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Q&A for How to Play 'Ding Dong Ditch'
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QuestionWhat if the doorbell has a camera?Community AnswerDo not ring that doorbell, or pretend to be a "visitor." To be on the safe side, stay away from camera doorbells.
QuestionWhat should I do if I'm hiding and person begins to scan the area?Community AnswerStay where you are, and wait until they leave. If you are close to your escape route, then wait until the person's back is turned before running for it.
QuestionWhat should I do if I'm caught by the police when playing Ding Dong Ditch?Community AnswerJust be honest and explain that you were playing a game. It would be a good idea to offer a sincere apology too.
QuestionWhat if my neighbor says something ugly, do I get revenge or not?Community AnswerYou really should not, because it will create more tensions. It would be harder for both of you to make up for each other. You should try to be the good guy in every tension or situation.
QuestionWhat if I get caught?Community AnswerRun as fast as you can and don’t stop until you're safe, or just say you're sorry.
QuestionCan I play this in an apartment building?Community AnswerYes, but many apartment buildings have cameras that may catch you in the act.
QuestionWhat would happen if I ding dong ditch a cop's house?Community AnswerJust own up to it, or say "I'm sorry, I knocked on the wrong door and I got embarrassed so I ran away."
QuestionWhat if a person threatens me when I do this?Community AnswerUnless they're threatening you with a weapon, run away. If they have a weapon, apologize and do exactly what they say.
QuestionHow would I do this to a good friend's house?Community AnswerRun around the yard and knock on every door. Then, hide and repeat.
QuestionIf I get caught and they don't know me, should I run?Community AnswerYes. If they get a bike to catch up with you, try to lose them by running through a yard. If they're in a car, get into someone's yard; they wont drive into it.
QuestionIs this the same if it is an old person's house?Community AnswerYou should not ding dong ditch an elderly person's house.
QuestionWhat is a good age to play this?Community AnswerAny age is fine, as long as you're somewhat of a fast runner or have older people with you.
QuestionWhat is the minimum age for playing this game?Community AnswerThere is no minimum age, just be safe and don't get caught.
QuestionWhat if they try to attack me?Community AnswerIf they attempt to attack you, run away as fast as you can.
QuestionIf they get close to where I hid, should I stay hidden or make a break for it?Community AnswerIt's usually best to stay hidden if you can. If they actually spot you, then you should run!
QuestionWhat if the owner grabs me and calls the police?Community AnswerYour best chance is to try to escape their grasp and run as fast as you can. If you can't get away, you will just have to deal with the consequences.
QuestionHow do I find someone that ding dong ditched my house?Community AnswerIf they only did it once, it's unlikely you'll be able to find out who it was. If they do it all the time, install a camera by your front door.
QuestionWhat do I do if I ding dong ditch and get caught? What do I do if they tell my parents?Community AnswerIf you get caught, you have one of two options: you could run away, or you could own up to what you’ve done and be honest. If they tell your parents, just tell them the truth. This game has been around almost as long as doorbells, so chances are your parents may have played it themselves (and maybe gotten caught!).
QuestionCan I play Ding Dong Ditch with people I know?Community AnswerOf course, it is a good idea to have one or two close friends to play the game with, but not too many or it will be hard to get away. It is also fine to play this prank on someone you know.
QuestionHow would a house with motion sensing devices be vulnerable for ding dong ditching?Community AnswerIf the motion sensing devices have cameras, and many do, then they really would not be vulnerable, because anyone attempting to "ding dong ditch" would be caught on video. If the motion sensing device is just a porch light or something, then you could still probably "ding dong ditch" and get away before anyone sees you (if you're fast).
QuestionWhat should I do if a dog runs out at me and starts barking when playing Ding Dong Ditch?Community AnswerJust make a break for it! Run as fast as you can. A lot of dogs are trained not to leave their yard, so there's a good chance you'll get away if you're fast.
QuestionHow do I play Ding Dong Ditch if they don't have a doorbell?Community AnswerYou could just knock on their door or if you really want to ring a doorbell, find another house to do it to.
QuestionWhat do I do if I'm dared to play Ding Dong Ditch?Community AnswerIt depends. Of course, no one can force you to do it if you don't want to. If it's to a silly point, then it's best to say no.
QuestionCan you go to jail for playing DDD?Tanvi KavitiCommunity AnswerNo, not usually, unless you have broken a law. If you've upset someone, you may get into a bit of trouble or even get the police called on you, but they will let you off with a warning if you are truthful and own up to your actions sincerely.
QuestionWhat is the maximum amount of people for this prank?Tanvi KavitiCommunity AnswerThe max should be 4 people, to avoid getting caught. From experience, it's best to only bring 1 or 2 friends.
QuestionI am overweight and cannot run fast. What can I do?Noah WaiteCommunity AnswerTry to find a close hiding spot. An example might be behind the corner of their door.
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