Q&A for How to Become a Better Rapper

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    Is it a good thing to rap about my own history?
    Community Answer
    You can rap about anything that you find interesting. If your own history is dramatic, it might help you to rap about it. So it's not only a good thing, it can be therapeutic.
  • Question
    How can I make myself a rapper name?
    Community Answer
    Think of something you love and write it down. Add your name. Mix up the letters until you get a name that you like.
  • Question
    How do I come up with good rap lyrics?
    Community Answer
    I would suggest listening to rap artists, paying attention to what their lyrics are. Choose a theme to your song before you want to start with lyrics.
  • Question
    How can I improve my vocal sound while doing rap?
    Community Answer
    Open your mouth wider than you need while rapping your lyrics. That will help with enunciation and the volume level of your voice.
  • Question
    Can I be a good rapper even if I'm a not a good singer?
    Community Answer
    Of course. Many famous rapper don't sing in their songs, and some team up with famous singers to do vocals on their tracks. It's not necessary for you to do both.
  • Question
    How can I train my voice to be louder?
    Community Answer
    When you are afraid someone could hear you rapping, practice when you are alone and/or close doors and windows. Otherwise you might try to turn up the beat a notch, since hearing loud sounds will usually make us speak louder. You might also challenge a friend to who can rap loudest, that could me a good motivator. Another thing that rappers do is record multiple takes and layer them, which will make your voice appear louder also.
  • Question
    Can I rap if I can't sing?
    Community Answer
    Sure, you do need a sense of rhythm, but you don't need to have a great singing voice.
  • Question
    What vocal lessons do you recommend for improving voice technique?
    Community Answer
    Get involved in musical theater. It focuses on the notes and purity, not runs and showmanship.
  • Question
    How can I find my style?
    Hale y Mail
    Community Answer
    Listen to a lot of music, and try out different genres and styles (making sure to integrate other musical styles). Find out what you really like and write that down. Then try to integrate those qualities into your own music.
  • Question
    How can I rap in another language?
    Community Answer
    You'll need to be fluent in that language and then you can practice rapping in it.
  • Question
    What do I do if I want to be signed by a record label?
    Community Answer
    Try to make yourself heard by as many people as you can. Play shows, send out demos, do whatever it takes.
  • Question
    How am I supposed to get views?
    Community Answer
    You can promote your songs on social media, and through friends and family in order to get more views.
  • Question
    What exercises can I do to learn how to control my breath when rapping?
    Community Answer
    You should look up some vocal breathing exercises on YouTube. They're generally designed for choral singers, but they can be beneficial to anyone who wants to learn how to better control their breathing.
  • Question
    How can I lengthen my verses when they seem short and I am out of ideas?
    Community Answer
    Try adding onto them by repeating the same things with different wording or sounds. Many rappers do this.
  • Question
    How can I rap really loud?
    Community Answer
    It's a matter of projection. Just like how you need to project when speaking or singing, rapping requires projection. Practice speaking loudly, then practice rapping loudly (and clearly). You'll get better if you practice.
  • Question
    What do I need other than a rapper name and style?
    Community Answer
    You need to know yourself and know where or how far you want to take it. You may do it as a hobby or follow through and make it a career.
  • Question
    How can focus on being a rapper?
    Community Answer
    You can focus on being a better rapper by learning rap songs and practicing them. Have you ever listened to Hamilton? It definitely has its fair amount of rap and it's fun reciting the songs. Once you get the beat, memorize the lyrics and see how fast you can go.
  • Question
    After writing my lyrics at that moment, it feels good but when I start practicing it again I will hate my raps. Or, when I listen to another person's rap I will feel horrible about mine.
    Raphy Hong
    Community Answer
    Don't compare your raps with other raps. You should feel forgiving about the fact that you are not everybody else around you.
  • Question
    How can I get my own type of flow in rap without copying?
    Community Answer
    If you have a message in the form of a story to tell, compose the lyrics and rap it. As you form the words, the intensity and the message will develop its own flow. Follow the natural flow to believe in it and allow it to find its own power and impact.
  • Question
    How can I make my music career successful?
    Community Answer
    An entire career needs years of nurturing. Depending upon where you are and how the trade works there, you will have to dress the part, be the part in your soul and looks and sell your work highlighting your talent and love for music. Go to people who seek new talent, production houses, theaters, directors, casting agents all those who have a history of launching new faces in the industry. Read about how those who have had success made it. Their journey will throw light on how it goes. Meet the right people, meet them as many times as needed, be presentable, be earnest and keep striving. Keep the music in you alive no matter how time changes.
  • Question
    How do learn how to hold your breath for a long time?
    Community Answer
    It requires practice. Keep rapping a long song to get the hang of it. Start with a simple note and continue singing without stressing a lot. Start by doing breathing exercises. Take a good, deep breathe before you begin. Do it in outdoor places or near a window, until you are able to hold your breath well.
  • Question
    My music is good but my producers cannot understand my style. How can go about this?
    Community Answer
    If your producers have a problem with your style, your buyers have an issue with putting money into what you are selling. Try to make it saleable. Make it work for you and them. Rework on it. Keep the original for later. Give them what they are looking for with a hint of you. Try to show them your adaptability and style.
  • Question
    How do I know if I really am a born rapper?
    Community Answer
    Ideally, a born rapper might be someone who can create a rap out of almost any topic in any given situation. It just feels right.
  • Question
    Can I be a rapper if I'm anti social?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Anti social people or criminals have been a part of the rapping industry. Being antisocial is not all they were. They had a side of music to them and there songs made them famous.
  • Question
    Do I need to be in a good mood to rap?
    Community Answer
    No. Whatever mood works for you when rapping is good enough. If you work best in a good mood, then strive for it.
  • Question
    I rap different styles, but stumble. How do I improve myself?
    Community Answer
    Start slowly, and then build up the speed. It will take a while, but eventually, you'll sound smoother!
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