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Q&A for How to Learn Cooking by Yourself
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QuestionHow can I improve my cooking skills?Alex Hong is the Executive Chef and Co-Owner of Sorrel, a New American restaurant in San Francisco. He has been working in restaurants for over 12 years. Alex is a graduate of the Culinary Institute of America and has worked in the kitchens of Jean-Georges and Quince, both Michelin-starred restaurants.Start by practicing the basics until you've perfected them. For example, you might start with seasoning your food, making a salad dressing, or roasting a chicken. Once you perfect these skills, you'll have a solid foundation for more difficult cooking skills.
QuestionWhen is the best time to start learning to cook?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerYou can start at any time! If you're a kid, ask an adult to help you with things like cutting up ingredients or using the stovetop. If you're already an adult, it's never too late to get started.
QuestionWhat are the things you should learn when first cooking?Community AnswerStart simple by learning one small meal for each time of the day. For example, learn how to make sandwiches for breakfast, a salad for lunch and maybe a small chicken pasta for dinner. The order doesn't matter. Learn in the dishes that you generally eat. Cook small portions to avoid waste.
QuestionHow can I learn how to cook?KhadijahSCommunity AnswerYou can learn to cook by watching videos and fiddling with simple recipes such as pancakes. As you feel like you fiddled enough with simple recipes, you can move up to cooking small meals then moving up to bigger meals.
QuestionHow can a kid learn how to cook by him or herself?Community AnswerA kid could learn how to cook from children's cookbooks. The recipes are generally very simple, and require little to no adult guidance. He or she could also learn from recipes that don't require use of a stove, such as salads or sandwiches.
QuestionHow can I learn to cook well in a week?Community AnswerFocus on learning a few simple recipes, or on learning the basics of one type of cuisine. Get a few recipe books or do some online research and then get cooking! Practice is important.
QuestionI want to cook but what if I fail?Community AnswerYou are scared of failing but it does not protect you from anything to be scared, it just makes you fail. Don't be scared of failing because failing is a part of life. Let go of your fear, and practice often. Practice makes perfect, plus you don't know what will happen.
QuestionI am a 13 yrs old. I have never cooked before, where could I start?zoe kustraCommunity AnswerLearn some basics: Start with making grilled cheese and pasta. These are very easy meals to get you started in cooking!
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