Q&A for How to Mime

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    How long should my act be?
    Community Answer
    Your act can be as long as you want, but avoid making it too long, or it will bore your audience. Several short acts, each a few minutes long, will be more entertaining than one long act.
  • Question
    What does a mime get paid?
    Community Answer
    It depends. If you are a street performer, you may get tipped for your performance. If you are being paid for a show, you will probably be paid a lot more. If you are volunteering, you don't except payment.
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    How do I say thank you?
    Community Answer
    Smile. Open your eyes widely, hold both hands flat against your cheeks, tilting your head, then finish with a dreamy look.
  • Question
    Can I show my teeth during mime act or will it reduce any marks?
    Community Answer
    Showing your teeth is completely fine but make sure not to talk during the process.
  • Question
    How can you mime that you are setting a table?
    Community Answer
    Flap your arms to 'put on the table cloth'. Try to flatten it out before you grab the plates from somewhere approximately five steps away. Place the plates down, then look around for the cutlery and place. If you want to, pretend to fill up a glass of water for each plate you got out. Then place. To end it, usher the guests to the table in readiness for their meal.
  • Question
    How do I mime that I am doing the next mime's makeup?
    Community Answer
    Pretend to take a brush and powder and start to 'spread' it and pretend to open a mascara bottle and apply it.
  • Question
    What role does music play in mime? If a person is playing piano during mime, is he/she counted as a team member?
    Community Answer
    Music has no role in mime, as there is no sound in mime; you would call that "pantomime," where there often is music in the background to make for a dramatic performance.
  • Question
    What type of music would you use?
    Community Answer
    When you mime there is no music. It is an act of using body language to get the story across to your audience, even though there is a lack of sound.
  • Question
    How would I mime that I am driving a bike or motorbike?
    Community Answer
    Try thinking of how you would ride one. First, you would mount it, making sure that you lift your leg up and over for effect. Stand on tiptoes in order to convey that you are stopping, and squat slightly to convey when you are driving. Then, curl your fingers around where the "handlebars" are. If you are riding a "bike" then you can move your knees up and down to mimic peddling.
  • Question
    If you are avoiding the classic mime look, what should you wear?
    Community Answer
    You can wear any single color t-shirt and even use face powder and a little red lipstick to get a light mime look.
  • Question
    How do I mime being a poor person or eating breakfast?
    Community Answer
    Pretend to beg for money and eat cereal or flip pancakes.
  • Question
    How do I mime a flirt?
    Karen Li
    Community Answer
    You should raise one or both eyebrows and lean your body and head towards the person. Give them a small smile and end with a wink. If you want to, you can snap your fingers and point at them when you wink.
  • Question
    How can I do solo miming?
    Community Answer
    First, you need to think about what you want to do. You could do the classic 'I'm stuck in a box!' or the 'Tree'.
  • Question
    How can I show I am healthy and unhealthy at different times?
    Community Answer
    Use body language. Have a larger, more confident stance when healthy. When you're sick, crumple up, have your hand over the "sick spot" (i.e. on your mouth, forehead, stomach, etc.), and have trouble keeping balance. Depending on your "sick spot", it may also help to inaudibly gag or moan.
  • Question
    How do I mime for a school project?
    Community Answer
    This depends on your specific school project. Learn a few basic movements, create a routine, and wear a costume.
  • Question
    How do I mime a mean girl?
    Community Answer
    Act sassy. Put your hand on your hip, glare your eyes, scowl, and point at things and people.
  • Question
    How many members can mime at once?
    Community Answer
    You can mime alone, or perform in a miming group. There isn't a specific number of people who can mime in a group. It is up to you.
  • Question
    Is it good to mouth words when miming?
    Community Answer
    Typically you are just supposed to use facial expressions rather than mouthing words when you are miming.
  • Question
    How old do I have to be to mime?
    Community Answer
    You can be any age, really. Reach for the stars!
  • Question
    How would one mime the act of being a mime?
    Community Answer
    The old "person stuck in a box" routine is one of the most memorable miming routines, so I would suggest you go with that one. Make exaggerated facial expressions while you're doing it.
  • Question
    Would I be disqualified from a mime competition for playing background music?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the individual competition, so you should check the rules before finalizing your act.
  • Question
    How do I mime brushing my teeth?
    Community Answer
    Pretend that you're holding a toothbrush. Then smile, showing your teeth and 'scrub' near your mouth.
  • Question
    I am a dance teacher and would like to do a dance on miming. What kind of music should I use?
    Community Answer
    Use a music box style in order to portray the mime's characteristics.
  • Question
    How do I practice miming?
    Y's music
    Community Answer
    Just do not talk and act out something. Play charades with a friend or your spouse.
  • Question
    How do you introduce yourself in mime?
    Community Answer
    Smile, and hold out your hand, as if to shake the audience's hand.
  • Question
    Can we use chart paper during a mime?
    Community Answer
    If you are talking about during a performance, no. This is because when you mime, you should have no props at all.
  • Question
    How do I mime "warm and comfortable"?
    Community Answer
    Act like you were just walking around in very cold and snowy weather. You just walked into a nice warm cabin and you closed the door. You feel a relief. You take off your scarf, and then your coat, and then your other coat under that. You feel cozy, and still warm and nice. When you finally pull off your hat, you notice there is a fireplace. Warm your hands in front of it.
  • Question
    What do I wear if I don't have the proper clothes?
    Community Answer
    Wear all black if you don't have the clothes. Black is professional and good for almost any situation.
  • Question
    How do I ask a question?
    Community Answer
    You could shrug your shoulders while gesturing or mimicking in a way that poses your question. It's hard to be more specific without knowing the nature of the question being asked.
  • Question
    Can I mime with props?
    Community Answer
    By definition, miming does not include props.
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