Q&A for How to Get a Man to Chase You

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    I need to see my guy tonight. How can I get him to ask me to stay with him tonight without asking him if I can stay?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    You could ask him if he wants to watch a movie at his place tonight, just be sure to pick a long movie! It'll be pretty late by the time it ends and it would be natural for him to invite you to stay at that point.
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    How do you make a man more sexually attracted to you?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    Be confident, approach him first, flirt with him, hold eye contact, and smile. Keep the conversation fun and light and touch him on the arm a few times to see how he reacts. It'll be pretty clear at that point if he's into you or not. Good luck!
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    How do you make a guy talk to a girl if they don't know each other?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    Start by smiling at him and making eye contact a few times from across the room. Find a reason to stand a little closer to where he is and see if he takes the bait!
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    How should I get a guy to pay attention to me if I'm too shy to talk to him?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    Make eye contact from across the room and smile a few times. If you're there with your friends, make sure he sees you having fun. Find a reason to stand a little closer to him in the room so you're in his line of vision.
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