Q&A for How to Evangelize

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    How can I effectively share a gospel with someone that's not Christian?
    Mark Russell
    Christian Theology Expert
    Mark Russell is a Christian Theology Expert based in Bourbonnais, Illinois. He is a Senior High School Youth Pastor at Gathering Point Church of the Nazarene, and has held this post for over nine years. He is the director of the Next Gen programs at the church, managing all youth education programs. Through this role, he also leads a team of adult youth leaders and completes preaching duties. Prior to working at Gathering Point, he worked as Assistant Principal at Grove City Christian School and was a Youth Pastor at Grove City Church of the Nazarene. He received a BA in Elementary Education and Teaching from Mount Vernon Nazarene University.
    Christian Theology Expert
    Expert Answer
    When presenting a gospel to someone, it is always important to have an intimate conversation and establish a good rapport. This means not trying to preach but actually taking the time to get to know such a person on a personal note. Being genuinely interested in their life and really listening to what they have to say or to think. This approach shows your interest in them and that you do not try to sell them any kind of agenda. Remember, people are a lot more open to spiritual conversations if they feel properly cared for and understood.
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    I'm a little afraid of the responses I will get. How can I get over this fear?
    Community Answer
    It's a good idea to go with a friend. First off, it builds a little confidence to have someone who also believes and can fill in any gaps in your knowledge. Secondly, you guys can laugh it off together afterwards if it turns out kind of awkward. You could also try going with a church group where you can just stand and just watch the first couple of times to get a feeling of what to say. Most importantly, Jesus and the Holy Spirit is with you - Jesus is so worthy of our effort and at worst, if you are rejected, they're not technically rejecting you, but Jesus.
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    How do I get people interested in the Bible?
    Community Answer
    Most people are only interested in reading things that either touch upon their pre-existing interests or promise to provide knowledge they need. One of the best ways to interest others in reading scripture is to get to know them -- when you do, you may learn of personal struggles or areas of interest that the Bible touches upon, at which point you can make the connection and give the friend you're evangelizing some recommended reading.
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    What do I need to do if the person is not really interested?
    Community Answer
    Badgering a person is not acceptable. When a person has made it clear that they do not wish to learn more, they have given you their boundary and attempting to keep evangelizing is disrespectful and intrusive. You can simply say: "Thank you for listening, I'll just leave you with this information to read in your own time" and quietly hand them a pamphlet before making your way to the next person. Then, pray that God will touch the person's heart to accept the gospel.
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    How do I overcome my fear of lack of knowledge?
    Community Answer
    It is perfectly fine if you don't know everything. Not knowing something is a perfect opportunity for learning and personal growth. Read more, listen to others, and pray for discernment. If you don't know something, let others teach you. Life is a journey in which one learns and grows; if you know everything, then you are no longer able to grow as a person.
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    Is wrong to say I don't know if a person asks a question I do not have an answer to?
    Community Answer
    You are human, not God. It is okay to say you do not know something because, let's face it, no one on this planet knows everything. Only God knows everything.
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    How do I not feel nervous before I go talk to a person?
    Community Answer
    Remember that God is with you. Trust that He will give you the words that you should say, and have confidence that those words will come out of you.
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    How do I depend on Christ for evangelism?
    Community Answer
    Think of it as a partnership. You are the spokesperson for Him, but He's actually the One who changes people's minds and hearts. You were not charged with saving souls - leave the results to Him and just sow the seeds. Also, pray before and during for revelation on what to say, you may even get prophetic words for the individual. In some cases (if you feel led to), pray for miraculous healing and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Also be sensitive to His leading. He may point you towards a person to speak to.
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    Is it my fault if someone does not accept my testimony?
    Community Answer
    Never! Some people need to hear the message many times before they fully accept it. Just think of yourself as being part of that longer process!
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    How do I start doing street evangelism?
    Community Answer
    Well, you can start with making a 'track' or a small pamphlet of your beliefs. You can then go door to door in a neighborhood, and simply ask if they believe in Jesus. You can also go street witnessing without a track, or you can do what my youth group did: go to a lot of hang out spots in town and simply pray out loud. People might be encouraged to join you.
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    How do I sort out my life as a Christian youth?
    Community Answer
    If you try to sort it out by yourself, then you can never do it. It takes the power of the Holy Spirit to enable you to have a fulfilled Christian life. What you can do now is to focus on meditating on the word of God, communing with God in prayer, and spending time with your fellow believers.
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    How do I re-evangelize the West, where many people have forgotten the values of fear of God and faith?
    Community Answer
    My advice would be to focus on relationships with those you are evangelizing to. Do not be discouraged if they do not accept your words. An evangelist's job is to present the Gospel (as Christians), not to convince people of it (there is convincing evidence, however). Just remember that people will be more accepting when they understand that you care. Many people do not know God. They think they do, but they have no idea. Show them the same love that you have experienced. That is what convinces people.
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    What are some scriptures to use for evangelism?
    Community Answer
    Romans 3:23 -- all have sinned. (see also Ecclesiastes 7:20, Romans 3:10). Romans 6:23 --the punishment for sin is death. Romans 5:8 -- God's love, Jesus' death. Romans 10:9-10 -- What God wants, that we would be saved.
  • Question
    Should I evangelize even if I'm not baptized?
    Community Answer
    Yes, everyone should evangelize, including those who are not (yet) baptized.
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    Can we evangelize to a believer of the same faith?
    Community Answer
    You can discuss your faith but the purpose of evangelizing is to bring others into the flock.
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    How can I convince a devoted Muslim about Christ Jesus?
    Community Answer
    If someone's heart isn't open to Jesus, that person won't believe no matter what you do or say. Pray to God to open this person's heart and to guide you in what to do and say. Obviously, reading books or articles on how to share your faith with some with a Muslim background would be helpful as well.
  • Question
    Is it good to pray for someone without their knowledge?
    Community Answer
    Yes, prayer is good for anyone, whether they know it or not.
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    Should I evangelize at someone's place of work?
    Community Answer
    When you are at work you have sold your time to your employer, so you use that time according to his/her instructions. Same goes for others, if you are at another person's work, do not distract them from the tasks they are supposed to be performing.
  • Question
    How do I get tracts for evangelism?
    Top Answerer
    You can order tracts for evangelism online or from a Christian bookstore. Search online under "Christian or Evangelical tracts."
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    How can I effectively evangelize in French communities with a different culture from my English culture?
    Top Answerer
    Avoid this. Proselytizing is frowned upon nearly everywhere in the west, and this is especially true for France. French culture in general has been secular since the revolutions. At best, this will be seen as unusual; at worst, it is considered extremely rude.
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    What is modern day evangelism?
    Top Answerer
    The modern usage of evangelism (in the West, at least) is to a) attribute every occurrence to God, and b) declare the Christian lifestyle to be the only acceptable lifestyle under God. It is typically used in a negative way, at least where it excludes other people, faiths, groups, etc. The old version is now often referred to as proselytizing.
  • Question
    What are some ways to covert a Muslim to Christianity?
    Top Answerer
    1. Do not use the Bible, as it is viewed by Muslims as a heavily altered text. 2. Tell them that in truth, all fall short of being worthy of heaven, and thus God sent Jesus to forgive humanity. 3. Invite them to your church.
  • Question
    As a first timer evangelizing, how do I go about it?
    Top Answerer
    1. Find someone you know well who is not a Christian. 2. Wait until you are in private. 3. Ask them if they would be open to the discussion. Only proceed if they agree to listen.
  • Question
    Jesus died for our sins, so we do not have to live by the law but by his grace. That is a huge difference. Why then should I talk about the Ten Commandments in part 2 instead of preaching the good news?
    Community Answer
    It can often be good to discuss the covenant God has made with Moses, and us, as these ten commandments are the foundation to loving God and leading a good life. However, after you have gone over this it is also an effective idea to preach the good news of Jesus Christ, as it shows that, whilst the Jews did break these commandments, worshipping a false idol, and all of us at some point have maybe disobeyed one of these commandments, did Jesus not still die for us? Did he not carry the sins of us, the times we have disobeyed the commandments and stray from our covenant with the Lord? By introducing the ten commandments, these set of rules, we can truly show that ours is a merciful God.
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    Is evangelism socialism?
    Community Answer
    No, it isn't. Socialism is a socio-economic theory built around the idea that the driving forces of the economy, (often referred to as the "means of production",) should be owned collectively by all workers. Evangelism is the practice of attempting to reach out to others and tell them about the Word of God. Generally speaking, Socialists oppose the idea of evangelism and religion in general, which is important to note when comparing the two concepts.
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