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Q&A for How to Make Slime Stretchy Again
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QuestionWill this work on clear slime?Unicorn FangirlCommunity AnswerYes, on any slime. Note that the lotion might make your clear slime a little opaque.
QuestionWill this work with any kind of slime, like, fluffy, jiggly, etc.?Community AnswerThese methods should work on all types of slime; however, if you use the lotion method on clear slime, the slime will become more opaque.
QuestionHow do you make slime stretchy without lotionCommunity AnswerYou can microwave the slime for 10 seconds, or place it in warm water for 30 seconds to a minute, depending on your slime's texture.
QuestionCan I use lotion for fluffy slime?Community AnswerSure! Putting lotion on fluffy slime is a great way to make it stretchier. Just be careful that you don't let it become too sticky.
QuestionDo you know a way to make slime softer?Community AnswerAdd more glue and some lotion, shaving cream, or hand soap.
QuestionCan I add hand soap to turn it into hard and rubbery slime?Community AnswerYes. You can also use lotion but hand soap is basically the same. Make sure that you add small amounts of the hand soap slowly into the slime so that you get the consistency right.
QuestionHow do I make a putty dough-like texture into a slime-like texture?Tara NarasipurCommunity AnswerAdding a bit of hand sanitizer and clay together works, but if you want a better texture you should try adding corn starch (if you don't mind having to throw the slime away eventually for hygiene reasons).
QuestionDoes this work for really bad butter slime?Community AnswerYes; however, I would recommend trying adding lotion first, because it works better. If that for some reason does not work, you can try running it under hot water.
QuestionMy slime went tough in warm weather but I’m not sure what to doCommunity AnswerEather add lotion or activator. Some activators that help are eye lens solution or borax. This makes it really consistent, one of my favourite recipes is model magic clay and lotion, just keep adding the lotion and the more sticky it'll get, but caution if you add to much lotions, it will be extremely sticky.
QuestionWhat if your solutions do not make the slime stretchier?Community AnswerAdd lotion. Aveeno lotion and unscented lotions are preferred, but whatever you have will most likely work. If that still doesn't work, add a little extra glue and work it in.
QuestionCan I use Aveeno lotion?Community AnswerAveeno is one of my favorite slime lotions; it always helps when my slimes are super stiff.
QuestionWill this work on Dollar Tree slime?Community AnswerThese tricks work on most types of slime, but it honestly depends on the ingredients that are in it and how old/worn out it is.
QuestionMy fluffy slime is a little bit hard to stretch and then I had to add a ton of lotion. I'm wondering if I can add glitter to the slime when it has already been activated?Community AnswerYou can add glitter once its activated, it'll just be a little bit messy at first but then you can clean it up with the slime.
QuestionIs It safe to microwave slime?Community AnswerYou can put it in a microwave-safe bowl, and put it in the microwave for 10 seconds. Add some lotion for extra softening power.
QuestionMy slime is rubbery and hard I tried putting lotion in but it’s hard to knead and it makes it fall apart. Shall I try to soak it?Isabella AgyemanCommunity AnswerYes, try to soak it but make sure the water is hot. If that doesn't work either try using shaving cream and if that doesn't work that means your slime has dried up and you will need another one.
QuestionMy slime keeps ripping at the ends. Do I add more lotion?*~guinea.pigs~*Community AnswerToo much lotion can negatively affect your slime. Rip off the ends of your slime and knead it. This should work to restore it.
QuestionWhat do you do if your slime is squishy but not stretchy?Community AnswerYou may have overactivated it, or added too much water. Try adding less water next time, and adding lotion, hot water, or leaving it in a warm area for a few days to get it to become stretchy.
QuestionWhat else can we use besides lotionCommunity AnswerYou can warm the slime up with your hands, add a few drops of warm water at a time, leave it by a warm area, or simply let it sit. Slime naturally melts down over time.
QuestionHow else can I make slime stretchy? I've tried everything, and nothing has worked!PalmoilprincessCommunity AnswerUnfortunately, sometimes you have to give up on a slime. Sometimes, they don't turn out the way you want them, or maybe all the things you tried exhausted the slime. Try to make a new slime. The possibilities are endless.
QuestionIf I add lotion, will it make the slime liquidy?Community AnswerIt will at first, but if you keep playing with it, the lotion will massage into the slime and it'll become softer and stretchier. Just make sure you don't add too much lotion at one time.
QuestionWhat if my slime is very hard and falling apart into pieces?Community AnswerIf this is happening, then your slime has over dried and there really isn't anything you can do about it other than making or purchasing a new batch.
QuestionDoes putting contact solution in slime help make it stretchier?Community AnswerIf you add a small amount, yes. However, because it is an activator, if you add a lot it will toughen up instead.
QuestionIf I want really fluffy slime should I add a lot of shaving cream or will that damage the slime some how?Community AnswerAdding a lot of shaving cream won't ruin the slime. You can add insane amounts of shaving cream without it having negative effects in the slime.
QuestionWhat if both of the methods do not work?Community AnswerA third method that is worth trying is adding a tiny amount of glycerine. The glycerine will temporarily make the slime very sticky but if you kneed it a lot, it won't be sticky anymore but it will be stretchier.
QuestionHow do I make slime without glue?Community AnswerTo make no-glue slime, you can replace the glue with a peel-off face mask. This should work the same as glue.
QuestionWhy didn't it work for my slime?VioletLightningtailCommunity AnswerYou probably used other ingredients to make your slime, so you will need other ingredients to make your slime stretchy again. I usually use lotion, though.
QuestionHow do I know when it's ready?Community AnswerYou will know your slime is done when it's fluffy and the tiniest bit sticky. If you don't want it sticky, you can add lotion.
QuestionWill toothpaste work to make slime stretchy again?Community AnswerDifferent types of slime work differently, but most slimes do not work well with toothpaste. Try using lotion instead, and it should help to make your slime stretchy again.
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