Q&A for How to Check if You Are Under Surveillance

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    What do I do if a van with no number plate is outside my house, but leaves before the police arrive?
    Community Answer
    Before you call the police, note what the van looks like. Even if it has no number plates, get the color, the make, and any significant details (e.g. different colored wheels). When you call the police, tell them your address, the situation, and your description of the van. Tell them that it has no number plates. That way, the police can patrol the area and look for it.
  • Question
    What should I do if I suspect that my landlord is spying on me?
    Community Answer
    First, start keeping records of everything strange that you think could be a sign of him spying on you, including what he's doing, when he's doing it, anything he may have said to you, etc. If you feel like you have enough evidence, you can go to the police and press charges. If you're uncomfortable with his behavior but don't want to (or can't) press criminal charges, I would start looking for somewhere new to live.
  • Question
    How can I tell if my car is being followed?
    Community Answer
    Try turning right four times in a row, and if you can still see the follower following you, then it is very likely that you are being followed.
  • Question
    What should I do if an unknown caller keeps calling me?
    Community Answer
    Pick up the phone the next time that they call you and ask who it is. It very well could just be someone who has the wrong number. If it isn't someone who is calling the wrong number and they keep harassing you, block the number. If you feel unsafe after doing this for whatever reason, contact the police.
  • Question
    What is the best way to determine if a drone is spying on me?
    Molly Fellenz
    Community Answer
    Listen for a loud humming noise if you can't see the drone. If you can see it, then try running. If the drone follows you, it is probably spying on you. Also, see if the drone hovers in one spot for a long time or hardly moves.
  • Question
    What do I do if there is an unknown van parked in front of my house with temporary plates?
    Community Answer
    Call the police and give them all the information you can about the vehicle.
  • Question
    How can I find out if someone has gotten into my phone?
    Community Answer
    Check for strange apps, viruses, or anything you know should not be there. If you see that, change your passcode, delete the app (if there is one) and be extra cautious.
  • Question
    How do I stop an investigator or someone I know from getting my credit card statements on line?
    Community Answer
    Unfortunately, if it's an investigator, they can collect your information and data whether you allow them to or not. There's no way to be able to block them. Look up: "government monitoring of citizens."
  • Question
    Should I contact someone if a weird number showed up on my texting app on my tablet? The number is a restricted one.
    Community Answer
    Try contacting the information through another phone, preferably a payphone, so they can't track you. Don't text any important information on your tablet, and contact someone who can fix the tablet or track whose number it is. If you are unable to do any of these, call the police and tell them everything you know. You also don't have to freak out as some apps give you weird numbers that are from the app itself, to ask for help or something.
  • Question
    Can I look online to find out if the cops are investigating me?
    Community Answer
    You may be able to tell if you have a warrant online, but if the investigation is secret, you will not be able to find out online.
  • Question
    Can you look up a dealer's license plate and get info?
    Community Answer
    In the US, there is no way to look up that information. Only law enforcement agencies and the like can do so.
  • Question
    How can I tell if there's a tracking device on my vehicle?
    Community Answer
    Unfortunately you can't, but try taking it to a garage to see if they can find anything odd.
  • Question
    How can I tell who specifically is investigating me?
    Community Answer
    This heavily depends on many factors and is often quite hard to do. If it's an inexperienced and angry ex, that's one thing, but if it's a highly trained professional you're dealing with, it will be very hard. There isn't really a foolproof way besides doing your own snooping and trying to find out if you can figure out who the person is or who hired them.
  • Question
    If I feel I am being watched in my own home, how do I prove it?
    Community Answer
    Carefully inspect your entire home for cameras. If you find one, you've found your proof!
  • Question
    How do I know if it is all a prank?
    Community Answer
    Prank or not, always be cautious. Even if you are tricked ten times, one time it could be real and if that one time you are not careful, that someone will know everything he wants to know about you. Of course, do not get paranoid either, and look out for your trickster friends before seriously suspecting anything.
  • Question
    How do I find out who is investigating me and why?
    Community Answer
    A private investigator can obtain more information about why you are being investigated. If you are looking for something less costly, it may be easier to simply file a police report at your local police department.
  • Question
    How can I tell if someone is following me?
    Community Answer
    One way to know is if someone just keeps following you no matter where you go. Try stopping once or twice to look at flowers or something and see if the person just walks past you. Go in a loop and see if he's still following you.
  • Question
    Can someone use spy equipment on me from a long distance?
    Community Answer
    Yes. People can use binoculars to see you from very far away. They can also hack into your computer or phone remotely.
  • Question
    Can someone hack my electronics in order to spy on me in my home?
    Community Answer
    It's unlikely, but yes. Follow the steps listed above to see if there is any malware on your devices.
  • Question
    If my cell phone is off, is it able to be tracked?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Remove the battery and sim card to stop your device from pinging any cell towers.
  • Question
    How can I know if a neighbor's yard light is a surveillance camera?
    Noah Francisco
    Community Answer
    Inspect it. Usually surveillance cameras are somewhat small, so you may have to watch them for a while. Figure out when they aren't at their house. Then, if you feel that it is a very high priority, inspect the light. If your neighbor truly is "spying" on you, it may just be for their own privacy. Never jump to conclusions.
  • Question
    What agency can I contact if I know that my house and car have been bugged?
    Community Answer
    The police! They will try to remove it and find who bugged them.
  • Question
    Is it wise to use a less-crowded area like narrow alley to eliminate my tail?
    Community Answer
    Personally, I would use a crowded area with lots of people and a safe place to go if you get into trouble. That way, if you get into trouble with your follower, you can call out to people or run and hide, etc. If it's serious, call the police as soon as possible.
  • Question
    I feel like my counselor is spying on me in class, what do I do?
    Community Answer
    Is the counselor "spying" on you, or is he/she doing their job by monitoring the students? If you really feel like you're being unfairly singled out for observation, tell a teacher or the principal that the counselor is making you uncomfortable.
  • Question
    What do I do if it seems the feds are legitimately following me?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    If you've noticed, then they're not doing a good job. Don't let them know you know, or they'll disappear and you'll be in the dark again. Of course, don't do anything illegal or incriminating, but that also applies if you're not being followed. If you are sure they are following you, and you don't know why, you can contact them anyway and ask for an interview.
  • Question
    Is there an app that can detect listening and recording devices?
    Community Answer
    No, however these spying apps should be fairly easy to find. Look for signs of jailbreaking the phone, or unknown apps or other symptoms of phone virus. Anything unusual should spark your suspicion.
  • Question
    How can I prove I’m under illegal surveillance?
    Top Answerer
    You will want to look for hidden cameras, wiretaps, or other technology in your home that is commonly used to spy on others. Individuals are usually not allowed to set up hidden cameras in places where you are expected a degree of privacy, such as in toilets or in private bedrooms. Note that government agencies like the NSA often use mass surveillance to build profiles on everyone for the public safety of individuals. However, the government is not allowed to use certain modes of surveillance, such as CCTV, in your own home, as it would be a violation of the Fourth Amendment in the United States.
  • Question
    I know I have been under 24 hour surveillance for over 6 months. They have recruited local citizens to follow and be on a constant watch. I have no freedom at all. It's a lot of people. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    This may be a form of Community Policing. Document everything. Use encryption on your devices. Talk to a lawyer for advice and help.
  • Question
    How do I know if someone or the FBI is watching me through my webcam?
    Top Answerer
    The FBI and other government agencies have the ability to perform mass surveillance on Americans; other countries have similar capabilities, depending on where you are and what laws are in place. While there is no way to know if a government agency is watching you, if you feel that you are being watched, cover your webcam with electrical tape or unplug your webcam while it is not in use. That does not stop the FBI from conducting audio surveillance, though.
  • Question
    What devices are they using to spy on me through my television?
    Top Answerer
    Your television is likely not spying on you. However, it does not mean that you are not being spied on. In the era of mass surveillance, there is no way to know if or when a government agency is spying on you.
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