Q&A for How to Become a Monk

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    What's with the swastika under "Becoming a Buddhist Monk"?
    Community Answer
    Eastern religions had been using the swastika sign for thousands of years before the Nazis perverted its meaning. In Buddhism, it means "All is well."
  • Question
    Will I ever be able to see my family again?
    Community Answer
    In most monastic orders, the answer is yes. Your family can visit you.
  • Question
    Can one be a Jewish monk?
    Carolyn Barratt
    Community Answer
    There are not that many known monastic groups in the Jewish religion today. Two thousand years ago, there was a monastic Jewish community known as the Essenes. However, they do not exist anymore.
  • Question
    Are there monks in America?
    Community Answer
    Yes there are. There are Christian monks; Buddhist monks, etc.
  • Question
    Is there an age after which a person can't become a monk?
    Community Answer
    Not that I know of. I've never heard of a monastic community with an upper age limit.
  • Question
    I want to learn how to meditate, how do I do it?
    Community Answer
    There are lots of tutorials online which can get you started, or you can join a meditation class. The main idea is to sit still and withdraw into your mind, focusing on nothing, allowing thoughts to pass through you and away.
  • Question
    Does it cost me anything to become a Christian monk?
    Carolyn Barratt
    Community Answer
    If you are returning to school for a religious education, that may cost tuition.
  • Question
    Who can I talk to about becoming a Christian monk and get all the information I need?
    Community Answer
    Contact your local Christian monastery to find out about how to become a monk. In case you do not know where your local Christian monastery is, contact your Diocese, to get information.
  • Question
    Are there still two different types of Monk you can be now?
    Community Answer
    Yes, eremitic monks are solitary hermits, and cenobitic monks live together in community. Both still exist, although cenobitic monks are more common.
  • Question
    What do monks have to give up?
    Community Answer
    All material goods, as well as live a life of celibacy.
  • Question
    Can a girl become a monk, too?
    Community Answer
    Women can become nuns in many different spiritual traditions. Both are equivalent lives of service apart form small differences (depending on the religion).
  • Question
    For a woman monk, is it necessary to shave the head?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Shaving off one's hair signifies that one is ready to give up worldly and materialistic things.
  • Question
    Which monks wear black robes almost like a priest?
    Community Answer
    Zen Buddhism is the one that uses black robes (probably an influence from Taoism).
  • Question
    Where do Buddhist monks get food from? What is their source of income?
    Colby Hardison
    Community Answer
    Most of the time a Buddhist monastery will have a large garden where they grow their own food. They are also supported by donations from members of the community. Remember, monks live a life of asceticism, they do not have a lot of material necessities.
  • Question
    Can women be Buddhist monks?
    Community Answer
    No, women can be Buddhist nuns though.
  • Question
    Can I still study to become a doctor if I am trying to be a monk?
    Community Answer
    It depends on what type of monk you want to be.
  • Question
    What are the permanent vows you say when you become a monk?
    Community Answer
    This differs from monastery to monastery and order to order. Likely, it will involve dedication to god, a life of celibacy, and the giving up of material possessions.
  • Question
    How do I become a Shaolin monk?
    Community Answer
    Try reading this article: http://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Shaolin-Monk
  • Question
    Can women become monks?
    Community Answer
    No, they become nuns.
  • Question
    Could I still become a monk if I have two little girls?
    Community Answer
    Yes. The people who will guide you on the way to becoming a monk, be they Christian or Buddhist, are aware that you, like everyone else, had a life before becoming a monk, and that that life may have included a family.
  • Question
    Can a monk be a priest?
    Carolyn Barratt
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is quite possible for a Christian monk to receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders, & thereby, become a priest.
  • Question
    Are there such persons as monks of the Protestant faith?
    Community Answer
    You might want to do some research on the "New Monasticism" movement.
  • Question
    Are there any monastic lifestyles that don't require celibacy?
    Carolyn Barratt
    Community Answer
    No. The whole point of entering into the monastery or the priesthood is to dedicate yourself 100% to God and His church. One cannot balance a family life with the religious life.
  • Question
    Can a woman serve as a Buddhist monk?
    Community Answer
    Yes. According to Wikipedia, "Gautama Buddha first ordained women as nuns five years after his enlightenment and five years after first ordaining men into the sangha. The first Buddhist nun was his aunt and foster mother Mahapajapati Gotami."
  • Question
    What's the age to become a Catholic monk? What education?
    Community Answer
    Most orders accept men between the ages of 20 and 50, but it will vary somewhat by monastery. People come in for any and all educational backgrounds. There is seldom any limit here, although the monastery may send a monk out for education such as that which is needed to be ordained after he takes vows.
  • Question
    Can women become monks as well?
    Community Answer
    No. Women become nuns, the feminine equivalent to monks.
  • Question
    Do you need a college education to become a Catholic monk?
    Community Answer
    There is no educational requirement for joining a monastery. Monks come from all kinds of educational backgrounds, including high school dropouts and university graduates.
  • Question
    Does being a Christian monk require me to be a college graduate?
    Community Answer
    There is actually no educational requirement for becoming a monk. Monks come from all kinds of backgrounds including educated and uneducated.
  • Question
    Can I be a monk and still keep my night job as a radio shock jock who plays the best of 80s, 90s, and today all night long?
    Community Answer
    No, when you join a monastery you are expected to live in a monastery for the rest of your life, meaning you will have to give up your old life.
  • Question
    Will I get to eat food?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you will get to eat food when you join a monastery, but don't expect it to be luxurious. Also, you will eat communally with fellow monks and there are certain fast days when you cannot eat anything until a certain time.
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