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Q&A for How to Germinate Pomegranate Seeds
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QuestionCan you grow a pomegranate tree from a cutting?Maggie Moran is a Professional Gardener in Pennsylvania.Yes, you can grow a new tree from cuttings. This is best done in late winter, and each cutting should be around 10 inches long.
QuestionWhere do pomegranates grow best?Maggie Moran is a Professional Gardener in Pennsylvania.They are most at home in drier climates like that of California or Arizona. They are native to the middle-eastern countries, so they like arid regions.
QuestionHow long does it take for a pomegranate tree to bear fruit?Maggie Moran is a Professional Gardener in Pennsylvania.It can take up to 3 years before a pomegranate tree will bear much fruit as it needs time to mature.
QuestionHow long does it take a pomegranate seed to germinate?Maggie Moran is a Professional Gardener in Pennsylvania.If the plant is kept at room temperature, it should germinate in 30-40 days.
QuestionCan I plant dried seeds with success?Community AnswerYes. I took the seeds and let them dry about 2-3 weeks. Then I put the seeds to soak in warm water for about 2-3 hours, then planted them in soil. I saw the first seedling in about 3 weeks.
QuestionHow do I prepare the seeds to plant after removing them from the fruit?Community AnswerYou have to remove the flesh with your hands and then let the seeds dry for some hours.
QuestionDo I have to use fresh seeds?Community AnswerNo. As long as they are not burnt in an oven or a microwave, most seeds will be fine.
QuestionI have a pomegranate tree, but the fruit is small and doesn't taste great. Why is that?Community AnswerPomegranate trees need good environments, and plenty of sunlight and water. If suffering from malnutrition, it will produce many fruit, but they will be small and foul. Plants also may suffer from hard soil as well. Hard soil can cause seed deformities, root problems, and early death of the tree.
QuestionCan I grow a pomegranate indoors in a large pot?Community AnswerYes, as long as it is a dwarf variety. If it's not, you can grow it indoors until it it too big, then move it outdoors.
QuestionCan pomegranate seeds germinate and produce well in northern Nigeria?Community AnswerYes. I have seen them in Abuja. I have the ornamental variety in my yard. It flowers profusely. I am planning to plant from seeds since I can't get the fruiting type from any nursery here.
QuestionIs stratification necessary in the germination of pomegranate seeds?Community AnswerNo, it is not.
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