Q&A for How to Deal With Enemies

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    What do I do if my enemies ignore me and keep talking behind my back during class?
    Community Answer
    Just ignore them like they do with you. Focus on your friends and being who you are - don't let your enemies' problems be your problems. You can't control what other people do, so don't try. Generally, if bullies see that you are unfazed by their harassment, they will get bored and stop.
  • Question
    How should I deal with a person who stares at me while threatening me?
    Community Answer
    Just look right into their eyes, firmly and confidently. Smile at them and then leave. That's how to show them that you don't care.
  • Question
    What should I do if she spreads rumors about me?
    Community Answer
    You know the truth, and so do your real friends. Shake it off. She's probably just jealous because you're so great!
  • Question
    What if my former best friend becomes an enemy?
    Community Answer
    If they become your enemy, then they obviously aren't a good friend. If they apologize, it's best to accept it; if it was your fault, then you should apologize. If it continues or they don't forgive you, move on. Don't try to hurt them; just act maturely and they will get the idea.
  • Question
    What do I do if they are mean to me in front of my crush?
    Community Answer
    Stay calm and let it roll off your back. Don't react to the mean comments and either walk away without replying. Or say something witty if you can, such as: "Seems like you fell out of bed on the mean side this morning. I'll come back when you're feeling kinder." Then leave. This will help your crush to see that you're not bothered.
  • Question
    Does getting an even bigger person to take care of a bully make you stronger?
    Community Answer
    No, all it's going to do is make it seem like you can't deal with your own problems.
  • Question
    What if I got in a fight that was not my fault?
    Community Answer
    Try to figure out what made the fight happen. You should then try to talk to the other person that you got into the fight with and try to settle the situation.
  • Question
    So, I accidentally dated my friend's crush because my friend acted he doesn't like her anymore but actually does, and all my friends stay away from me and make me like a loner. I have apologized but the same thing happens, so what should I do now?
    Community Answer
    Do what you want to do, the friend didn't make things clear but now wants to milk it for all its worth. Quite possibly your friend and all your mutual friends aren't worth your time of day if they keep carrying on this way and it might be time to find new friends.
  • Question
    Does Jesus want me to love my enemies? Why?
    Community Answer
    He does. The reason He wants you to is because he loved us even when we didn't love him -- even, in fact, when we were like enemies to him! We're supposed to show other people what God's love is like, so if that's how Jesus responded to His enemies, we're supposed to do the same. It's love that conquers evil, not evil.
  • Question
    How can I tell whether someone wants to be friends when we keep fighting?
    Community Answer
    Just stop and ask what they want. Tell them that you don't want to fight. Ask if they still want to fight, and if they still do, just walk away.
  • Question
    What should I do if an enemy threatens me with a gang?
    Community Answer
    If you are being threatened with gang violence, reach out to your school's police or the local police. No one can press charges without your consent, but reaching out to some authority figure in your community who is paid to keep you safe could go a long way toward helping you deal with this situation. You should not have to do this alone.
  • Question
    How do I ignore my enemies?
    Community Answer
    Don't look at them and don't speak to them, no matter what they say or do to try to get your attention.
  • Question
    What do I do if I work with my enemy?
    Community Answer
    Don't consider her an enemy and try to be neutral. If she is rude to you, ignore her or tell her to leave you alone. Make sure you are not the one being mean. Don't treat her badly if only for the fact that it will increase tension and contribute to an unhappy work environment.
  • Question
    What should I do if I have a war freak enemy who wont stop until he finally crushes me?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    If you seek the confrontation, there are only two possible outcomes: you win or you're crushed. Since those are not very attractive, it is best not to seek the confrontation. And wouldn't you know, that's exactly what you should always be doing. Just be nice and kind and polite, but keep your interactions to a minimum, and don't initiate any contact. Remember, it's the other person's problem, not yours.
  • Question
    How do I deal with someone who is being horrid to my friends and me?
    Community Answer
    Laugh it off and wave them away whenever they come near you with a comment such as, "Oh dear, you make me laugh too much, don't keep telling me these silly jokes, they're just too funny". They'll be mightily confused.
  • Question
    My friends keep taking photos of me without permission, but then pretend nothing happened in front of me. What can I do? Also, they talk bad about me behind my back. Can you please help me?
    Top Answerer
    It doesn't sound like these are real friends. They are picking on you and making you uncomfortable. It sounds like they are bullies that are pretending to be your friends. It might be best for you to distance yourself from them as much as possible. That might mean being alone, or having less friends, but it is better to have no friends then people who treat you poorly. You deserve better.
  • Question
    What if they try to rile me up by doing pathetic things?
    Community Answer
    The best thing to do in this situation is to ignore it. Once they realize you aren't bothered by what they're doing, they'll stop. The only reason they are doing the things they're doing is to get a rise out of you. There's no need to give your time to people who don't deserve it.
  • Question
    My classmate broke up recently with his girlfriend (who is my good friend) for no reason. She was sad, so I asked his friend about it. He accused me of being nosy, and he now hates me. What do I do?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Well, you were indeed being nosy. There are circles here; you and your good friend, that's a circle; she and her (ex-)boyfriend, that's another circle; you're not in that last one, nor are you in the circle of him and his friend. Whatever she talks to you about, that's your business, but his reasons for breaking up with her are not. It is likely that he doesn't want to share the reason, so you should respect that. He is not obligated to tell her his reasons, much less so you. So apologize for being nosy, and leave him alone.
  • Question
    What if all of those tips don't work?
    Community Answer
    If that is the case, it might be that the person is jealous of you. Don't be afraid to ask them why they are being so mean to you, or if something bad is going on in their life. Who knows? You might turn your enemy into a good friend.
  • Question
    What if I want to talk back to them?
    Community Answer
    Say something smart but not too snotty, because then your crush will think you're just as bad as the other person.
  • Question
    What should I do if my enemy wants to hit me?
    Community Answer
    Tell a trusted adult and avoid your enemy at all costs.
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    What should I do when someone physically attacks me in public?
    Community Answer
    Tell someone. Nothing is going to happen if you don't do something to stop it.
  • Question
    What if my enemy blackmails or threatens me?
    Kenny James Kugley
    Community Answer
    Report them to a trusted adult and the police and show them evidence of this.
  • Question
    What should I do if my enemies take away my friend?
    Community Answer
    Talk to your friend privately and explain to them why these people are your enemies. Tell them you're worried they're trying to turn him/her against you. If he/she is a good friend, they should understand and stick by your side. If not, it might be time to find a new friend.
  • Question
    I was fighting with another person; I won, but the other person got revenge. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Revenge is never the answer. Do a Frozen and Let It Go.
  • Question
    What should I do if a boy enemy keeps staring at me and my best friend?
    Community Answer
    Ignore him. He probably has a crush on one or both of you. If he's your enemy, don't give him the time of day.
  • Question
    What does it mean if the boy is always rude to me, but everyone else thinks he likes me?
    Community Answer
    Boys usually act that way when they have a crush on you. Don't take it personally -- try to get to know him better. Become friends with him and make him feel comfortable around you. He should stop being mean, but will still have a crush on you!
  • Question
    What do I do if she makes me feel powerless? Every time I try to stand up to her rudeness, she has other mean and powerful people on her side.
    Natalie Mills
    Community Answer
    Honestly, just walk away and don't lower yourself to her or their level. It will annoy her more when she sees that you have the willpower not to engage in her antics. Some people just enjoy the drama, so don't giver her the satisfaction of you being her entertainment!
  • Question
    My enemy annoys me, what should I do?
    Community Answer
    They want your attention, don't give it to them. Hang out with your true friends and hopefully they will back off. Try and understand where their point of view, even if you are sure your right. Nothing lasts forever! Hang out with people who accept you for who you are and ignore your enemy. It will all blow over soon.
  • Question
    My friend always starts these minor drama that tire all of us. She doesn’t stop when I ask her too. I’m scared to say a word when she’s friends with mine and I see her everyday. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Act like there isn't drama. Get your other friends together and convince them all to not get mad at anyone. She will realize it backfired.
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