Q&A for How to Draw a Paper Doll

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    How can I hang clothes on the paper doll?
    Community Answer
    You can use tape, staples, or paperclips to secure clothes to your doll.
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    What if a cut part of the parer doll by mistake? How can I fix it?
    Community Answer
    You can always tape it back together with clear tape so it isn't as noticeable.
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    How to apply makeup?
    Otterly Badgerific
    Top Answerer
    You could draw makeup on a fashion paper doll if you'd like. However, it would be permanent once drawn on. It is not possible to use actual makeup on a paper doll, as this would ruin the paper. What might be possible is to cover a paper doll with laminate that can allow you to use markers to add on "makeup" and then wipe it clean later but that would still be messy and the doll's face is usually too small to do it delicately.
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    What if you don't know how to draw?
    Otterly Badgerific
    Top Answerer
    You can use an existing shape of a paper doll and trace around it. Use a good quality pencil that creates sharp lines and can be seen easily, so that you can cut out the shape confidently. For the doll's face, etc., copy the design on the existing paper doll or follow a picture online; this can be made easier by drawing grid lines and making sure each feature fits within those lines.
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    Which type of clothes can I put on the doll?
    Otterly Badgerific
    Top Answerer
    You can draw any type of clothes for your paper doll drawing - of any vintage, any style and any color, it's entirely up to you how you create the clothes.
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