Q&A for How to Cope when Your Favorite Sports Team Loses

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    My team lost in the finals and they might lose the championship. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    It's very hard, but hey, that's sport. You can't always win. So just be optimistic you'll beat them next year.
  • Question
    What should I do when people want to see my favorite player fail?
    Community Answer
    Don't worry. Seeing a person make mistakes or fail is what makes them human. No one can be perfect. Just enjoy the whole team and remember your favorite player is only one small part of the team and people wanting to see them fail are just jealous.
  • Question
    I can't tolerate the loss. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Remember the loss had nothing to do with you.
  • Question
    How can I become better at taking a loss?
    Community Answer
    Read the steps above -- they are helpful. The Cavaliers just lost three straight, and these steps have helped remind me that it should not affect me long-term.
  • Question
    What if a team that finished the regular season undefeated won the winners bracket in the league tournament and lost in the final round of the tournament?
    Community Answer
    Just look at the positives of the season and the journey it took to get there. While plenty of teams have amazing regular seasons, but somehow flame out in the most important games of the season (one bad play could define an entire season of mostly excellence), they usually come back stronger in the next or future seasons. It's not the end if they don't take home the elusive championship, especially when they have the chance to do so next year.
  • Question
    Should I avoid social media when my favorite sports team loses?
    Community Answer
    It depends. While social media can be a great distraction and take your mind away from the loss, it can also make you sad if you follow sports in social media. If social media is reminding you of sports and your team, it might be a good idea to stay away from social media.
  • Question
    My favorite team has been losing quite frequently. What can I do to help them?
    Community Answer
    While you may not be able to help them win, you can continue to support them just as much while they're losing as you do when they're winning. Go to the games if you can, wear your fan gear proudly, and try to look on the bright side. Pay attention to what they're doing right, not just what they're doing wrong.
  • Question
    What should I do if we lose the game and it is my fault?
    Community Answer
    Just know that if you lose a game in a team effort, it wasn't completely your fault. Not everything will go well. Just be optimistic and go on.
  • Question
    My team keeps losing in the first round of the MLB playoffs. They have had no good times to look back to. What should I do?
    Blogging Legend
    Community Answer
    Be optimistic that your team will win next year! Or play some baseball stimulation video games where you decide the draft and maybe win!
  • Question
    Can I cry when my favorite sports team loses?
    Justin Robinson
    Community Answer
    Crying is sometimes good to relieve stress, but do not allow yourself to go into a deep, out of control spiral. If you do not want to cry, find another way to release your stress from the loss.
  • Question
    Should I let my spouse go into a depression over the Super Bowl?
    Community Answer
    No, you shouldn't. It's normal for someone to feel sad, disappointed, and/or frustrated after a loss, but if those feelings persist past a few days, then you may want to suggest that your spouse talk to a friend or therapist about how to handle situations that they have no control over.
  • Question
    Is it normal to not watch certain games involving your team that you know they will lose?
    Community Answer
    If you're pretty sure your team is going to lose, and if you take no pleasure in watching them do so, it would be logical not to watch the game (unless you want to support the team by showing up in person). Don't forget that upsets are always possible in sports. Maybe your team will surprise you!
  • Question
    Why can't sports teams win 90 percent of the time?
    Community Answer
    A few teams have achieved that level of success, but the typical distribution of athletic talent throughout most sports leagues is such that not many teams can win that often.
  • Question
    Should I leave my children's father if he loses his temper and throws furniture and damages the house if his team loses?
    Michael Mondak
    Community Answer
    Yes, as this is considered domestic violence. Leave immediately and contact the authorities.
  • Question
    Is it okay to infiltrate the system to try to change the scores?
    Michael Mondak
    Community Answer
    No, since this would be considered a crime and would get you in trouble with the law.
  • Question
    I can't seem to handle the Oilers losing game one in the playoffs. It makes me panic about them getting swept!
    Community Answer
    It's not unusual for someone to care that much about a team they love. Take a break from following sports news. That may help reduce the stress.
  • Question
    What do you do when your team is great for two years and then collapses and starts doing badly?
    Luca Tonenchi
    Community Answer
    Try thinking that everything will get better. Trust the manager. Trust is the key to move forward in such moments.
  • Question
    Is it normal to avoid watching games against certain opponents to avoid undue stress?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, it's OK to limit exposure to certain teams or matches depending on individual preferences.
  • Question
    Today, I smashed my laptop with a baseball bat since the Pirates blew another 3-run lead. Should I have done it?
    Community Answer
    No you shouldn’t have smashed your computer in a rage. Violently reacting to your favourite team losing is an unacceptable way to react to a loss. If you have anger management problems, consult a therapist to deal with your anger problems.
  • Question
    How do I deal with teasing if my favorite sports team loses?
    Community Answer
    Think of times when their team lost against yours. Then you can remind the teasers that their time will come around again some day, just as it has before.
  • Question
    What do I do if a match official made a mistake and cost my team the match?
    Community Answer
    All officials can make mistakes; they are human as well. Shake hands at the end of the game and show respect; it's a sign of good sportsmanship.
  • Question
    What do I do if my favorite sports team keeps being humiliated by rivals?
    Community Answer
    It's a tough situation, this one. I'd say, don't take the rivalry seriously. What makes rivalries so intense is how close and competitive each game is, and if the rivalry is one-sided, it's not really a rivalry. If you know your time is going to lose when they play their "rival," keep your expectations low.
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