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Q&A for How to Plant a Peach Tree
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QuestionWhen do I prune peach trees?Andrew Carberry is a Food Systems Expert and the Senior Program Associate at the Wallace Center at Winrock International in Little Rock, Arkansas. He has worked in food systems since 2008 and has experience working on farm-to-school projects, food safety programs, and working with local and state coalitions in Arkansas. He is a graduate of the College of William and Mary and holds a Masters degree in public health and nutrition from the University of Tennessee.You should do most of your pruning in late winter, before spring growth begins.
QuestionHow deep or wide do full grown peach tree roots grow?Andrew Carberry is a Food Systems Expert and the Senior Program Associate at the Wallace Center at Winrock International in Little Rock, Arkansas. He has worked in food systems since 2008 and has experience working on farm-to-school projects, food safety programs, and working with local and state coalitions in Arkansas. He is a graduate of the College of William and Mary and holds a Masters degree in public health and nutrition from the University of Tennessee.The depth and width of mature peach tree roots depends on the variety, but tends to range between 10 to 20 feet out from the tree.
QuestionHow far apart should I plant peach trees?Community AnswerThis depends on your tree variety and its spread. Standard size trees need more room, up to 18 feet. Dwarf and semidwarf varieties need less spacing; about 10 to 14 feet shuyld be sufficient. Plan on spacing trees as far apart as their expected height.
QuestionHow big does the tree get?Community AnswerIt can grow up to 25 feet tall.
QuestionWhich month is best for planting peach trees?Community AnswerNovember to the end of February (or March or even April in the north of Scotland).
QuestionI planted one peach tree last year. Someone told me you should always plant two. Is this true?Community AnswerNo, you only need one peach tree if you only want one. I only have one and the 5th year mine yielded a small bushel full of peaches throughout the summer.
QuestionHow tall are peach trees?Community AnswerThey are about 15-20 feet tall on average. There are dwarf versions that grow 12-15 feet as well.
QuestionMy peach tree had leaf buds when I bought it, and it has several tall main branches. I trimmed the rest, but it isn't leafing out. Is it dead?Community AnswerNo, it's probably not dead. Check the condition of the plant and consider replanting.
QuestionHow far from the wall should I plant a peach tree?Community AnswerAt least 20 ft. You don't want the tree's roots to damage your house's foundation.
QuestionHow do I know whether I should bring my potted peach tree indoors for the winter?Community AnswerYour peach needs a chill period to fruit correctly. It will be fine left out through the winter. Water less if in a pot, because the roots may freeze if they're too wet.
QuestionCan you plant citrus trees nearby?Community AnswerI wouldn't, as citrus trees make the soil very acidic, which could be harmful to your peach trees.
QuestionMy peach tree is 7 years old, but the fruit tastes tart. Is it because of the kind of peach tree I have or does it need more fertilizer?Community AnswerIt needed more fertilizer or other macro nutrients, probably potassium or phosphorus. Next time, look up peach tree fertilizer requirements before adding any.
QuestionAre ants on my peach tree dangerous?Community AnswerThey may eat your peaches before you get to them.
QuestionWhen I bought the tree from a nursery, I put it in the shade and it was good. After a few weeks I moved it to a 6 hour+ sun location and all the leaves turned orange and started falling. Help?Community AnswerIt sounds like the tree was getting too much water. After heavy rainfalls mine have yellowed. Not to worry, they fall off and more will grow. Ease off the water. Peach trees need good drainage and do not like their roots sitting in water.
QuestionHow often should a new peach tree get watered?Community AnswerOn average, mature peach trees require at least 36 inches of water per year.
QuestionCan I plant a peach tree in the same hole where an old dead peach tree had been?Community AnswerIf the old tree simply died due to old age, then the nutrients leftover from the decomposed remnants of the tree may be a key supplement to your new peach tree. If the old tree died from disease or lack of nutrients, however, avoid doing that as the new tree risks getting the same diseases from spores, etc. left behind.
QuestionCan I grow a peach tree with just the pit? How long will it take to grow?Community AnswerYes, seedlings throw true to the parent stock. Keep them pruned to about 2 metres, for ease of picking. They should fruit every year.
QuestionWill a tree still bear fruit if I do not allow it to grow large?Community AnswerYes. You can prune trees to about 2 meters for ease of picking and they will still be fruiting.
QuestionHow can I get rid of worms inside of my peaches when they are ripening?Community AnswerTo discourage future outbreaks, remove infested fruit. Plant varieties that produce before the pest emerges. 'Tropic Beauty,' for example, is a 150-chill-hour peach that produces before the curculio is active. Ask your nurseryman or your extension office for an appropriate insecticide. Use pesticides and suggest using other protections that deter bugs and worms.
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