Q&A for How to Get a Guy to Like You

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    How do I flirt with a guy?
    Alessandra Conti
    Celebrity Matchmaker & Dating Coach
    Alessandra Conti is a Celebrity Matchmaker, Dating Coach, and Co-Founder of Matchmakers In The City, a personal Matchmaking firm headquartered in Los Angeles, California. Alessandra is a Matchmaker behind MTV's, “Are You The One”, and is the go-to Celebrity Matchmaker for shows like NBC's Access Hollywood, and CBS's Face The Truth. Her dating and relationship advice has been featured on Forbes, Elite Daily, The New Yorker, The LA Times, and Fox News. For nearly 10 years, Alessandra has worked with clients ranging from celebrities to young professionals and leads a team of matchmakers responsible for hundreds of marriages through their knowledge of interpersonal relationships, body language, and lie detection. She holds a BA in Communications from American University and is a Matchmaking Institute Certified Matchmaker (CMM).
    Celebrity Matchmaker & Dating Coach
    Expert Answer
    Everyone has different flirting styles. For some people, they flirt by giggling a lot and playing with their hair. For other people, they flirt by being sarcastic and witty. It's all about being playful and enjoying yourself!
  • Question
    Should I let the guy take the lead when it comes to dating?
    Alessandra Conti
    Celebrity Matchmaker & Dating Coach
    Alessandra Conti is a Celebrity Matchmaker, Dating Coach, and Co-Founder of Matchmakers In The City, a personal Matchmaking firm headquartered in Los Angeles, California. Alessandra is a Matchmaker behind MTV's, “Are You The One”, and is the go-to Celebrity Matchmaker for shows like NBC's Access Hollywood, and CBS's Face The Truth. Her dating and relationship advice has been featured on Forbes, Elite Daily, The New Yorker, The LA Times, and Fox News. For nearly 10 years, Alessandra has worked with clients ranging from celebrities to young professionals and leads a team of matchmakers responsible for hundreds of marriages through their knowledge of interpersonal relationships, body language, and lie detection. She holds a BA in Communications from American University and is a Matchmaking Institute Certified Matchmaker (CMM).
    Celebrity Matchmaker & Dating Coach
    Expert Answer
    I'm a big believer in letting the guy lead. Let him lead when it comes to following up and asking you on dates again and planning dates. At the same time, make sure you're indicating interest so he knows to keep pursuing you.
  • Question
    What’s the best way to let a guy know I like him?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    One sure way to let him know is to tell him directly. You could say something like, “Hey, I really like you!” or “I think you’re awesome.” You can also try asking him out on a date or asking him how he feels about you. For example, “Do you think we could be more than friends?” If you’re not comfortable being so direct, try complimenting him and being flirty.
  • Question
    Can I get a guy to like me over text?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Face-to-face communication is usually easier, since you can see each other’s body language and hear each other’s voices. Over text, you’ll need to use other forms of communication, like choosing your words extra carefully and using emojis to clarify your feelings. Try sending him some flirty texts and see how he responds, or tell him directly that you like him and ask him out on a date!
  • Question
    How do I know when it works? What are the signs that a guy likes me?
    Community Answer
    A guy who likes you might stare at you, or smile whenever he sees you. Depending on how shy he is, he might try to run into you "on accident" or compliment you.
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    What if I'm scared to talk to him?
    Community Answer
    Think of a conversation topic in advance. This can be something simple and low-key, like the class you're taking together, or some local news or rumors. The next time you see him alone, take a deep breath and go say hi.
  • Question
    What if he's my best friend? I don't want to lose him in the process.
    Community Answer
    You have a good chance of keeping the friendship if you don't make things too awkward. Tell him you like him, and see how he responds. (You can try hinting it instead, but guys can be pretty oblivious about these signals from their friends.)
  • Question
    What if I have a crush on my friend who is a boy? He flirts with me and I tease him. Would we be good together?
    Community Answer
    If you think you would be good together, then consider asking him if he'd like to be together in a romantic way. You won't know unless you ask him and if you're too scared to ask, it could be a sign that your intuition is warning you he's not yet ready for that.
  • Question
    If you know he likes someone else, should you still flirt with him?
    Community Answer
    If he's not in a relationship, you're not getting in anyone's way by flirting with him. It will be harder to get his attention if he's pining for someone else, so you may have to be more obvious about it or just ask him out directly.
  • Question
    What if he has become suspicious?
    Community Answer
    Suspicious of you trying to get him to like you? 'Fess up and let him know what you're thinking. He might just be thinking the same way but you'll never know unless you ask!
  • Question
    I told him I liked him but he never responded. What do I do now?
    Community Answer
    You're not going to find out what he thinks until you ask him again. Talk to him in person if you can, and press him for a response: "Have you thought about what I said?" If he's still not interested in talking, move on.
  • Question
    What if my dad does not like me talking to boys, let alone date them?
    Community Answer
    Talk to your dad to find out what his worries are. Work out some compromises together, such as how old you can be before you start dating, curfew times and places where it's okay to date. If your dad sees you approaching this maturely, he may trust you sooner rather than later with going on dates.
  • Question
    What if the guy thinks I'm pretty but doesn't like me?
    Community Answer
    He is being polite and honest at once. Take him at face value and accept that he means what he says because either he is saying you're pretty and he doesn't like you or he is lying and saying you're not pretty but he likes you. Decide what you prefer.
  • Question
    What if I am under 18 and I don't know his age? I am worried he is over 18.
    Community Answer
    If you don't know his age, then you need to find out. Ask him, or ask his friends or your own friends to find out.
  • Question
    What should I get my crush for Christmas?
    Community Answer
    Since we don't know your crush, that's almost impossible to answer. Generally, keep it cheap but sweet, as you don't want to spend a lot of money on someone you're not yet sure about. Perhaps get him a Steam card, or a box of candies or a magnet.
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