    How can I learn how to spell better?
    Community Answer
    Try to read books more often, and if you get to a higher level, try new vocabulary words and challenge yourself to learn harder, more complex words. Check out How to Memorize the Spelling of a Word for more help.
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    What if I am suffering from depression and think that I am not good enough?
    Community Answer
    Don't let your depression bring you down. Focusing more time on your depression will only make your grades and depression worse. Try to focus on the best things of your middle/high school experience. That can actually bring up your grades. Also, if you think you're not the good enough, you can always improve by studying more and doing more practice to become a smarter person.
  • Question
    How can I not get distracted while doing my homework?
    Community Answer
    Do a lockout, which means to turning off your phone, electronic devices. and going to a quiet place to do your homework. Or, put on headphones and listen to any music you like.
  • Question
    Should I sit at the front of the class?
    Community Answer
    This depends on two things. First, where do you feel comfortable learning. Can you see, hear or understand better when at the front? And secondly, from where the teacher looks, it's better if you aren't a "face in the crowd" and instead sit either in the middle columns or front few rows.
  • Question
    What if you just want to be popular but stay smart?
    Community Answer
    There is no reason a popular person cannot also be smart but if you risk your studies to spend time working on popularity, that's when you'll encounter problems. Focus on the studies first and let the popularity aspect grow gradually through dressing cool, acting cool and generally being a helpful and nice person to hang out with (when you have the time!). Offer to help others with their studies as one way of being around people more often and still doing your studies.
  • Question
    Do my surroundings matter while studying?
    Community Answer
    They do -- quiet surroundings that are not interrupted by other people's activities are ideal for good studying. So is a library area where everyone is studious and quiet. Places that make it hard to focus include noisy ones and places with lots of distractions such as people playing games or watching TV.
  • Question
    How can I believe in myself again after failing over 100 times?
    Community Answer
    Try not to over-estimate how often you've failed, you are certain to have succeeded some of the time and in failing, you are still learning about what to improve on next time. Then, don't give up because the student who keeps trying is the student who succeeds. Study regularly in a focused and determined way. You are not alone, as many students find it hard at first but with perseverance and a will to succeed, you will get through. Many people feel like a "failure" in their school years and end up as important people with prestigious jobs.
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    Can you recommend any memorization techniques?
    Community Answer
    You could make an acronym for what you're learning, maybe. There are lots of good ideas here: How to Memorize and How to Study So You Can Remember Everything .
  • Question
    Sometimes when I ask a question the teacher thinks I was sleeping in class and refuses to help me. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Frame your question in a way that inquires about an external detail that was not taught in the class (so as to make your teacher actually think about it). You will get your answer and also sound intelligent.
  • Question
    I'm in a foreign country and I don't understand the language. How can I keep up?
    Community Answer
    It is hard when you first move to a new country and you don't understand the language. However, stay calm. You will gradually become fluent in that language. Realize that you will eventually be as good as the rest; ask for help––if you have a friend, parent, anyone who already speaks that language, see them regularly as they can help you to catch up on lessons and homework. Read often and write as much as you can in the new language.
  • Question
    Could you try to copy a person to make yourself a better person?
    Community Answer
    If you mean modeling yourself on a person you consider to have all the attributes you'd like, then there is no reason why you shouldn't. What matters is how much you emulate this person though -- don't try to become them, just imitate the aspects of their attitude and approach to studies that you consider work well for them and might work for you. Keep your own personality and brightness shining though, you're not attempting to be a clone or a stalker.
  • Question
    What if the teacher is unfair and likes another student more than me?
    Community Answer
    Just because your teacher likes a specific classmate does not mean she doesn't like you. If you are confused about a bad grade, go talk to her. Although she might be a really unfair grader, she could still be a nice person.
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    When will I know the right time to study?
    Community Answer
    There is no "right time to study." The best time to study is when you feel the best mentally and physically. Some recommendations are: after school when the material is fresh in your brain, not during the night or late afternoon, because you will be tired and not perform the best that you can be. You can help your brain take in the information by eating right or taking a quick power nap.
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    How can I take better notes in class?
    Community Answer
    There is an article on this very topic that you may find helpful: How to Take Better Notes .
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