Q&A for How to Create a Secret Society

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    What rules should I have in a secret club?
    Community Answer
    Have a small group who make small decisions, but have everyone vote on the more important decisions. More importantly, make sure you outline how meetings are run, who runs the meetings, and what you discuss. Also, set up punishments for not following the rules.
  • Question
    What kind of secrets should I make my society about?
    Community Answer
    I suppose it depends on what kind of society you want. Assuming you create the society for fun, it doesn't even matter much. It might be best if your secret is something you all work on, like a book containing information, or a secret mission or purpose.
  • Question
    How do I create a secret society?
    Community Answer
    Get together with a close friend of yours who you can trust. Have a secret book and spy on people. In here you can write down what people do and you can have projects like animal life, or eco, things like that which you take a liking to. You can find good things on the internet. Have badges and passwords, consider a uniform and trap in case people come in when they're not allowed to. Put a sign up on the door, but if you think it will encourage others to go in, then don't.
  • Question
    What is the most likely way that a secret society will fall apart?
    Community Answer
    A secret society will fall apart when it is no longer kept secret.
  • Question
    How do I organize a secret society meeting?
    Community Answer
    Find a way to communicate with the members of your secret society. It could be through notes, emails, calls, etc. Then, just announce the meetings through your secure channel a few days before they take place.
  • Question
    How do I create a name for a secret society?
    Community Answer
    One idea is to find something everyone in your group likes or has in common and put that into the name of the society.
  • Question
    What kind of initiation should a secret society have?
    Community Answer
    After the inductees recite an oath, have the leader of the group light candles for the people being inducted. Wrap the bottoms of the candles in tinfoil so wax doesn't get on people's hands.
  • Question
    What are some missions or operations I could do in a secret society?
    Community Answer
    As a secret society, it is helpful to pick a common goal when selecting missions and operations. You might decide that every member must learn something new, such as hypnosis. You could find ways to earn money together in a business partnership. One example, that may further the bonds in the group, could be to treat members to their favorite restaurant or choose a local charity to make an anonymous donation. Another cool idea would be to ensure that members of the society are taken care of when they need legal services or protection.
  • Question
    Do we need permits or any legal papers for a secret society?
    Community Answer
    No. It's just a club and it's just for fun; you don't need any kind of legal approval to create one.
  • Question
    How can I convince my friends to do this?
    Community Answer
    If they don't want to do it, tell them there is ice cream and chocolate cake. It should work.
  • Question
    How do I keep a secret society from being discovered?
    Community Answer
    Never outright speak about it in public. If you must, make sure it is somewhere quiet and isolated.
  • Question
    How do I get a mystery?
    Community Answer
    To obtain a secret you must find something that will be cool to the tribe or the society itself. You must protect the secret, then you have a "mystery".
  • Question
    How do I hide the society profile?
    Community Answer
    Don't have one, because if you go to school, the teacher may see it.
  • Question
    Can a kid start a secret society? I want to discuss what I really think about some people without getting into trouble.
    Community Answer
    Anyone can start a society, but remember that they are supposed to be fun. Gossip or making fun of others will make your society less fun. Instead, a good secret society shares new ideas, creates new languages, games, etc., or does something to make their world better. Think about the Power Rangers, for instance.
  • Question
    What if I don't want to do it for fun, I want to start an actual secret society, like the Illuminati?
    Community Answer
    Basically, you should have a defined mission for your society (something actually achievable). Also, invite only people who you can absolutely trust into your society. You could also spread anonymous propaganda or have an excommunication ritual for those who break any rules or share the society's secret(s).
  • Question
    How can I share my testimony about the Illuminati?
    Community Answer
    Do something lots of people will see, then while you are in the spotlight, talk about your testimony.
  • Question
    How can I keep my friends from talking about our secret society?
    Community Answer
    Tell them that if they tell anyone, they'll be kicked out of the secret society, and only invite your most trustworthy friends.
  • Question
    How do I make my secret society less boring?
    Community Answer
    Rituals will be a more engaging element for all members and keep the weird/fun level high. Plan events and outings as a society.
  • Question
    Would a society for spying on my sister and reading books be cool? I know my friends have been angry at my sister for being mean, and we love reading.
    Community Answer
    You can make your club about anything, but make sure nobody's feelings get hurt!
  • Question
    How can I make money with a secret society?
    Community Answer
    You could charge membership fees for your secret society, but that's pretty much the only option.
  • Question
    Can I start a club alone?
    Community Answer
    Although clubs are only started by one person, as long as you can gather friends who want to join your club, your club can be active!
  • Question
    Are secret societies legal?
    Yash kumar
    Community Answer
    Because some secret societies have political aims, they are illegal in several countries.
  • Question
    How do I get people to stay?
    Yash kumar
    Community Answer
    You don't need them to stay, but you can set up a large tent to provide a comfortable space for each member.
  • Question
    Can I make a secret society about keeping secrets safe?
    Yash kumar
    Community Answer
    Sure, secret societies are created for this purpose. But only disclose the information to those you trust the most.
  • Question
    Where should the meetings take place?
    Mary Beth Toca
    Community Answer
    It doesn't really matter. Somewhere secluded is ideal. Perhaps in a cluster of trees in the park, the treehouse in your backyard, or in a comfortable basement.
  • Question
    Are secret societies legal?
    Community Answer
    In general, they are. It depends on their objectives and activities.
  • Question
    Do secret societies have to involve money? Also, can we have our own currency?
    The Randomness Corner
    Community Answer
    They do not have to involve money. Having your own currency might be fun, but find a way to make it unique to you and that it cannot be easily replicated (like through photocopying).
  • Question
    How do I know who has the right job in a secret society?
    Community Answer
    Know what each person is good at. It’s better for people to volunteer for the job than telling them to do so. If two or more people want the same job, just draw lots and tell them to stick to their talents. Maybe each person could have a turn telling everyone what their good at. If a person is struggling to do their job, give them another one that fits.
  • Question
    Could I use a really safe website with triple passwords for meetings?
    Community Answer
    Yes. The more secure, the better for your meetings to be kept secret. Just make sure the passwords are easy for your members to remember, like something that represents your society.
  • Question
    How many people is a good number for a secret society?
    Community Answer
    Around 4-7 people is a good amount of members. The more people in the society, the more chances of someone telling people not part of the society.
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