Q&A for How to Get a Teacher to Like You

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    What is meant by being "careful with your compliments"?
    Julia T.
    Community Answer
    If you overdo compliments, the teacher may feel you are being sarcastic, insincere, or just wanting attention. Sometimes students compliment to make the teacher like them just to get good grades, and many teachers are eagle-eyed to this type of student.
  • Question
    How do I get a teacher to like me without my friends thinking I'm a teacher's pet?
    Community Answer
    Just don't overdo it. As long as you don't put your hand up every five minutes and overdo the compliments, people will most likely think you're just trying to participate.
  • Question
    What can I do if my teacher treats me badly, even though I haven't done anything to make her dislike me?
    Community Answer
    Sometimes this happens and there's nothing you can do about it, but try really hard to get on her good side. Follow the steps in the article - pay attention, turn in all your work on time, raise your hand when you know the answer to a question, etc. You might be able to change her mind about you.
  • Question
    Why does everyone prefer people who are prettier than me?
    Community Answer
    In reality, society tends to first judge by outward appearance. But once the first and shallow judgement is made, society then judges what is on the inside, such as your personality, values, and heart. The second judgement tends to last a lot longer. If you prove yourself to be a good/kind person, plenty of people will like you.
  • Question
    If I want to get a teacher to like me, should I correct that teacher's mistakes?
    Community Answer
    Not all the time. It could make them think that you are trying to act like you know more than they do. If it's important, try to say it in the form of a question, like, "Excuse me, but isn't it true that...?" and state your correction. If it's a simple spelling mistake or something like that, it's probably best to just let it go.
  • Question
    What do I say to my teacher if I am walking alone in the hall and see him?
    Julia T.
    Community Answer
    Say, "Good morning/afternoon, Mr. _______!" Say it with enthusiasm, but not so much that it seems sarcastic. Anything more and they may feel annoyed at you delaying them.
  • Question
    How can I get to like me naturally?
    Community Answer
    Teachers tend to like students who work hard in their class. If you do the best you possibly can and work hard, teachers will like you. If you need help, ask questions. Also, make sure to be polite and respectful when talking to the teacher.
  • Question
    What should I do if a teacher has told me off and I want them to forget about it?
    Community Answer
    As long as this was a one-time incident, they'll probably forget about it pretty quickly. Just do your best to behave yourself, do your work, be respectful, etc. from now on and everything should be fine. If you didn't already, it would be a good idea to apologize for whatever happened.
  • Question
    How do I get attention from the teacher?
    Julia T.
    Community Answer
    Be a good student: Raise your hand and wait to speak, ask questions, but not when the teacher is talking, and take plenty of notes throughout the class. Don't joke around with friends, unless it is before the class has started, and wait to be excused from the class instead of packing up and running out the door the second the bell rings.
  • Question
    What if my teachers don't let me do extra credit and I didn't finish my homework?
    Julia T.
    Community Answer
    Then you will have to accept the bad grade and not make the same mistake next time.
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    How do I get a teacher to like me if she ignores me when I talk?
    Community Answer
    As long as you are not interrupting her, no teacher should ignore you when you talk. Approach her before or after class and tell her how you feel about this. It may be that it's an accident or she doesn't even know she's doing it. Be polite when speaking to her. She will probably admire your courage in coming forward and trying to resolve this problem. If this doesn't help, talk to a principal or other administrator.
  • Question
    What if my teacher already has a favorite student and never talks to me?
    Community Answer
    Try making friends with the techer’s favorite student. When the favorite talks to the teacher, follow your friend and the teacher will then begin to notice you.
  • Question
    I hate my new science teacher. She is always yelling at us for no reason. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Try to find something good about her. Otherwise, just realize that class is only a short portion of each day, and do your best to get along with her.
  • Question
    My science teacher makes fun of us and yells constantly. I do everything I'm supposed to do in class. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    If it is really that bad, you should consult a parent or principal. This is not how teachers should act.
  • Question
    I had a good reputation until I was framed for stealing. My teacher hates me now. How do I prove I am still a good student?
    Community Answer
    If you bring up the topic too much, your teacher might get annoyed and dislike you even more. Try to build trust with them by turning in assignments on time, or doing kind acts, such as picking up trash left in the classroom by other students or helping them to carry something heavy. Your teacher thinks that you betrayed their trust, so to earn back your rep you must first regain their trust.
  • Question
    If my friends are really good, and my teacher says I'm really kind, should I still try to be on her really good side?
    Community Answer
    You don't need to go overboard, it sounds like you're already on her good side, just keep doing what you're doing!
  • Question
    How do I get a teacher to like me if the teacher is always crabby?
    Community Answer
    You can't guarantee any teacher will like you, but you can try the tips in the article. Persistence may pay off.
  • Question
    What if I had one incident with bad attitude and the teacher doesn't seem to like me anymore?
    Community Answer
    First, apologize. Then, do good deeds that will impress your teacher.
  • Question
    I like my teacher, but I need a way to tell her that I like her. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Get her a "Thank you" card and write a message inside thanking her for being such a good teacher.
  • Question
    How can I show a teacher respect?
    Julia T.
    Community Answer
    Using "Yes ma'am" and "Yes sir" are a wonderful way to show respect, as well as waiting to speak and not wasting the teacher's time.
  • Question
    What can I do to convince my teacher that I am a sincere student?
    Community Answer
    Turn things in on time, don't talk or pass notes during class. Be nothing less than attentive and participate in the lesson being taught. I do this with my teachers and it always works. One last thing, smile whenever they look at you during a lesson. This can show them that you are enjoying the work that they are doing to make sure that you and others are getting the education that you deserve.
  • Question
    Is it helpful to meet a teacher after school/class or during breaks?
    Community Answer
    Yes, as it wouldn't be very helpful for you to talk to them in the middle of a lesson when you should be concentrating.
  • Question
    What should I do if my teacher constantly picks on me, even when I am kind?
    Community Answer
    Tell your parents or guardian about the situation and ignore your teacher's behavior, and continue being kind to the teacher.
  • Question
    What should I talk to the teachers about during breaks?
    Community Answer
    If you just want to chat with them, first make sure they're not busy, then you can just start with, "So, how's your day going," or, "How was your weekend?" You could also ask them how they got interested in whatever subject they teach, if they always wanted to be a teacher, etc.
  • Question
    What does it mean if my teachers (including strict ones) touch my shoulder when they see me?
    Community Answer
    They are probably just trying to be friendly. If the touching ever turns into something inappropriate, tell the principal or your parents right away.
  • Question
    My teacher seems to like everyone else but me. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Continue trying to get on their good side, and don't give up. If matters get worse, talk to a trusted adult.
  • Question
    How do I get my teacher to really care about me?
    Community Answer
    Teachers like it when you show dedication to what the are teaching. Try to get to know them more and show interest in what she/he does. Your teacher will care about you if you care about them.
  • Question
    What if my teacher is horrible, doesn't have friends, and is always mad?
    Community Answer
    In this situation, it's best to just keep your head down and give your teacher plenty of space. Follow the tips in Deal With a Mean Teacher for some good advice.
  • Question
    What can I do if my teacher doesn't like me very much because I am a new student?
    Community Answer
    He/she just doesn't know you yet. Just make sure to do all your assignments, participate in class by raising your hand to answer questions, and be kind and helpful to your classmates. I'm sure he/she will like you just fine.
  • Question
    How do I get my teacher to like me if they're unfair?
    Community Answer
    Just follow the steps in the article. There's really nothing else you can do. Try to have a positive attitude no matter what, and definitely don't tell them you think they're being unfair, as this will not increase the chances of them liking you.
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