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Q&A for How to Greet People in Indonesia
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QuestionHow do I address a young girl?Community AnswerIn formal Indonesian: "Nona" (it means "Miss"), but most people use the area's respective traditional language - usually the word that means "older sister." For example, in Central Java & East Java, we say "Mbak" and sometimes "Ning," in West Java, we say "Teh" or "Teteh," in Jakarta we say "Neng."
QuestionHow do I address a woman (business contact) informally to say, "How are you?"Community AnswerYou can say it as, "Apa kabar anda?" for a formal meeting. For an informal greeting, just say, "Hai! Oke oke aja kan?"
QuestionHow can I say "My greetings and wishes to your family"?Community AnswerYou could say "Salam saya ke keluarga Anda" which literally means "My greetings to your family." Wishes isn't included in the sentence because "salam" is already considered "greetings and wishes" in Indonesian.
QuestionCan I expect Indonesians to show love to tourists?Community AnswerIndonesians are usually very polite and kind towards everyone, including strangers. If you treat them with kindness and respect, they will do the same with you.
QuestionHow do I greet someone properly in the afternoon?Community AnswerBetween the hours of 12:00 and 15:00 you can say "selamat siang" or just the informal "siang." Between the hours of 15:00 and 18:00, most people use "selamat sore" or the informal "sore."
QuestionHow do I say "I want to stop" in Indonesia?Community AnswerYou can say "Saya mau berhenti". I want = saya mau, to stop = berhenti.
QuestionHow do I say "hat" in Indonesia?Community AnswerTo say "hat," you would say "topi."
QuestionWhat do the abbreviations mba/mbak and tggu mean?Community AnswerMba/mbak means "miss." You can say mbak to young girls. Tggu is shortened from "tunggu", which means "wait." People use this abbreviation in chat.
QuestionDo I use the person's first or second name after Mrs.?Community AnswerWe usually use the person's first name after their title. For example Mr. John Smith is Bapak John. Ms. Elizabeth Smith is Mba Elizabeth.
QuestionWhat does ''Selamat datang'' mean?RainyTop Answerer''Selamat datang'' means welcome. It literally translates to "good come", and it can be used at any time of the day.
QuestionHow do I say grandmother?Community AnswerThe Indonesian word for "grandmother" is ''nenek''.
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