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Q&A for How to Play UNO
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QuestionWhat is UNO Attack?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerUNO Attack is a variation on regular UNO that includes a card shooter and special action cards. If a player gets an “attack” card, they can shoot a stream of cards at an opponent, which they must add to their deck. To play it, you’ll need to purchase the UNO Attack! game.
QuestionCan you play UNO with regular playing cards?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerYes, you can. Use the Jack as a skip or reverse card, the queen to make the next person pick up 2 cards, and the king to let you change suits. You can use the ace to change your suit and make the next person pick up 4 cards. The rest of the cards act as regular number cards.
QuestionIf you play a Draw 2 or Draw 4 as your last card, does the next player have to draw?Community AnswerYes, the next player draws that number of cards before adding up points.
QuestionWhat does the reverse card look like?Community AnswerIt is a card with a next switch sign on it, it has two arrows, one going one way and another going a different way and it comes in every color/suit.
QuestionWhat is the meaning of "draw"?Community AnswerDraw in UNO means to fetch a card or a set of cards as per the counter card discarded by your opponent.
QuestionWhat happens if I forget to say UNO?Community AnswerIf someone notices that you forgot to say UNO, you are forced to draw two cards from the deck.
QuestionWhat is the point of the game?Community AnswerThe point of the game is to be the first person to use all of the cards, and has none remaining.
QuestionCan I play two null cards of different colors, one after another, in a 2-player game?Community AnswerIt depends whether you are playing UNO strictly by the rules, or are adding some tweaks and variations of your own. In general, however, the null cards are taken out of the deck at the beginning of each game. If a card becomes lost or damaged, the null card can be added to the deck and replace that card.
QuestionCan I play a Draw 4 card on top of another Draw 4 card?Community AnswerAccording to the official rules, no. If you happen to have your own rules to the game that everyone abides to, then yes you can and instead of you picking up 4. The person after you would have to pick up 8. Also if there's a +4 card, you may put down a +2 card to "save yourself" and the person after you would pick up 6
QuestionIs it acceptable to play a 2+ card on a 4+ card?Community AnswerYou can if only the 2+ card is the same color as the color that the player chose when he/she put the 4+ card.
QuestionCan a player play more than 1 card?Community AnswerIn a two player game, if one player plays a skip card followed by a reverse, that player lays down a second card. Otherwise, it's impossible my standard UNO rules.
QuestionThe last card played was a yellow 4. I had none, but I did have a wild card, so I changed the color to green. If the other player doesn't have a green card but does have a 4, how would we play?Community AnswerAfter a wild card, the next player MUST play the color announced or another wild card. If they have no cards of the color asked for, they must draw instead. The card before the wild card has no impact on their play.
QuestionCan I put a Draw 2 card on a Skip card if two people are playing?Community AnswerIf you're playing with one other person and that person puts down a Skip card, your turn is skipped and they go again.
QuestionCan I play two or more of same numbered cards at one time?Community AnswerNo, you cannot play more than one card in your turn. In a two-player game, it is possible to have more than one turn without your opponent getting a turn by putting down reverse or skip turn cards all in one turn.
QuestionWhat happens if you play a Draw 2 on top of another Draw 2?Community AnswerOfficially, nothing special happens; each Draw 2 makes the next person skip their turn and draw two cards. However, many people play with this house rule: if someone plays a Draw 2, the next player can "save himself" by playing another Draw 2. He doesn't have to draw any cards, and the next player has to draw four (unless she plays a third Draw 2 and makes the player after her draw six cards.)
QuestionCan I throw a reverse instead of picking up cards for a draw two?Joshua SargentCommunity AnswerNo, you still have to pick up two cards. It would be considered cheating if you didn't.
QuestionIf I have the color that is being played along with a draw 4 card, can I play the draw 4?Community AnswerYes, you can play the draw 4 card.
QuestionWhat do you do when there is a Wild card?Community AnswerWhen there is a Wild card, place it down and change the required color to any color you want.
QuestionWhen someone throws a draw two card, can the next person discard two cards of the same color instead of picking up two cards?Cool⚡️KIDCommunity AnswerNo. You must do as the draw two card says, which is to draw two cards, not discard.
QuestionCan I use a draw 4 as the last card?Community AnswerOfficially, there's no restriction against doing so. But players generally do not do that. They use a colored card.
QuestionWhat happens if the draw pile is out of cards, but still players have cards in their hands?Community AnswerMake a new draw pile by shuffling the cards in the discard pile.
QuestionWhat is the wild switch card?Community AnswerThe wild card can be used to change color and force every player to use the card of the color you chose.
QuestionIf there is 7 card down and I have a 7 card and a Wild card in my hand, can I play either one?Community AnswerYes, you can play the 7 or you can play the Wild to change the color and hold onto your 7. It's your choice.
QuestionCan I play a Wild Draw Four card if you have another card of the same number or color in the discard pile?Community AnswerYes, you can play a Wild Draw Four card any time it is your turn.
QuestionCan I only finish on a number card?Community AnswerNo, you can finish on any card providing it matches the top card of the pile down.
QuestionIf the last card between two players is a wild card, will it be a draw?Community AnswerNo, a draw cannot happen if the last card is a wild card. When you put a wild card as your last card, you win the game.
QuestionAre you allowed tp play a +2 card straight after when someone puts down a +2 card for you, which then means that the next player must draw 4 cards unless if he/she also has a +2 card?Community AnswerYes, you are allowed only if you have the "Card Stack" rule. Make sure everyone agrees with this rule before starting the game if you plan to use it.
QuestionIf I play a wild or draw four card, does my turn change?Cool⚡️KIDCommunity AnswerWhen you play a wild card, your turn is over, and you can announce the color that people now have to play. When you draw a "Draw Four" card, your turn is over, and you can announce the color that the other players have to draw. The player after you now has to draw four cards.
QuestionIf you have two or three of the same cards (so three 2 cards), can I play all three, one after the other?Community AnswerThe rules state that this cannot happen. This is a common rule that is used in UNO, but not an official one.
QuestionWhat happens if the person playing the wild card forgets to change the color during the turn? Will the former color remain in play?Community AnswerThose playing wild cards are required to select a color during their turn. This means that the former color will not remain in play until the player picks the color.
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