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Q&A for How to Get Your Siblings to Shut Up
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QuestionMy older sister searches my phone without me knowing, has to know everything that's going on in my life and spills all my personal secrets to my mum and dad. I don't do those thing to her, what should I do?Community AnswerHide your phone! Let your sibling know that you don't want her touching your stuff. Talk to your parents and tell them it bothers you when your sibling tells them things about you, and ask them to come to you if they want to know something.
QuestionWhat if my sibling hurts me?Community AnswerYou need to tell your parents, or a different adult if they don't listen. You may want to stay away from your sibling, depending on whether or not they have the potential to injure you seriously.
QuestionHow do I control myself when my sister gets me angry?Community AnswerCount to ten. Go somewhere else to do an errand, get as far away from her as possible. Tell you parents if this is happening often.
QuestionHow do I stop my sibling from making fun of me for something foolish?Community AnswerPeople make fun of you to get a reaction. Stop reacting to it, and your sibling will stop making fun of you.
QuestionIf I ignore my sibling, he will just pester me more. My parents don't care, and if I tell on him, I will get in trouble. What do I do? He won't listen to me either.Community AnswerDon't ignore him. Ask him if he wants to do something with you, like reading, playing a video game, or coloring. My little sister often bugs me because I don't give her enough attention. If that attention IS given, however, your brother may give you more space.
QuestionHow do I tell her to shut up?Community AnswerDon't tell her to shut up. That would be an extremely bad idea. She may just want to spend more time with you. Telling her to "shut up" indicates that you don't want to listen to her, and that could make her behave even worse.
QuestionHow do I stop my siblings from teasing me after I've told them to shut up?Community AnswerGet help immediately from your parents. This will be most convenient, as your parents will tell them to do the right thing and stop annoying you. If your parents aren't around, ignore your siblings and tell your parents about it when they get home.
QuestionWhat can I do to get some peace and privacy from an annoying sibling when my parents won't let me go anywhere without them?Community AnswerPut headphones on and listen to music, and/or read a book. Distractions can help.
QuestionWhat do I do if my sibling is mean to everyone and nothing is working?Community AnswerThis has happened to me before with my little brother. I talk to my parents about this and it really helps. When I tell them what is going on, they will usually help me and talk to my brother about it. If this doesn’t work, I ignore the situation, change the subject, or give him the exact opposite reaction that he was looking for (smile, say positive things back to him, etc.).
QuestionHow do I deal with a negative sibling?Community AnswerIf they say something negative, say something positive back. They'll probably eventually realize they can't bring you down, or you might even change their outlook.
QuestionHow do I not get in trouble for fighting with a sibling if they want to fight me all the time?Community AnswerDon't fight with them, even when it's really tempting. Walk away, or just ignore them. If a parent is home, go tell them what your sibling is doing. Stay calm when you're talking to your parents so you look like the more mature person.
QuestionHow can I stop my younger sister from making snarky, hurtful comments toward me?Community AnswerTry reverse psychology. When she says something hurtful to you, make a big deal of saying "Thank you," like she's paid you a great compliment. Then try to give her a big hug. When she sees you responding in the exact opposite way she intended, she'll probably stop.
QuestionHow do I get another person's sibling to shut up?Community AnswerDon't. Ask your friend politely to please get their sibling to be quiet or stop doing whatever they're doing that's bothering you. You can also ask your friend if you can go in their room or outside to escape their sibling. If that doesn't help, ask for help from your friend's parents.
QuestionHow do I deal with a sibling that has OCD?Sherlock HolmesCommunity AnswerI have OCD, and I’ll tell you, it’s no fun. First off, make sure your sibling actually has it. Having OCD is not the same as being a neat freak. Then, understand that your sibling cannot help their compulsions; for instance, re-checking locks or repeatedly washing their hands. They're doing it because they have to, not to get on your nerves. Try to be supportive.
QuestionCan I duct tape my sibling's mouth shut to keep them quiet?Layna AriesiantiCommunity AnswerNope, you'll get in trouble if you do so. Try ignoring them, asking them kindly to be quiet, or asking your parent for help.
QuestionMy older sister makes super annoying noises with her throat. She doesn't do it just to annoy me, she actually enjoys it. I can't ignore it or find distractions because I have OCD, and I can't leave the room. What do I do?Community AnswerPolitely ask her to stop. Tell her how much it bothers you, and specifically that it's causing problems with your OCD. If she won't stop, tell an adult.
QuestionHow do I get my sibling to stop going into my room after telling them to leave?Community AnswerTell your sibling it bothers you, and ask how they would feel if you didn't leave their room. You can also tell a trusted adult.
QuestionMy brother calls me names and does other things to me when nobody else is around. How do I stop him?Community AnswerEither just ignore him, or record him doing these things and show the recording to your parents.
QuestionWhat do I do if my sibling cries all the time and I get grounded for it?Community AnswerTry to calmly explain your side of the story to your parents. If they refuse to listen to you, don't argue. That will only make it worse. The best thing to do is try to avoid making your sibling cry in the first place, even when they're being annoying!
QuestionHow do I ignore an annoying bully?Community AnswerWhenever they try to bully or tease you, just give them the silent treatment. Try to think of something else that you like. Or, you can literally move away from the person and talk to someone else.
QuestionHow do I make my two annoying brothers stop yelling when they're playing the PlayStation? They're getting on my nerves.Community AnswerWarn them that you will unplug the PlayStation if they don't stop yelling. That usually works, but if it doesn't, go in another room or ask your parents to intervene.
QuestionWhat do I do if my autistic sibling is acting toxic towards me?Community AnswerBe calm and friendly, and tell them that you need some space. Try to understand what your sibling is feeling. If you can figure out where they're coming from, you'll know how to respond in the future. Don't respond in anger, that will only make the situation worse. You should also talk to your parents about what is going on.
QuestionHow do I stop my sibling from touching my stuff when my parents think they're great?Community AnswerTry to explain to your sibling that the item(s) they are touching/taking belong to you and are your personal, private property. If this fails, try hiding your belongings somewhere that they won't look or be able to access, like a lockbox, a locked room, under your bed or even in your pocket if the item is small enough. If it continues even beyond this somehow, simply explain calmly to your parent why they can't do this and that they should stop them.
QuestionWhat if my sibling hits me?Community AnswerTell your parents immediately. Physical abuse is not acceptable, regardless of who it's coming from! Never hit your sibling back or yell; your parents will most likely have a talk with your sibling.
QuestionMy brother continuously calls me names, plays songs in my ears that I hate, and blows and coughs in my face. What can I do?Community AnswerHave you talked with your parents about this? Aside from that, firmly telling him to leave you alone, and trying to avoid him when he's in those moods are you best bets.
QuestionHow do I deal with a bad sibling?Community AnswerThink about what makes them a "bad sibling," then think about what makes you a "bad sibling." The reason you should do this is because you both have faults and you need to work on yours first because the other sibling won't until you do. Be the bigger person, and talk to them about how you feel about their behavior in a calm and reasonable manner.
QuestionHow do I quit getting into fights with my siblings?Community AnswerDon't start them or encourage them! Avoid picking fights with your siblings, and if they try to start a fight with you, simply walk away.
QuestionWhat happens if I share a room with my brother?Community AnswerStay on your side of the room and tell him to stay on his. If he won't be quiet, put on headphones and just tune him out.
QuestionHow do I get rid of my sister?Community AnswerYou can't get rid of your sister. Ask her nicely to give you a little space. If she refuses, ignore her or ask a parent to help you.
QuestionWhat is a good way to get my sibling to stop talking while I'm playing video games?Community AnswerGive them something else to do. Set them up with their own game on an iPad or other device, or turn a TV show on for them. If your sibling is really little, you can give them a game controller that isn't hooked up to anything and tell them they're playing with you.
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