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Q&A for How to Make a Rainbow Sheep in Minecraft
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QuestionWhy does naming it jeb_ give it rainbow colors?GrahamsterCommunity AnswerJeb_ is one of the original developers of Minecraft. He added it in as an Easter Egg.
QuestionHow do you make a sheep a specific color (like green) so that it drops that color wool (so if you shear it, you would be getting green wool if it was green and not white)? I'm on Minecraft PE.Redtback_spiderCommunity AnswerYou can either: Breed a blue and yellow sheep and then shear the baby's skin once it has grown. Find a white sheep and right click it with green dye and then shear it.
QuestionWhy do you have to call it jeb?SunPuppyCommunity AnswerJeb is the name of one of the developers of Minecraft, so they used it for this feature. As such, you must name a sheep "jeb_" for it to change colors.
QuestionDo I just name it Jeb without a line or do I add a line like this jeb_?SunPuppyCommunity AnswerYes, you will have to add the _ (underscore) for the sheep to turn rainbow.
QuestionIn minecraft 1.15.2 does it still work if you make it jeb_ in lowercase?SunPuppyCommunity AnswerYes. The "jeb_" must be lowercase for it to work. Otherwise, the sheep will not turn rainbow.
QuestionCan you say jeb and then put something else behind?SunPuppyCommunity AnswerNo. It has to be "jeb_". You can't put anything else on the nametag, or else it won't work.
QuestionHow do I turn other animals rainbow?SunPuppyCommunity AnswerYou can't. The sheep is the only animal that is able to turn rainbow when you name it "jeb_".
QuestionCan Dinnerbone work on all mobs?SunPuppyCommunity AnswerYes. The "Dinnerbone" Easter egg will work on all mobs that have that name.
QuestionWhy do you have to find it in the wild?SunPuppyCommunity AnswerYou don't have to find it in the wild. If you want, you can get a spawn egg and spawn a sheep that way.
QuestionWhy is there an under score?SunPuppyCommunity AnswerThat is just how the developers made it. The underscore needs to be added, or the Easter Egg won't work.
QuestionWhy wont it change colors on a PC?SunPuppyCommunity AnswerIt should change. Maybe you didn't spell it correctly, or didn't use the right capitalization. Try again, and see if it works the next time.
QuestionCan a sheep be a boy or a girl?Seasalt25Top AnswererNo, they can't be either, since sheep and other mobs in Minecraft are genderless. However, you can always decide what their gender is if you want to.
QuestionWhat happens if I name it "jeb_" and then change the name?Seasalt25Top AnswererIf you change the name after naming it "jeb_", it will go back to being a normal colored sheep.
QuestionIs there anything to make a dog go upside down?ViolentPandaCommunity AnswerYes there is. Simply name a name tag Dinnerbone and then it will turn upside down.
QuestionWhy does naming it Grumm turn it upside down?Pansy AllowayCommunity AnswerNaming a sheep Grumm will turn it upside down. The reason is because one of the developer's username is Grumm and they wanted this effect to occur.
QuestionDoes it work on mobile?ILikeSlugsCommunity AnswerIf you mean Pocket Edition, it was merged with Windows 10 and lots of other versions and renamed Bedrock Edition in 2017 so yes, any Easter egg that works for Windows 10 would work with mobile.
QuestionWhy can't you summon a rainbow sheep?ILikeSlugsCommunity AnswerActually, you can. If you have cheats enabled and you're playing Java Edition, type in chat the following: /summon sheep ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName:"\"jeb_\""} and if you're playing Bedrock Edition type this in chat: /summon sheep jeb_~~1~
QuestionWhy doesn't it work on bears?ILikeSlugsCommunity AnswerBears don't exist in Minecraft. If you mean polar bears, then it doesn't work because the jeb_ Easter egg only affects sheep.
QuestionIf the sheep is already named something else and you change it to jeb_ will it still work?Mb_705e4df896c5Community AnswerYes, it will still work if you rename it jeb_. In fact, if you rename the sheep multiple times and rename it jeb_ afterwards, it will still work.
QuestionIf you take the jeb_ sheep and rename it dinnerbone then will it be upside-down and rainbow? If no, does it work the other way around?Seasalt25Top AnswererNo, if you name a sheep Jeb_ and then Dinnerbone, it will just be upside down and whatever color it was originally. This is true if you do it the other way around.
QuestionDoes the sheep need to tamed or can you make a wild sheep rainbow?SunPuppyCommunity AnswerYou can't tame a sheep in Minecraft. So, any sheep will be able to turn rainbow.
QuestionWhy can't we name the sheep Rainbow?Belle K.Top AnswererBecause if you change the name form jeb_ to rainbow, it will get rid of the rainbow effect. The name "jeb_" is what turns the sheep rainbow.
QuestionWhy do you have to name it jeb_?Belle K.Top AnswererBecause this name is what makes it rainbow, it is a reference to one of the people who worked on Minecraft, so it's a tribute in their honor.
QuestionCan I use this for other animals?Belle K.Top AnswererNo this only works with sheep. Cows, pigs, and any other mobs will not receive the rainbow effect from the name.
QuestionIf I shear a rainbow sheep, will it drop rainbow wool?Community AnswerNo, if you shear a rainbow sheep it will not drop rainbow wool because Minecraft doesn't have rainbow wool.
QuestionWhen you shear a rainbow sheep, what color wool does it give you?AlexaCommunity AnswerIt depends. If it's a black sheep, it will drop black wool. If it's a white sheep, it will drop white wool, and so on and so forth. It will not drop rainbow wool because Minecraft does not have rainbow wool.
QuestionCan you do this on Pocket Edition?LukeTop AnswererYes, you can make a rainbow sheep on Pocket Edition. The steps are the same for Pocket Edition.
QuestionCan we name a dog jeb_?LukeTop AnswererYes, you can name your dog jeb_. However, its' fur won't change color, as this Easter Egg only works with sheep.
QuestionIf I have 2 rainbow sheep and breed them, will I get a baby rainbow sheep?LukeTop AnswererNo, it will not produce a baby rainbow sheep, but you can name the baby sheep jeb_, which will turn it rainbow.
QuestionIf I get the timing right and shear the rainbow sheep in its colored wool form, will I get the colored wool?SunPuppyCommunity AnswerNo. It is impossible to get rainbow wool in Minecraft, unless you download a mod.
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